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Releases: acdh-oeaw/arche-lib


31 Mar 11:34
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SearchTerm::getSqlQueryFts() fixed again

Adjusted to arche-core 1.11.0

30 Mar 17:27
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Adjusted to arche-core 1.11.0

API enhancement

04 Mar 18:21
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acdhOeaw\acdhRepoLib\RepoResourceDb::getMetadataQuery() method extracted from acdhOeaw\acdhRepoLib\RepoResourceDb::loadMetadata. This change allows to access resource metadata on a raw PDOStatement level.

"ids" metadata read mode introduced

17 Feb 17:21
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"ids" metadata read mode returns minimal set of data - only triples having matching resource repo URL as subject, label property and all label property values. It allows to avoid an overhead of fetching large metadata amounts when a client is only interested in a resource URL and label.

Minor improvements

17 Feb 15:54
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Include binaries in full text search even when language filter is provided (binaries never have language).

Zero-config Repo and RepoResourceResolver enhancements

17 Feb 15:19
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  • Repo::factoryFromUrl() takes optional $metaReadModeHeader parameter
  • RepoResourceResolver::resolveUrl() makes use of metadataReadMode header name when it's known

Both changes allow faster resource resolution in the zero-config mode when the metadataReadMode HTTP header name is known (which is not entirely zero-config any more...)

Zero-config Repo and RepoResource added

17 Feb 12:28
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  • acdhOeaw\acdhRepoLib\Repo::factoryFromUrl() method added allowing to instantiate a Repo object having just a repository resource URL. All the required repository configuration is being read from repository's REST API /describe endpoint.
  • acdhOeaw\acdhRepoLib\RepoResourceResolver can now be instantiated without any configuration. A mixed mode has been also added allowing to fall back to the zero-configuration mode (which can resolve against any repository) if a resource isn't found in the configuration-based mode (which imposes coupling with a single repository instance).

The only disadvantage of zero-config modes is they resolve resources a few times slower than configuration-based modes.

API enhancement

16 Feb 17:25
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  • acdhOeaw\acdhRepoLib\RepoResourceInterface::META_PARENTS metadata read mode added. It works like META_RELATIVES but returns only parents metadata. In contrary to META_RELATIVES which can return enormous amounts of data for resources having enormous children count META_PARENTS is safe (until the repository has enormously deep resource hierarchy).
  • acdhOeaw\acdhRepoLib\RepoResourceResolver class added saving quite some boiler plate code needed to check what kind of repository connection should be established (REST API one or direct database access one) and how to nicely handle errors for HTTP services. This class is meant to be used e.g. in dissemination services.


05 Feb 08:07
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Missed porting error fixed thanks to PHP 8


07 Oct 16:09
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SearchTerm class fixes for dates outside of the Postgresql timestamp range.