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Administrate Changelog


  • [CHANGE]: A breaking change. After an upgrade, your app may need modifications to keep working correctly.
  • [FEATURE]: A non-breaking improvement to the app. Either introduces new functionality, or improves on an existing feature.
  • [UI]: Non-breaking changes to the default user interface (HTML/CSS).
  • [BUGFIX]: Fixes a bug with a non-breaking change.
  • [COMPAT]: Compatibility improvements - changes to make Administrate more compatible with different dependency versions.
  • [I18n]: Internationalization. Changes to translations or localizations.
  • [OPTIM]: Optimization or performance increase.
  • [DOC]: Documentation changes. No changes to the library's behavior.


Upcoming Release

  • [#704] [I18n] Fix word on pt-BR translation

0.3.0 (Oct 28, 2016)

  • [#127] [UI] Add button to clear the search
  • [#656] [COMPAT] Add Rails 5 support

0.2.2 (May 21, 2016)

  • [#560] [BUGFIX] Fix LoadError for apps that don't use images

0.2.1 (May 18, 2016)

  • [#573] [FEATURE] Render custom javascripts and stylesheets to the page by registering them with Administrate in an initializer. For example, you can create config/initializers/administrate.rb with the contents:
    Administrate::Engine.add_javascript "my_plugin/script"
    Administrate::Engine.add_stylesheet "my_plugin/styles"
  • [#567] [FEATURE] Add a partial for rendering HTML links to stylesheets. This is useful for plugin developers, as well as people who want to add custom stylesheets on a page-by-page basis using content_for(:stylesheet).
  • [#492] [FEATURE] Translate attribute labels on show and index pages. To customize an attribute label, add translations according to the structure:
            name: Full Name

0.2.0 (April 20, 2016)

  • [#476] [CHANGE] Extract Administrate::Field::Image into its own gem. Users who have image fields in their dashboards should add to their Gemfile:
    gem "administrate-field-image"

0.1.5 (April 1, 2016)

  • [master] [BUGFIX] Protect from CSRF attacks [CVE-2016-3098]
  • [#422] [FEATURE] Add a Select field for displaying a drop-down menu of options on form pages. Options:
    Field::Select.with_options(collection: [:foo, :bar])
  • [#458] [BUGFIX] Update the custom field generator to match the new HTML structure of forms
  • [#513] [OPTIM] Freeze constants in generated dashboard classes

0.1.4 (February 20, 2016)

  • [#464] [CHANGE] Replace the DashboardManifest with explicit Rails routes.
    • Run rails generate administrate:routes to generate the default routes.
  • [#467] [CHANGE] Update the internal field path to fit Ruby conventions
    # Change any instances of this...
    require "administrate/fields/base"
    # this:
    require "administrate/field/base"

0.1.3 (January 22, 2016)

  • [#269] [FEATURE] Add a generator for copying default layout files
  • [#328] [FEATURE] Add a generator for copying default sidebar partial
  • [#362] [FEATURE] Add a generator for only the dashboard manifest. Customizing this manifest before running the administrate:install generator will change which dashboards get generated.
  • [#295] [FEATURE] Add dashboard detection for ActiveRecord::Enum fields.
  • [#364] [FEATURE] Improve dashboard generator by explicitly listing out the generated SHOW_PAGE_ATTRIBUTES array elements.
  • [#416] [UI] Add an accessibility label to the search input
  • [#411] [UI] Use tabular figures in table cells
  • [#409] [UI] Use default system fonts
  • [#424] [BUGFIX] Fix a bug where running rails destroy GENERATOR_NAME would not work for several of the generators
  • [#390] [BUGFIX] Fix timestamp deprecation warnings
  • [#365] [COMPAT] Remove dependency on inline_svg
  • [#396] [I18n] Ukrainian
  • [#297] [I18n] Italian
  • [#307] [I18n] Fix German grammatical errors
  • [#363] [DOC] Move documentation into main repository, at the root URL
  • [#395] [DOC] Update inline documentation for collection partial
  • [#387] [DOC] Fix incorrect path for generators in the docs

0.1.2 (December 09, 2015)

