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Releases: adhocore/php-cli

Version 0.6.2

30 Dec 13:29
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Bug Fixes

  • Color: Comment line shows white trailing bar (daemonu) b578d9a

Version 0.6.1

29 Dec 15:09
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  • Extend exception from throwable (Jitendra Adhikari) ab6b351

Version 0.6.0

26 Dec 13:37
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  • Table: Add table renderer class (Jitendra Adhikari) 808e80e
  • Reader: Add readAll() (Jitendra Adhikari) 9264082
  • Output: Add show usage (Jitendra Adhikari) 1356515
  • Reader: Add read piped (Jitendra Adhikari) 790f2a1

Internal Refactors

  • Reader: Visibility (Jitendra Adhikari) bcea11b
  • Writer: Use Table::render instead (Jitendra Adhikari) f0f33ee
  • Command: Use helper showUsage() instead (Jitendra Adhikari) ef5ea2b


  • Composer: Add test scripts (Jitendra Adhikari) 4d292ca
  • Color: Add dark and light gray colors (Jitendra Adhikari) 2d4051d


  • Add readAll() usage (Jitendra Adhikari) 62cbfd0
  • Update intro and credits (Jitendra Adhikari) 7cbaae6
  • Add readHidden, readPiped usage (Jitendra Adhikari) 57dae5e

Version 0.5.0

16 Sep 14:19
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  • Reader: Add read hidden for win os (Jitendra Adhikari) 742c622

Internal Refactors

  • Interactor: Prompt hidden now supported in win os (Jitendra Adhikari) 491d162


  • Add a note about hidden prompt on win os (Jitendra Adhikari) 43fe762

Version 0.4.0

07 Sep 04:41
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  • Interactor: Add promptHidden (unix only) (Jitendra Adhikari) 1eb06c6
  • Reader: Add readHidden (Jitendra Adhikari) 3628331


  • About hidden prompt (Jitendra Adhikari) af086f9

Version 0.3.3

09 Mar 06:43
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573d3c1 refactor: remove sc folder and update readme with imgur link (Sushil Gupta)
121ab6c refactor(plugin): use gawk, cleanup (Jitendra Adhikari)
aeaf5f4 refactor(plugin): phpcli => ahccli (Jitendra Adhikari)
e625fd0 chore: phpcli => ahccli (Jitendra Adhikari)
9e31caf docs: improve auto completion docs, rename phpcli to ahccli (Jitendra Adhikari)

Version 0.3.2

06 Sep 15:32
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6e8755f docs: autocompletion (Jitendra Adhikari)
1152671 chore(zsh.plugin): auto complete provider for zsh with oh-my-zsh (Jitendra Adhikari)

Version 0.3.1

06 Sep 00:17
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f390b6b refactor: remove redundant codeCoverageIgnore (Sushil Gupta)
cd8d109 refactor: minor refactor on messages + add isWindows() method using DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR check to set pipes (Sushil Gupta)

Version 0.3.0

04 Sep 15:12
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a1c2c30 docs: add shell section and contributors (Jitendra Adhikari)
5146260 test: shell tests (Jitendra Adhikari)
d1e8e73 refactor(shell): ignore cov, cleanup etc (Jitendra Adhikari)
8d5ebe9 feat(shell): a shell wrapper (Jitendra Adhikari)
37c0e4c Async true gives the process ID (Sushil Gupta)
1052ca0 More style fixes (Sushil Gupta)
989213f Style fixes (Sushil Gupta)
29e8d13 If timeout is set, and is set to wait (not async by default), then either wait until it runs or kill it after timeout occurs - if async (not wait) - then don't care about the process at all (Sushil Gupta)
7cf9536 If not async, then check for timeout if it is still running and attempt to stop it (Sushil Gupta)
88bc092 Stop - not kill (Sushil Gupta)
40ba003 Minor formatting fixed (Sushil Gupta)
f81237e Added set options method (Sushil Gupta)
2d44553 On destruct, if running, waiting until timeout and then attempting to stop, instead of directly attempting to stop (Sushil Gupta)
acabcca Root namespace appended for microtime (Sushil Gupta)
e86580a Removed redundant unblocking of getOutput (Sushil Gupta)
76fce1b Minor DocBlock update (Sushil Gupta)
926c4a6 WIP - Implemented timeout checking and wait system - not working yet (Sushil Gupta)
641d229 Minor refactor - removing updateProcessStatus when asking for getState - not related (Sushil Gupta)
205daed Refactored to add another state variable to store actual state of the shell execution vs the process status (Sushil Gupta)
62acd2d File default info added (Sushil Gupta)
acdbd64 Refactor - assigning default null + only assigning exit value if not already set and process has stopped (Sushil Gupta)
d742ecb Updating status before sending back exitcodes (Sushil Gupta)
96e3a9e Made private methods protected (Sushil Gupta)
3939825 Setting exit code on proc_close from the proc_get_status itself (Sushil Gupta)
56ba25d Implemented suggestions from code-review (Sushil Gupta)
dbb3c21 Refactored small things (Sushil Gupta)
13380da Removed timeout - not used anywhere for now (Sushil Gupta)
2d0f815 One more style fix (Sushil Gupta)
e93b398 More style fixes :/ (Sushil Gupta)
1be59a6 More style fixes (Sushil Gupta)
e43a34f More style fixes (Sushil Gupta)
0874497 Style fixes - unindenting inside <?php tag (Sushil Gupta)
5923304 Removed vdd (Sushil Gupta)
304f148 Removed wait method - wasn't working - to be added (Sushil Gupta)
735294c Removed env + cwd from the options, passing null, for the sprit of minimalism ;) (Sushil Gupta)
bfe1965 Added basic test case for getOutput (Sushil Gupta)
4972de3 Moved to helper (Sushil Gupta)
425af5e Added pipes for different platform, checking directory separator + added public method to return PID (Sushil Gupta)
19ce603 Minor refactoring (Sushil Gupta)
22a759a Moved public functions to the bottom (Sushil Gupta)
87ed2e4 Made some methods private + added exitCode method (Sushil Gupta)
c4c4f4e Added wait and other methods (Sushil Gupta)
bd54feb Using constants for descriptors key (Sushil Gupta)
4d8578e Minor refactoring (Sushil Gupta)
1e42021 Shell wrapper - basic proc_open implemented (Sushil Gupta)

Version 0.2.1

28 Aug 14:43
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25c3f1a docs: improve readability and organize (Jitendra Adhikari)