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neil edited this page May 1, 2018 · 74 revisions

Thanks to those who donate:

(If you want to be listed with your website link here, please write email to me: ) (You can also find me on Twitter: @neilpangxa)

(In date time order, from the early to the latest)

  1. Third Eye
  2. Chan Davy
  3. Stephan Herbers
  4. Armando Lüscher
  5. Barry van Someren
  6. Robert Wetzlmayr
  7. Ricardo Cabrera
  8. Coffeesprout ICT services
  9. myGeiger Scientific Instruments Oy
  10. shimile@GitHub
  11. John Elliot ProgClub
  12. Dan Langille
  13. Haiku Lab Limited
  14. Miroslav Lachman
  15. Yannick Grangé
  16. Christian Kraus
  17. Jean-Baptiste Marie
  18. Steven Grantz
  19. Chris Gelatt
  20. Petr Líbal
  21. Neil Sabol
  22. Ovchinnikov Alexey
  23. (Klaus Lehmann)
  24. Maurice Bleuel
  25. Romain Muller
  26. Stefan Daschek
  27. Andreas Vögele
  28. Moritz Süß
  29. Simon Hengchen
  30. Chen Wei Chi
  31. Allen Thompson
  32. Peter Berbec
  33. Гончаров Владимир
  34. Stuart Friedberg
  35. Scott Aitken
  36. Bob Geddes
  37. David Yang


发现有人微信捐助了. 但是微信这个真是看不见名字, 只能全部匿名了. 欢迎大家自己补上: (排名不分先后)

  1. 匿名
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  4. 匿名
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  15. 匿名


现在也补上列表, 可能有遗漏, 欢迎大家自己补上: (排名不分先后)

  1. *宇
  2. *宇腾
  3. *文龙
  4. *明军
  5. *士军
  6. *超
  7. *博涵
  8. *祖辉
  9. *欣磊
  10. *智超
  11. *瑞祥
  12. *志伟
  13. *世超
  14. *志杰
  15. *伟
  16. *明
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