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Kubernetes Commands Cheat Sheet

Table of Contents:

Cluster Management

  • kubectl version: Display the Kubernetes client and server version information.
  • kubectl cluster-info: Display cluster information.
  • kubectl config view: View the current kubeconfig configuration.
  • kubectl api-resources: List all the available API resources.
  • kubectl api-versions: List all the available API versions.
  • kubectl auth can-i <verb> <resource>: Check if the current user has permission to perform a specific action on a resource.
  • kubectl auth reconcile: Reconcile the authorization rules for the current user.
  • kubectl cluster-info dump: Dump the current cluster state to a file.
  • kubectl get events: List all the events in the cluster.
  • kubectl config get-contexts: List all available contexts in the kubeconfig.
  • kubectl config use-context <context>: Set the current context in the kubeconfig.
  • kubectl config use-context <context> --namespace=<namespace>: Set the current context and default namespace in the kubeconfig.
  • kubectl config set-context <context> --namespace=<namespace>: Set the default namespace for a context.
  • kubectl get nodes: List all nodes in the cluster.
  • kubectl describe node <node_name>: Show detailed information about a specific node.
  • kubectl cordon <node_name>: Mark a node as unschedulable.
  • kubectl uncordon <node_name>: Mark a node as schedulable.
  • kubectl drain <node_name>: Drain a node by evicting all pods gracefully.
  • kubectl taint node <node_name> <taint_key>=<taint_value>:<taint_effect>: Add a taint to a node.
  • kubectl apply -f <manifest.yaml>: Apply a manifest to the cluster.
  • kubectl delete -f <manifest.yaml>: Delete a manifest from the cluster.
  • kubectl edit <resource_type> <resource_name>: Edit a resource in the cluster.
  • kubectl label <resource_type> <resource_name> <label_key>=<label_value>: Add a label to a resource.
  • kubectl annotate <resource_type> <resource_name> <annotation_key>=<annotation_value>: Add an annotation to a resource.

Namespace Management

  • kubectl get namespaces: List all namespaces in the cluster.
  • kubectl create namespace <namespace_name>: Create a new namespace.
  • kubectl delete namespace <namespace_name>: Delete a namespace.
  • kubectl describe namespace <namespace_name>: Show detailed information about a specific namespace.
  • kubectl apply -f <manifest.yaml>: Apply a manifest to a specific namespace.
  • kubectl apply -f <manifest.yaml> -n <namespace_name>: Apply a manifest in a specific namespace.
  • kubectl delete -f <manifest.yaml> -n <namespace_name>: Delete a manifest from a specific namespace.

Pod Management

  • kubectl get pods: List all pods in the cluster.
  • kubectl describe pod <pod_name>: Show detailed information about a specific pod.
  • kubectl create -f <pod_definition.yaml>: Create a pod from a YAML file.
  • kubectl delete pod <pod_name>: Delete a pod.
  • kubectl logs <pod_name>: Display the logs of a pod.
  • kubectl exec -it <pod_name> -- <command>: Execute a command in a running pod.
  • kubectl port-forward <pod_name> <host_port>:<container_port>: Forward ports from a pod to the local machine.
  • kubectl attach <pod_name> -c <container_name>: Attach to a running container in a pod.
  • kubectl cp <pod_name>:<path_to_file> <local_path>: Copy files between a pod and the local machine.
  • kubectl top pods: Show resource usage (CPU and memory) of pods.
  • kubectl rollout restart deployment/<deployment_name>: Restart a deployment by triggering a rollout.
  • kubectl rollout history pod <pod_name>: View the revision history of a pod.
  • kubectl rollout undo pod <pod_name>: Roll back a pod to a previous revision.
  • kubectl attach <pod_name>: Attach to a running container in a pod.
  • kubectl wait pod <pod_name> --for=condition=<condition>: Wait for a specific condition to be true for a pod.

Deployment Management

  • kubectl get deployments: List all deployments in the cluster.
  • kubectl describe deployment <deployment_name>: Show detailed information about a specific deployment.
  • kubectl create -f <deployment_definition.yaml>: Create a deployment from a YAML file.
  • kubectl delete deployment <deployment_name>: Delete a deployment.
  • kubectl scale deployment <deployment_name> --replicas=<count>: Scale a deployment to the specified number of replicas.
  • kubectl rollout status deployment/<deployment_name>: Check the status of a deployment rollout.
  • kubectl rollout history deployment/<deployment_name>: View the revision history of a deployment.
  • kubectl rollout history deployment/<deployment_name> --revision=<revision_number>: View the details of a specific revision of a deployment.
  • kubectl rollout undo deployment/<deployment_name>: Roll back a deployment to a previous revision.
  • kubectl rollout undo deployment/<deployment_name> --to-revision=<revision_number>: Roll back a deployment to a specific revision.
  • kubectl rollout pause deployment/<deployment_name>: Pause a deployment rollout.
  • kubectl rollout resume deployment/<deployment_name>: Resume a paused deployment rollout.

Service Management

  • kubectl get services: List all services in the cluster.
  • kubectl describe service <service_name>: Show detailed information about a specific service.
  • kubectl create -f <service_definition.yaml>: Create a service from a YAML file.
  • kubectl delete service <service_name>: Delete a service.

