The aim of this project to help the Hi gh T hroughput S creening process. The current subgoal is developing nodes to KNIME helping the data analysis of the results.
At current stage the plugin is able to import data (the summary by wells data) from IN Cell Analyser 1000 Excel output, analyse it using CellHTS2, and use KNIME plugins to further analyse the results of the output of the CellHTS2 node. Also created some nodes to visualise the data in a plate-based form heatmaps, denrogram with heatmap, or just a heatmap.
Currently only cellHTS2 2.6.x is supported (the new 2.8.x series is not yet).
First steps after install
An easy approach to start is downloading the content of this folder, and import this workflow. After that you should follow the instructions to get familiar with this data analysis tool.
This development was supported by a Marie Curie Fellowship.