Install Python package:
# python install
This will install Python module in Python path and stats_consolidation_run script.
This package requires python-rrdtool (1.4.7) and SQLAlchemy (0.8.2).
Additionally, it requires a database driver which depends on RDBMS installed in the system. For MySQL uses mysql-connector-python (1.0.10) and for PostgreSQL psycopg2 (2.5.1).
RDBMS Library Dialect+driver MySQL mysql-connector-python mysql+mysqlconnector POstgreSQL psycopg2 postgres
- Create database.
stats_consolidation_run recreates tables but the database must exist previously.
- Edit configuration file with appropriate values and install in default path.
This an example configuration file:
[main] db_user=user db_pass=password db_name=database db_dialect=postgres rrd_path=/var/lib/sugar-stats/rrd log_path=/var/log log_level=debugThen copy to default configuration path:
# cp deploy/stats-consolidation.conf /etc/stats-consolidation.conf
- Activate crontab.
Check the actual path of main script:
$ which stats_consolidation_run /usr/local/bin/stats_consolidation_runConfigure the following entry on crontab with correct arguments:
0 3 * * * root /usr/local/bin/stats_consolidation_run --db_user=user --db_pass=password db_name=database db_dialect=postgres rrd_path=/var/lib/sugar-stats/rrd log_path=/var/log