- Create property
, so the color of the day when it is disabled could be customized
- Create
property insideCleanCalendarController
, so the CalendarWidget can have the means to become a Read Only Widget
- Now the method onDayTapped and onRangeSelected will just be activate when the user tapped the date
- Now we are in the version 1.0.0. We have a lot of different things:
- Differents layout
- Customizable widgets
- Removing setState and using change notifier
- Disabled dates before min date and after max date
- Weekday start, in what weekday the calendar is going to start
- Fix Date format in languages that have a more complex variation like Polish.
- Minor fix in ScrollController
- Fix in setState() on initState
- Add option to use calendar without date range, with only one date
- Add Support to Flutter 2.
- Removing old dependencies.
- Fixed a bug that the End Date could not be the same as de Initial Date.
- Added the possibility to open the calendar with dates already selected (One date, two dates, or none).
- Added the possibility to show disabled dates the First and Last Month, these dates are the dates that are previous
and postmaxDate
. - Fix a bug that the next Month displayed with empty values when the
occurs on the last week of the month.
- Fix bug day not rendering right.
- Fix calendar init in the Monday (future version change to the generic start someday of the week).
- Added calendar full page with a scroll in the vertical.
- Added a select a range date with special colors.
- Added capture of the date selected.
- Change calendar with Locale.