One of the significant challenges facing college students aspiring to break into their respective industry today is the necessity to meaningfully network with industry professionals. Ment(or/ee) aims to assist students in overcoming this challenge by sophisticatedly matching them with professionals willing to mentor students on their journey. Simply create a profile stating your goals—whether for long-term guidance, resume reviews, mock interviews, or just a simple coffee chat—and you can establish a meaningful professional connection with Ment(or/ee).
Find our presentation here!
User auth → account / profile
Select account to be either a mentor or mentee
Basic professional profile info: name, picture, education/company, industry, etc.
View/edit your own profile
Matching algorithm that makes matches based on user preferences
Define preferences in the type of mentorship, career, field, location, and education that the user is looking for in a mentor or mentee
Algorithm considers attributes, each with different weight, in the matching process before returning a percentage match
Task list for mentorship
Due dates, meeting links, resources, timeline, and other task details in a kanban board style
Search and view other user’s profiles, leave reviews/recommendations
Reviews and recommendations can be public or anonymous
Start a chat with other users
Include suggested messages to reply with
Connect to zoom to easily schedule virtual chats impromptu or as recurring meetings
Connect to each other’s own zoom account
If preferred or possible, embed the zoom meeting into the client itself
MERN Stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js)
Comprehensive Full-Stack Tutorials
Third-party Integrations / APIs
Dev Tools/Software
Frontend Tasks
Backend Tasks
Week 1
Get to know everyone :)
Begin UI/UX design. (Utilize Moqups or Figma )
Invite everyone to github repo, clone repo onto everyone’s machines
Set up development environments for front-end (React)
Set up development environments for back-end (MongoDB, Express.js, Node.js)
Week 2/3
Get familiar with tech stack
Begin starting with basic deliverables
Brainstorm schemas for the database (Both front-end and back-end should be in agreement before creating states/models)
Finalize UI/UX design concepts (Finish by end of Week 2)
Implement designs for Profile page, Login/Register page and set-up homepage (will be finished in a later week).
Implement the review/recommendation submission component for the profile page
Spin up MongoDB Atlas cluster, give everyone access to the database and download Compass for database administration
Organize Node.js server and set up auth routes with Express.js, implement JWT strategy (optional: protect routes with authorization)
Implement routes and middleware for other user CRUD
Week 3/4
Work on chat and algorithm
Finish auth
Set up routing for pages and set up context components to handle JWT auth (alternatively could store JWT in localStorage)
Begin implementing designs for DM chats page or popup (a component listing available chats + a component for the chat itself)
Design/write the matching algorithm then test and refine with mock users (generate some mock users with Mockaroo)
Create route(s) to set a match for users
Begin implementing CRUD for chats and/or integrating live chat service (Twilio or
Week 5/6
Finish homepage, fill feed with top matches for mentoring/menteeing
Implement button to connect with a matched user (initiates DM)
Finish server side for chat if not finished yet
Begin implementing Zoom meeting creation with server-to-server OAuth Zoom client API
Week 7/8
If there’s still time and space, choose a stretch goal to start developing.
Begin brainstorming ideas for presentation night (be funny and have fun lol)
Implement component to call on the server to book a Zoom meeting with the user’s match (placement within the client is up to team)
Refine styling and other tweaks to pages/components
Finish Zoom integration
Begin testing for bugs and any issues with server side features
Week 9/10
Presentation Practice!
Presentation Practice!
Presentation Practice!
Technical Resume builder augmented by generative AI (likely RAG with GPT)
Generate suggestions to the document with grammar/diction
Upload pre existing document to scan if the document is ATS friendly
Connect to other social platform profiles (LinkedIn / GitHub)
Use additional info to autofill profile
Verify profile with work / school email or other credentials
LinkedIn OAuth (if team is able to integrate Zoom, this should follow just as easily, time permitting)
Google Maps Integration
Little map included on profile to mark which city a user is based out of
Fun little thing :)
Group mentorship
Real Users :0
Change directories over to our repository
git branch
Lists branches for you
git branch "branch name"
Makes new branch
git checkout "branch name"
Switch to branch
git checkout -b "branch name"
Same as 2 previous commands together
git add .
Finds all changed files
git commit -m "Testing123"
Commit with message
git push origin "branch"
Push to branch
git pull origin "branch"
Pull updates from a specific branch
get commit hash (find on github or in terminal run git log --oneline ) then git revert 2f5451f --no-edit
Undo a commit that has been pushed
git reset --soft HEAD~
Undo commit (not pushed) but keep the changes
get commit hash then git reset --hard 2f5451f
Undo commit (not pushed) and remove changes