  • [#251] [FEATURE] Raise a helpful error when an attribute is missing from ATTRIBUTE_TYPES
  • [#298] [FEATURE] Support ActiveRecord model I18n translations
  • [#312] [FEATURE] Add a nil option to belongs_to form fields
  • [#282] [FEATURE] Running the install generator multiple times no longer generates duplicate routes
  • [#231] [UI] Fix layout issue on show page where a long label next to an empty value would cause following fields on the page to be mis-aligned.
  • [#309] [UI] Fix layout issue in datetime pickers where months and years would not wrap correctly.
  • [#306] [UI] Wrap long text lines (on word breaks) on show pages
  • [#214] [UI] Improve header layout when there is a long page title
  • [#198] [UI] Improve spacing around bottom link in sidebar
  • [#206] [UI] Left-align checkboxes in boolean form fields
  • [#315] [UI] Remove the IDS suffix for HasMany form field labels
  • [#259] [BUGFIX] Make installation generator more robust by ignoring dynamically generated, unnamed models
  • [#243] [BUGFIX] Fix up a "Show" button on the edit page that was not using the display_resource method.
  • [#248] [BUGFIX] Improve polymorphic relationship's dashboard class detection.
  • [#247] [BUGFIX] Populate has_many and belongs_to select boxes with the current value of the relationship.
  • [#217] [I18n] Dutch
  • [#263] [I18n] Swedish
  • [#272] [I18n] Danish
  • [#270] [I18n] Don't apologize about missing relationship support.
  • [#237] [I18n] Fix broken paths for several I18n files (de, es, fr, pt-BR, vi).
  • [#266] [OPTIM] Save a few database queries by using cached counts

0.1.1 (November 12, 2015)

  • [#191] [CHANGE] Improve API for specifying how resources are displayed across the dashboard.
    • Models are now displayed with a sensible default - (e.g. "User #2")
    • Users can define ModelDashboard#display_resource(resource) for custom display behavior
    • Users who have generated views for the following field types may need to update them to take advantage of the new API:
      • HasOne
      • HasMany
      • Polymorphic
      • BelongsTo
  • [#126] [UI] Preserve whitespace when rendering text fields
  • [#194] [BUGFIX] Don't clear out datetime values in form fields
  • [#193] [BUGFIX] Don't assume that unrecognized db column types are searchable
  • [#124] [BUGFIX] Better detection of application models
  • [#156] [COMPAT] Include missing sass-rails dependency in gemspec
  • [#174] [COMPAT] Make several missing dependencies explicit.
  • [#144] [COMPAT] Update repository structure so Bundler can pull the gem from github. (e.g. gem "administrate", github: "thoughtbot/administrate")
  • [#166] [COMPAT] Use ANSI SQL standards for case-insensitive search
  • [#223] [I18n] Vietnamese
  • [#161] [I18n] Mandarin Chinese
  • [#196] [I18n] Taiwanese Mandarin
  • [#142] [I18n] Brazilian Portuguese
  • [#171] [I18n] Polish
  • [#153] [I18n] Russian
  • [#148] [I18n] French
  • [#147] [I18n] German
  • [#154] [I18n] Spanish
  • [#120] [DOC] Add Rubygems version badge to README
  • [#165] [DOC] Add CircleCI badge to README
  • [#119] [DOC] Add CodeClimate badge to README

0.1.0 (October 30, 2015)

  • [CHANGE] Render views using local variables, not instance variables.
  • [CHANGE] Rename table -> collection throughout the engine.
    • API for dashboard classes now relies on COLLECTION_ATTRIBUTES constant
    • Generated views now use the _collection partial instead of _table
  • [FEATURE] Add a generator for copying field views to host application
  • [FEATURE] Generated dashboards are more explicit, and more clearly define the API.
  • [FEATURE] Add a generator for creating custom field types
  • [FEATURE] Add generators for copying view templates into host application
  • [FEATURE] Add sensible dynamic titles to the dashboard pages.
  • [FEATURE] Add text field type.
  • [UI] Give form and show pages more consistent label styles
  • [UI] Fix checkbox styling and label alignment.
  • [UI] Fix scrollbar issues on list pages.
  • [BUGFIX] Fix missing dropdown.svg asset.
  • [BUGFIX] Fix asset precompilation issue for datetime_picker_rails gem.
  • [BUGFIX] Remove erroneous "Showing 5 of 1" messages from has_many relationships on the show page.
  • [COMPAT] Use optimistic versioning for all dependencies.
  • [DOC] Update README with a better description of the repo.
  • [DOC] Move changelog to root of repository, improve labels, add key.
  • [DOC] Add comments to all template files describing what variables will be available

