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lock on laser and a-10D crash #2938

madpat3 opened this issue Dec 5, 2015 · 1 comment

lock on laser and a-10D crash #2938

madpat3 opened this issue Dec 5, 2015 · 1 comment


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madpat3 commented Dec 5, 2015

lock on laser and a-10D crash


Placed modules:

time = 20.453

diag_fps = 51.9481
count ace_common_waitAndExecArray = 0
count cba_common_perFrameHandlerArray = 23 (max 23)
count diag_activeSQFScripts = 6
count diag_activeSQSScripts = 0
count diag_activeMissionFSMs = 0

typeOf = B_medic_F
animationState = amovpercmstpsraswrfldnon

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cba_common_pfhhandles - ARRAY SIZE: 28
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ace_weather_tempday - ARRAY SIZE: 12
cba_common_addons - ARRAY SIZE: 681
cba_int_string_table - ARRAY SIZE: 1000
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ace_medical_allavailabledamagetypes - ARRAY SIZE: 11
ace_interact_menu_act_camanbase - ARRAY SIZE: 12
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ace_gforces_gforces - ARRAY SIZE: 30
cba_ktab - ARRAY SIZE: 128
slx_xeh_events_nat - ARRAY SIZE: 35
cba_ytab - ARRAY SIZE: 128
ace_atragmx_workingmemory - ARRAY SIZE: 18
ace_kestrel4500_total - ARRAY SIZE: 14
ace_kestrel4500_menus - ARRAY SIZE: 16
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extended_respawneh on [p] - ARRAY SIZE: 14
extended_killedeh on [p] - ARRAY SIZE: 14
extended_firedbiseh on [p] - ARRAY SIZE: 16

-can't get a lock onto laser targets, alightened by my own "backpack-darter drone",
while sitting in an a-10d (gbu12 armed). 
(with a darter drone, already put on map in the editor, it works fine.)

-when i crash with the a-10, im still alive and can do medical actions to me, 
but can't get out of the vessel, nor can i do anything else.

Steps to reproduce:
-place an a-10d and an uav-operator in the editor. - preview
assemble the drone let it fly and lase something. fly the a-10 switch to gbu and try to lock onto lasertarget.

-crash the plane and fix yourself via medical menu, try to do something else

Where did the error occure?

RPT log file:

happened at the end of that LONG list (sorry for that)
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commy2 commented Dec 11, 2015

ace_medical_preventInstaDeath - true

There you go. You prevented insta death.

As for the rest, closing this as a dup of #2784

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