RoastLearner requires the installation of Python 2.7 for Windows along with several additional modules in order to execute the PyAudioAnalysis scripts.
- Download Python 2.7 installer for 32bit Windows:
- Run Python 2.7 installer. Install for all users, accept the default install location of C:\Python27, then select the installation option "Add python.exe to Path" at the bottom of the Customize Python step (you might need to scroll to find it).
- Download and Install GitHub Desktop from
- Download "numpy-1.11.1+mkl-cp27-cp27m-win32.whl" from
- Download "scipy-0.18.0-cp27-cp27m-win32.whl" from
Note that these last two requirements can only be found on this one dude's .edu home directory for some reason, and it is slow as heck. Be patient.
- Open an admin command prompt
- You'll likely start in C:\WINDOWS\system32, so let's head over to the default Python scripts folder before we begin:
cd /d C:\Python27\Scripts
- Paste the following to make sure pip is all up-to-date. The first command kicked out a bunch of red errors but worked anyway.
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install --upgrade urllib3[secure]
- Install the two compiled libraries you've downloaded. Replace with the full path to wherever you've deposited these things, add quotes if spaces are involved.
pip install <path to downloads>\numpy-1.11.1+mkl-cp27-cp27m-win32.whl
pip install <path to downloads>\scipy-0.18.0-cp27-cp27m-win32.whl
- Now we can install the required libraries. Paste the following to get everything rolled out:
pip install matplotlib sklearn hmmlearn simplejson eyed3
- Open the Git Shell from the desktop icon deployed when you installed Github Desktop for Windows
- In the Git Shell window, clone the pyAudioAnalysis repo with the following command:
git clone C:\Python27\scripts\pyAudioAnalysis
- Close the Github Powershell window and go back to your original console session
- Change to the new folder:
cd /d C:\Python27\scripts\pyAudioAnalysis
Finally, test the installation by running an analysis against the included test data:
python fileChromagram -i data/doremi.wav
If everything worked correctly the script should open a window that looks something like this: