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Migrating from AEPMedia to AEPEdgeMedia

This is the complete migration guide from AEPMedia to AEPEdgeMedia SDK.

Quick Links
Add extensions to your app
Granular ad tracking
Downloaded content tracking
API Reference



Name Key Value Required
Collection API Server "media.trackingServer" String Yes
Channel "" String No
Player Name "media.playerName" String No
Application Version "media.appVersion" String No


Name Key Value Required
Channel "" String Yes
Player Name "edgeMedia.playerName" String Yes
Application Version "edgeMedia.appVersion" String No

Please refer AEPEdgeMedia configuration for more details.

Add the AEPEdgeMedia extension to your app


AEPMedia AEPEdgeMedia
AEPCore, AEPIdentity, AEPAnalytics AEPCore, AEPEdge, AEPEdgeIdentity

Download extension with dependencies

1. Using Cocoapods:

Update pod file in your project

  pod 'AEPCore'
- pod 'AEPAnalytics'
- pod 'AEPMedia'
+ pod 'AEPEdge'
+ pod 'AEPEdgeIdentity'
+ pod 'AEPEdgeMedia'

2. Using SPM:

Import the package:

a. Using repository URL


b. Using Package.swift file

Make changes to your dependencies as shown below:

  dependencies: [
  .package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "4.0.0")),
- .package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "3.0.0")),
- .package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "3.0.0"))
+ .package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "4.0.0")),
+ .package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "4.0.0")),
+ .package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "4.0.0"))

Import and register extensions

// AppDelegate.swift
import AEPCore
- import AEPIdentity
- import AEPAnalytics
- import AEPMedia
+ import AEPEdge
+ import AEPEdgeIdentity
+ import AEPEdgeMedia
// AppDelegate.swift
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
-  MobileCore.registerExtensions([Identity.self, Analytics.self, Media.self], {
+  MobileCore.registerExtensions([Edge.self, Identity.self, Media.self], {
    MobileCore.configureWith(appId: "yourEnvironmentID")
Using both AEPMedia and AEPEdgeMedia for a side-by-side comparison?

If you wish to use both the extensions together during migration time for a side-by-side comparison, use the Swift module name along with the extension class names for registration, as well as for any classes that use API s from both the modules.


// AppDelegate.swift
import AEPCore
import AEPIdentity
import AEPAnalytics
import AEPMedia
import AEPEdge
import AEPEdgeIdentity
import AEPEdgeMedia
// AppDelegate.swift
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
      ], {
    MobileCore.configureWith(appId: "yourEnvironmentID")

Public API changes

All Numeric parameters of the public APIs have been updated to type Int.

- func updateCurrentPlayhead(time: Double)
+ func updateCurrentPlayhead(time: Int)
- static func createMediaObjectWith(name: String, id: String, length: Double, streamType: String, mediaType: MediaType) -> [String: Any]?
+ static func createMediaObjectWith(name: String, id: String, length: Int, streamType: String, mediaType: MediaType) -> [String: Any]?
- static func createAdBreakObjectWith(name: String, position: Int, startTime: Double) -> [String: Any]?
+ static func createAdBreakObjectWith(name: String, position: Int, startTime: Int) -> [String: Any]?
- static func createAdObjectWith(name: String, id: String, position: Int, length: Double) -> [String: Any]?
+ static func createAdObjectWith(name: String, id: String, position: Int, length: Int) -> [String: Any]?
- static func createChapterObjectWith(name: String, position: Int, length: Double, startTime: Double) -> [String: Any]?
+ static func createChapterObjectWith(name: String, position: Int, length: Int, startTime: Int) -> [String: Any]?
- static func createQoEObjectWith(bitrate: Double, startupTime: Double, fps: Double, droppedFrames: Double) -> [String: Any]?
+ static func createQoEObjectWith(bitrate: Int, startupTime: Int, fps: Int, droppedFrames: Int) -> [String: Any]?

Granular ad tracking

AEPMedia allowed for ad content tracking of 1 second when setting the MediaConstants.MediaObjectKey.GRANULAR_AD_TRACKING key in the media object. AEPEdgeMedia is even more customizable and now the ad content tracking interval can be set using the tracker configuration to a value between [1-10] seconds. For more details, refer to the createTrackerWithConfig API.

- let tracker = Media.createTracker()
+ var trackerConfig: [String: Any] = [:]
+ trackerConfig[MediaConstants.TrackerConfig.AD_PING_INTERVAL] = 1
+ let tracker = Media.createTrackerWith(config: trackerConfig)

guard var mediaObject = guard let mediaObject = Media.createMediaObjectWith(name: "name", id: "id", length: 30, streamType: "vod", mediaType: MediaType.Video) else {
- mediaObject[MediaConstants.MediaObjectKey.GRANULAR_AD_TRACKING] = true

tracker.trackSessionStart(info: mediaObject, metadata: videoMetadata)

Downloaded content tracking

AEPMedia supports offline tracking for downloaded videos by setting the MediaConstants.TrackerConfig.DOWNLOADED_CONTENT key in the tracker configuration and calling createTrackerWithConfig API.

AEPEdgemedia currently does not support this workflow.

API reference

The AEPEdgeMedia SDK has similar APIs with AEPMedia. Please refer the API reference docs to check out the APIs and their usage.