The following methods are available on ApiClient instances to manage workspaces. Unless otherwise specified, all received and returned model classes are within the ...\Models\Workspaces
getAccountWorkspaces(string $accountId, ?string $search = null, ?int $page1 = null, ?int $pageSize = null): PaginatedResponse<WorkspaceStub>
Load the workspaces for the given account. (API Docs)
getWorkspaces(?string $search = null, ?int $page1 = null, ?int $pageSize = null): PaginatedResponse<WorkspaceStub>
Load all workspaces the access token has access to. (API docs)
getWorkspace(string|Workspace|WorkspaceStub $workspace): Models\Workspaces\Workspace
Load a single workspace. (API docs)
createWorkspace(string $name): Models\Workspaces\Workspace
Create a new workspace. (API docs)
deleteWorkspace(string|Workspace|WorkspaceStub $workspace): void
Delete an existing workspace. (API docs)
updateWorkspace(string|Workspace|WorkspaceStub $workspace, list<Operation>|Operation $operation): Models\Workspaces\Workspace
Update an existing workspace with one or more operations. (API docs)