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Workflow Documentation for access: youtube

This document outlines the intended workflows within the access: youtube application, detailing user actions and corresponding application activities.

1. Initial Entry - Homepage

User Action: User navigates to the root URL (/).

App Activity:

  • The logo and SearchForm component are displayed.
  • The searchForm is immediately focused on desktop, and the user can immediately start typing.
  • Note, this is not the case on mobile, where the user must first click the search form to focus it.

2. Performing a Search

User Action: User enters a search term in the SearchForm and submits the form (presses Enter or clicks "Search").

App Activity:

  • SearchForm Component (app/components/SearchForm.js):
    • If empty, the user is redirected to /.
    • The app navigates to the URL path corresponding to the sanitizedsearch term (e.g., /search+term).
    • Note, the user can directly navigate to the search results page by typing the URL in the browser.
  • Middleware (middleware.js):
    • The middleware intercepts the navigation to the search results page (/[...term]/page.js).
    • The search term is checked against the bad words database, using the check-bad-words API route
  • check-bad-words API route (app/api/check-bad-words/route.js):
    • Splits the search term into words.
      • Queries the SQLite database (bad_words table) for any matching words.
      • If bad words are found, the user is redirected to / with a permanent redirect.
    • Note, it is of vital importance that the search form is re-rendered EMPTY when this redirect happens.
    • If the search term does not contain bad words, the search results page is rendered.
  • Search Results Page (app/[...term]/page.js):
    • The search results are fetched from the /api/search route.
    • If the search term matches the cookie, the app will use the playlist stored in the cookie and return the search results page.
    • If the search term does not match the cookie, the search results are updated in the cookie as a playlist of video IDs and titles along with the search term.
    • The search results page is rendered as a grid of video IDs and titles.
    • On desktop the searchForm is autofocused, and the user can immediately start typing. This is not the case on mobile.

3. Playing a Video from Search Results

User Action: User clicks on a video result.

App Activity:

  • Play Page (app/play/[videoId]/page.js):
    • On desktop the searchForm is autofocused, and the user can immediately start typing. This is not the case on mobile.

    • The videoId is extracted from the URL parameters.

    • There is absolutely no other mechanism required to determine which video to play.

    • It is essential the video autoplays, regardless of user devices

    • THe video stops at the end, awaiting further user action

    • The vidoeID of the URL is matched against the playlist of video IDs stored in the session cookie, to determine the index of the current video.

    • The index is used to determine the next video to play, incrementing the index.

    • The searchterm in the session cookie is used to determine the backlink to the search results page.

4. Direct Navigation to Play Page

User Action: User navigates to the play page by typing the URL with videoId /play/videoId in the browser.

App Activity:

  • The app checks finds the video title and checks it for bad words.
  • If the video title contains bad words, the user is redirected to / with a permanent redirect.
  • If the video title does not contain bad words, the video is played
  • A playlist is created in the session cookie, containing video IDs and titles and image links, along with the search term based on the video title.
  • The current video is considered the first video in the playlist.
  • The searchterm in the session cookie is used to determine the backlink to the search results page.