Releases: acdh-oeaw/arche-gui
Releases · acdh-oeaw/arche-gui
versions block moved to api endpoint
v4.17 PHP code fixes
sql update with langtag support
v4.16.1 treeview sql langtag und handling added
dashboard sql changes #20320
v4.16 dashboard new sql added
db update with info page updates
v4.15.6 about info changes
search regex changed
v4.15.5 search regex changes
sql fix
v4.15.4 translate fix
#20240 property ordering fix
v4.15.3 #20240
#20213 bug fix
v4.15.2 #20213
#20213 bug fix
detail view property list bug if multiple language exists
#19777 API Acess text updated
v4.15 #19777