- Add Polyline support [#33, elisar4]
- Add support for using binary image as Placemark icons [#30, elisar4]
- Refactor example app [#31, DCrow]
- Add getting target point(center point) [#27, Ishokov-Dzhafar]
- Add linter and fix linter errors[#23, vanyasem]
- Add location permission request messages to example app[#23, vanyasem]
- Update and lock YandexMapkit version to 3.4 for iOS and Android[#23, vanyasem]
- Update .gitignore[#25, DCrow]
- Fix typos in README[#23, vanyasem]
- Add styling functionality [#18, vanyasem]
- Fix
sometimes not working on iOS [#13, Ishokov-Dzhafar] - Remove unused code
- Breaking change. Changed iOS and Android Mapkit key initialization
- Add zoom functionality [#10, Ishokov-Dzhafar]
- Breaking change. Migrate from the deprecated original Android Support Library to AndroidX.
- Fix some of pub.dartlang.com suggestions
- Fix Xcode 10.1 SWIFT_VERSION error
- Lock YandexRuntime to 3.2 (Unact#3)
- Bump YandexMapkit version to 3.2 for ios and android
- Change ios implementation to use
- Change
to accept all gestures - Change method signature
- Bugfixes
- Change android implementation to use
- Change ios implementation to match android
- Add functionality to show/hide current user location
- Initial release