ConfigMap Management

  • kubectl get configmaps: List all ConfigMaps in the cluster.
  • kubectl describe configmap <configmap_name>: Show detailed information about a specific ConfigMap.
  • kubectl create configmap <configmap_name> --from-literal=<key>=<value>: Create a ConfigMap with literal values.
  • kubectl create configmap <configmap_name> --from-file=<path_to_directory>: Create a ConfigMap from a directory.

RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) Management

  • kubectl create role <role_name> --verb=<verb> --resource=<resource>: Create a role with specified verbs and resources.
  • kubectl create rolebinding <rolebinding_name> --role=<role_name> --user=<user_name>: Create a role binding to bind a role to a user.
  • kubectl create clusterrole <clusterrole_name> --verb=<verb> --resource=<resource>: Create a cluster role with specified verbs and resources.
  • kubectl create clusterrolebinding <clusterrolebinding_name> --clusterrole=<clusterrole_name> --user=<user_name>: Create a cluster role binding to bind a cluster role to a user.

Secret Management

  • kubectl get secrets: List all secrets in the cluster.
  • kubectl describe secret <secret_name>: Show detailed information about a specific secret.
  • kubectl create secret generic <secret_name> --from-literal=<key>=<value>: Create a secret with literal values.
  • kubectl create secret generic <secret_name> --from-file=<path_to_file>: Create a secret from a file.

Ingress Management

  • kubectl get ingresses: List all ingresses in the cluster.
  • kubectl describe ingress <ingress_name>: Show detailed information about a specific ingress.
  • kubectl create -f <ingress_definition.yaml>: Create an ingress from a YAML file.
  • kubectl delete ingress <ingress_name>: Delete an ingress.

Job and CronJob Management

  • kubectl get jobs: List all jobs in the cluster.
  • kubectl describe job <job_name>: Show detailed information about a specific job.
  • kubectl create -f <job_definition.yaml>: Create a job from a YAML file.
  • kubectl delete job <job_name>: Delete a job.
  • kubectl get cronjobs: List all cron jobs in the cluster.
  • kubectl describe cronjob <cronjob_name>: Show detailed information about a specific cron job.
  • kubectl create -f <cronjob_definition.yaml>: Create a cron job from a YAML file.
  • kubectl delete cronjob <cronjob_name>: Delete a cron job.
  • kubectl wait job <job_name> --for=condition=<condition>: Wait for a specific condition to be true for a job.
  • kubectl wait cronjob <cronjob_name> --for=condition=<condition>: Wait for a specific condition to be true for a cron job.

Volume Management

  • kubectl get pv: List all persistent volumes in the cluster.
  • kubectl describe pv <persistent_volume_name>: Show detailed information about a specific persistent volume.
  • kubectl get pvc: List all persistent volume claims in the cluster.
  • kubectl describe pvc <persistent_volume_claim_name>: Show detailed information about a specific persistent volume claim.

ReplicaSet Management

  • kubectl get replicasets: List all ReplicaSets in the cluster.
  • kubectl describe replicasets <replicaset_name>: Show detailed information about a specific ReplicaSet.
  • kubectl scale replicasets <replicaset_name> --replicas=<count>: Scale a ReplicaSet to the specified number of replicas.
  • kubectl delete replicasets <replicaset_name>: Delete a ReplicaSet.
  • kubectl rollout history replicaset <replicaset_name>: View the revision history of a ReplicaSet.
  • kubectl rollout undo replicaset <replicaset_name>: Roll back a ReplicaSet to a previous revision.

StatefulSet Management

  • kubectl get statefulsets: List all StatefulSets in the cluster.
  • kubectl describe statefulset <statefulset_name>: Show detailed information about a specific StatefulSet.
  • kubectl scale statefulsets <statefulset_name> --replicas=<count>: Scale a StatefulSet to the specified number of replicas.
  • kubectl delete statefulsets <statefulset_name>: Delete a StatefulSet.
  • kubectl rollout history statefulset <statefulset_name>: View the revision history of a StatefulSet.
  • kubectl rollout undo statefulset <statefulset_name>: Roll back a StatefulSet to a previous revision.

DaemonSet Management

  • kubectl get daemonsets: List all DaemonSets in the cluster.
  • kubectl describe daemonset <daemonset_name>: Show detailed information about a specific DaemonSet.
  • kubectl scale daemonsets <daemonset_name> --replicas=<count>: Scale a DaemonSet to the specified number of replicas.
  • kubectl delete daemonsets <daemonset_name>: Delete a DaemonSet.
  • kubectl rollout history daemonset <daemonset_name>: View the revision history of a DaemonSet.
  • kubectl rollout undo daemonset <daemonset_name>: Roll back a DaemonSet to a previous revision.

Metrics and Monitoring

  • kubectl top nodes: Show resource usage (CPU and memory) of nodes.
  • kubectl top nodes --sort-by=<resource>: Show resource usage (CPU and memory) of nodes sorted by a specific resource.
  • kubectl top pods: Show resource usage (CPU and memory) of pods.
  • kubectl top pods -n <namespace_name>: Show resource usage (CPU and memory) of pods in a specific namespace.
  • kubectl top pods --sort-by=<resource>: Show resource usage (CPU and memory) of pods sorted by a specific resource.