In order for ScubaGear to properly assess Power Platform, one of the following conditions must be met:
- The tenant must include the
Power Apps for Office 365
license and the user running the tool must have thePower Platform Administrator
role, or... - The user running the tool must have the
Global Administrator
In addition to those conditions, the correct M365Environment parameter value must be used with Invoke-SCuBA
If any of these conditions are not met, an error will be thrown similar to the one shown below:
Invoke-ProviderList : Error with the PowerPlatform Provider. See the exception message for more details: "Power Platform Provider ERROR: The M365Environment parameter value is not set correctly which WILL cause the Power Platform report to display incorrect values.
M365Environment Parameter value: commercial
Your tenant's OpenId-Configuration: tenant_region_scope: NA, tenant_region_sub_scope: GCC
Rerun ScubaGear with the correct M365Environment parameter value by looking at your tenant's OpenId-Configuration displayed above and contrast it with the mapped values in the table below
M365Environment => OpenId-Configuration
commercial: tenant_region_scope:NA, tenant_region_sub_scope:
gcc: tenant_region_scope:NA, tenant_region_sub_scope: GCC
gcchigh : tenant_region_scope:USGov, tenant_region_sub_scope: DODCON
dod: tenant_region_scope:USGov, tenant_region_sub_scope: DOD
Example Rerun for gcc tenants: Invoke-Scuba -M365Environment gcc