Git training materials for basic introductory training (also includes information on how to use git side-by-side with svn). Requires a basic knowledge of version control.
This is based on a series of training sessions I delivered at Yahoo.
- What is git?
- How is it different from svn?
- Installation and configuration (name, email)
- Creating your first git repository
- Staging, diffing and committing files
- Viewing and understanding the logs
- Tips and tricks (prompt, aliasing, colours)
- Changing the last commit
- Unstaging files
- Reverting changes
- Reverting to a previous commit
- Stashing files
- Cloning from an svn repository
- Diffing local with code in Subversion
- Pulling changes from Subversion
- Pushing changes to Subversion
- Creating and deleting branches
- Switching between branches
- Merging
- Pushing and pulling
- The svn remote