It's a very simple application to get used to webRTC, with reactJS. It kinda looks ugly but the main focus is on implementing webRTC correctly.
you can initialize a peer connection with use effect hook, get the media devices. Then add the tracks to our peer connection, create offer, recieve on the remote end, accept, set , send back the answer, set the answer.
I'm not 100% sure, but my streams didnt work without exchanging ice candidates as they were blocked in brave browser. So, couldn't get them to work. Later when i tried this with firefox, it allowed the connection to go through.
check the console logs for ice candidates, in case of trouble.
- Media Devices (getUserMedia, getTracks)
- RTCPeerConnection ( createOffer, createAnser, setlocalDescription, setRemoteDescription etc.)
- RTCSessionDescription
- icecandidate
- negotiationneeded
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the client directory
cd client
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the server
npm start