0.0.12 (September 26, 2015)

  • [FEATURE] Implement searching over string and email attributes
  • [FEATURE] Add pagination to index views
    • Customizable by overriding Admin::ApplicationController#records_per_page
    • Customizable through HTTP param per_page
  • [FEATURE] Add sorting by column
    • Clicking on the column header multiple times changes sort direction
  • [FEATURE] Generate resource-specific controller subclasses.
  • [FEATURE] Add a limit option to Administrate::Field::HasMany, with a default of 5. This option limits the number of items shown in the relationship table.
  • [UI] Remove logo from the sidebar
  • [UI] Fix alignment issue with string fields on show pages
  • [BUGFIX] Fix a bug where nil in a string field would cause a 500 error.
  • [BUGFIX] Stop supporting has_one fields, which crashed the update action

0.0.11 (September 16, 2015)

  • [FEATURE] Add Administrate::Field::Boolean for displaying boolean data.
  • [FEATURE] support a class_name option in belongs_to relationships. The class name is now detected by the dashboard generator.

0.0.10 (September 15, 2015)

  • [FEATURE] support lookup for models that have a custom to_param method.
  • [FEATURE] Truncate strings on index page, with an optional argument for truncation length
  • [FEATURE] Generate a single controller to serve all resources, to reduce noise after running the install generator.
  • [FEATURE] Add Administrate::Field::DateTime for displaying dates, times, and datetimes.
  • [FEATURE] Add Administrate::Field::Number for displaying currency, integers, and floats. Supports options prefix and decimals.
  • [FEATURE] Generate a single controller to serve all resources, to reduce noise after running the install generator.
  • [FEATURE] Don't display redundant attributes for belongs_to relationships, such as post_id or post_type.
  • [UI] Show whitespace in strings on show pages
  • [BUGFIX] Squash several 500 errors caused by polymorphic relationships.

0.0.9 (September 3, 2015)

  • [UI] Use a light background
  • [UI] Improve element spacing on index page
  • [UI] Improve flash message appearance
  • [UI] make elements more consistent between index and show pages
  • [BUGFIX] Improve development environment; developers can now edit Administrate-related files in their app without needing to restart their server afterwards.
  • [BUGFIX] Stop flash from index page from persisting across requests

0.0.8 (August 28, 2015)

  • [CHANGE] Change the DashboardManifest and ModelDashboard APIs to use constants instead of methods. Recognized constants are:

0.0.7 (August 24, 2015)

  • [CHANGE] use field classes for attribute_types instead of symbols. The new interface adds the .with_options class method, which allows developers to specify options that will be applied when the field object is initialized.
  • [FEATURE] Support has_one relationships
  • [FEATURE] Support has_many :through associations with a custom source option.
  • [FEATURE] Support has_many associations with a custom class_name option.

0.0.6 (July 24, 2015)

  • [FEATURE] Add an outline to links on their focus state to improve accessibility through keyboard navigation.
  • [FEATURE] Limit index pages to displaying four columns of attributes by default, to reduce clutter and overflow in the first-run experience.
  • [FEATURE] Limit index pages to showing 20 items by default. Developers can customize the action to update or remove the limit, or to implement pagination with the system of their choice.

0.0.5 (unreleased)

  • [COMPAT] Administrate relies on the &-suffix feature of SASS, which was released in 3.3.0, as well as using & in SassScript, which was released in 3.4.0. We've declared an explicit dependency on sass ~> 3.4.

0.0.4 (June 26, 2015)

  • [FEATURE] Use selectize.js to improve has_many form field interaction.
  • [UI] remove the "Show" link from tables - it was redundant because clicking on the row itself took the user to the same place.

0.0.3 (June 16, 2015)

  • [FEATURE] the administrate:install generator now runs the dashboard generator for each resource it finds.
  • [COMPAT] Relax the required version of Neat down to ~> 1.1.0

0.0.2 (June 15, 2015)

  • [BUGFIX] Re-package the gem from the correct directory to include generators.

0.0.1 (June 12, 2015)

YANKED: gem was packaged incorrectly, and generators weren't available.

  • [FEATURE] First release!