Table of Contents:
- ls: List files and directories.
- cd: Change directory.
- pwd: Print the current working directory.
- mkdir: Create a new directory.
- rmdir: Remove an empty directory.
- rm: Remove files and directories.
- cp: Copy files and directories.
- mv: Move or rename files and directories.
- find: Search for files and directories.
- cat: Concatenate and display file content.
- head: Display the beginning of a file.
- tail: Display the end of a file.
- less: View file content interactively.
- more: View file content page by page.
- touch: Create an empty file or update file timestamps.
- chmod: Change file permissions.
- chown: Change file ownership.
- chgrp: Change group ownership.
- ln: Create hard or symbolic links.
- grep: Search for patterns in files.
- sed: Stream editor for text manipulation.
- awk: Text processing and pattern matching.
- cut: Extract sections from lines of files.
- sort: Sort lines in a file.
- uniq: Remove duplicate lines from a file.
- wc: Word, line, character, and byte count.
- tr: Translate or delete characters.
- uname: Print system information.
- whoami: Print current user's name.
- hostname: Print or set system hostname.
- date: Print or set the system date and time.
- uptime: Display system uptime.
- free: Display memory usage.
- df: Display disk space usage.
- du: Estimate file and directory space usage.
- top: Monitor system activity and processes.
- ps: Display running processes.
- kill: Terminate processes by ID or name.
- killall: Terminate processes by name.
- ps: Display running processes.
- top: Monitor system activity and processes.
- pgrep: List processes by name.
- pkill: Send a signal to processes by name.
- nohup: Run a command immune to hangups.
- nice: Run a command with modified priority.
- renice: Change the priority of running processes.
- ping: Send ICMP echo requests to a host.
- ifconfig: Configure or display network interfaces.
- ip: Show or manipulate routing, devices, and policy routing.
- netstat: Network statistics and connections.
- ss: Socket statistics.
- ssh: Secure shell remote login.
- scp: Securely copy files between hosts.
- wget: Download files from the web.
- curl: Transfer data from or to a server.
- dig: DNS lookup utility.
- nslookup: Query DNS servers for information.
- traceroute: Print the route packets take to network host.
- apt-get: Package handling utility (Debian-based systems).
- apt: Package handling utility (Debian-based systems).
- yum: Package manager (Red Hat-based systems).
- dnf: Next-generation package manager (Fedora).
- zypper: Command-line package manager (openSUSE).
- pacman: Package manager (Arch Linux).
- dpkg: Package manager (Debian-based systems).
- rpm: RPM package manager (Red Hat-based systems).
- tar: Archive files together.
- gzip: Compress files using the gzip algorithm.
- gunzip: Decompress files compressed with gzip.
- zip: Create ZIP archives.
- unzip: Extract files from ZIP archives.
- rar: Create or extract RAR archives.
- unrar: Extract files from RAR archives.
- 7z: Create or extract 7z archives.
- xz: Compress or decompress files using the xz algorithm.
- bzip2: Compress files using the bzip2 algorithm.
- bunzip2: Decompress files compressed with bzip2.
- chmod: Change file permissions.
- chown: Change file ownership.
- chgrp: Change group ownership.
- passwd: Change user password.
- su: Substitute user identity.
- sudo: Execute a command as another user.
- visudo: Edit the sudoers file.
- top: Monitor system activity and processes.
- htop: Interactive process viewer.
- atop: Advanced system and process monitor.
- iotop: Monitor I/O usage by processes.
- nethogs: Monitor network traffic per process.
- vmstat: Report virtual memory statistics.
- sar: System activity reporter.
- dmesg: Print or control the kernel ring buffer.
- watch: Execute a command repeatedly and display its output.
- chmod: Change file permissions.
- chown: Change file ownership.
- chgrp: Change group ownership.
- umask: Set the default file permissions.
- lsattr: List file attributes on a Linux second extended file system.
- chattr: Change file attributes on a Linux second extended file system.
- getfacl: Get file access control lists.
- setfacl: Set file access control lists.
- man: Display the manual page for a command.
- info: Display command information.
- --help: Get help within a command.
This cheat sheet covers a wide range of Linux command line operations. Keep in mind that each command may have various options and arguments, so consult the manual pages or use the --help
option for more details on specific commands.