To run your flask application run the following steps from the top folder in the repository:
First, make sure you have a Python virtual environment created in your project folder.
python3 -m venv env
Then download all the required packages from the requirements.txt file.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Make sure the application is running in the Python environment.
. env/bin/activate
Export the server module
export FLASK_APP=server
For Windows use the command 'set' instead of 'export'.
Specify the desired running configuration. Chose one of the following configurations:
1. StagingConfig 2. TestingConfig 3. ProductionConfig
For StagingConfig and ProductionConfig, you need to add a DATABASE_URL to the environment variables. You can either add one of your own, or if you want access to the Staging or Production databases, contact one of the developers to grant you access on Heroku.
For TestingConfig you must have a local PostgreSQL database created with the following credentials:
'user': 'test' 'pw': 'test' 'db': 'test' 'host': 'localhost' 'port': '5432'
Run the following command with your chosen configuration:
export APP_SETTINGS=config.YourConfigurationChoice
For example, run the following command for the testing configuration (TestingConfig):
export APP_SETTINGS=config.TestingConfig
Start the flask application.
flask run
Open the web browser on: http://localhost:5000.