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Releases: acdh-oeaw/arche-core


08 Aug 13:35
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Do not expose the GEOM internal literal type in the generated RDF metadata. Use xsd:string instead.

Various improvements

02 Aug 15:24
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  • GET /{resourceId} endpoint:
  • GET /{resourceId}/metadata:
    • Supports new resourceProperties[] and relativesProperties[] request parameters allowing to limit the set of returned RDF properties (leading to shorter response times and smaller response size).
    • Supports new generic metadata read mode {childrenDepth}_{parentsDepth}_{fromResource}_{toResource}.
  • GET /search and POST /search):
    • Supports new resourceProperties[] and relativesProperties[] request parameters allowing to limit the set of returned RDF properties (leading to shorter response times and smaller response size).
    • Supports new generic metadata read mode {childrenDepth}_{parentsDepth}_{fromResource}_{toResource}.
    • Honors metadata property value type while ordering search results (e.g. 10^^xsd:int is now greater then 3^^xsd:int).
    • Reports metadata values used for ordering in dedicated artificially created triples.
  • GET /describe endpoint emits the ETag and the Last-Modified headers

Database-embedded functions:

  • Declare get_relatives_metadata(), get_neighbors_metadata() and get_relatives() as STABLE PARALLEL SAFE allowing their in-lining in the execution plan and parallel execution plans usage.

Other changes:

  • TransactionDaemon orchestration in tests tuned to avoid hanging CI runs.


18 Feb 09:45
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Honor requested RDF output format in search


18 Feb 09:33
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Redirection of non-binary resource GET/HEAD to its metadata GET/HEAD fixed.


15 Feb 11:56
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Fixed an issue with an error being thrown after the response has been already send back to the client.

Indicate matching resources order in search responses

07 Feb 15:29
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If the ordered search is requested, the response contains <resource> $.schema.searchOrder orderNumber triples allowing to reliably sort search results on the client side.

This release requires a new yaml config property $.schema.searchOrder to be defined.

Include identifiers in the full text search

04 Feb 15:33
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build/dbupdates/3.3.0.sql: fixed a typo

Maintenance release

04 Feb 15:20
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arche-lib version fixed at >=4 <4.1 to avoid problems with database changes in arche-core 3.3 coupled with arche-lib 4.1


24 Jan 11:10
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Required PHP version constraint fixed in composer.json

Better conflict handling

10 Jan 13:38
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Map lock timeout on final acdhOeaw\arche\core\RestController::$pdo->commit() in acdhOeaw\arche\core\RestController::handleRequest() to HTTP 409 error (instead of reporting HTTP 500).