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Assignment 1

(Using BDD approach, build a small automation framework)

Scenarios implemented

  1. Search for a valid post code (should_be_able_to_search_a_postcode_and_see_weather_details)
  2. Valid all the manditory field (should_be_able_to_search_a_postcode_and_see_weather_details)
  3. Valid all the optional field (should_be_able_to_search_a_postcode_and_see_weather_details)
  4. Search Non existing post code (should_be_able_to_see_error_message_for_invalid_postcode)
  5. Search invalid post code (should_be_able_to_see_error_message_for_non_existing_postcode)

Framework used

This project is test automation of Weather Cherker app ("") using serenity automation framework with Screen Play Design Pattern

Running test

Clone the repo Make sure you have maven

$ geckodriver &
$ mvn clean verify

Running in headless mode

This will enable us to run automation in CI tools like Jenkins , GO .

Install Phantomjs

$ brew install phantomjs

Run following command

$ mvn clean -Dwebdriver.driver=phantomjs verify


After running the test serenity reports will be generated at following location


Assignment 2

Q : Suppose you want to run some of these test in a development pipeline thats independent from the backend pipeline. Explain how you could approach this:

  • What techniques,framework or tools you might thing using
  • How you would go abount integrating this framework with a CI pipeline.


  1. To run few of the test in development pipeline one can use following approach
  • cucumber supports tags e.g. “@SmokeTests" can be associated with a scenario in feature file
  • Junit tags e.g. @WithTag("SmokeTests") can be associate to junit test.
  1. As I have already used maven we can trigger above annoted test cases from command line arguments of junit or cucumber tags can be used
  • Cucumber : -Dcucumber.options="--tags @SmokeTests"
  • Junit : -Dtags="color:blue"
  1. And then one can trigger above test with command line arguments with maven on CI [Jenkins add a downstream job/ pipleline step ]
  • mvn clean verify -Dtags="color:blue"