Provide interaction between PSU and TPP during a consent session.
The purpose of a TppPsuConsentSession is to manage a single consent session between the PsuUserAgent and the TppConsentSessionApi. The TppPsuConsentSession starts with the redirect of the PsuUserAgent from the TppBankingApi to the TppConsentSessionApi.
For now just simple starter in test package.
Run the class: opba-consent-rest-api/src/test/java/de/adorsys/opba/consent/rest/impl/ to start a spring-boot server process.
swagger-ui: http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html
Following environments are involved in the consent initiation process.
Environments | Description |
PsuUserAgent | The web browser and/or mobile device used by the PSU to access banking functionality. |
FinTechServer | Data center environment of the FinTech |
TppServer | Data center environment of the TPP |
AspspServer | Data center environment of the ASPSP |
--- | --- |
Applications | Description |
FinTechUI | UI Application running on the PsuUserAgent and used by the PSU to access the FinTechApi |
FinTechApi | Financial web service provided by the FinTech. |
TppBankingApi | Tpp backend providing access to ASPSP banking functionality |
AspspBankingApi | Api banking provided by ASPSP |
--- | --- |
Header Groups | Description |
UserAgentContext | All information associated with user agent of the PsuUserAgent. Like PSU-IP-Address, PSU-IP-Port, PSU-Accept, PSU-Accept-Charset, PSU-Accept-Encoding, PSU-Accept-Language, PSU-Device-ID, PSU-User-Agent, PSU-Geo-Location, PSU-Http-Method |
PsuFintechSession | This is a cookie used to maintain the session between the FinTechUI and the FinTechApi |
FinTechContext | Information used to identify the FinTech application in the TPP environment. Like a FinTech client certificate. |
TppContext | Information used to identify the Tpp application in the ASPSP environment. Like a TPP QWAC certificate. |
--- | --- |
Payload | Description |
ConsentData | Specification of the requested consent. BankAccount, frequencyPerDay, validUntil, ..., TppConsentSessionRedirectUrl |
Tpp2AspspConsentSession | Information associated with the consent initialized by the ASPSP. Containing ConsentId, AspspConsentSessionRedirectUrl |
Fintech2TppConsentSession | Information associated with the consent as returned by the Tpp to the FinTech. Containing authCode, TppConsentSessionApiUrl |