Micro service and image server for Scan Explorer
Required configurations, such as database and open search, must be configured in config.py.
docker compose -f docker/service/docker-compose.yaml up -d
The image server is setup to retrieve images from a S3 Bucket. A key need to be provided in docker-compose_cantaloupe.yaml.
A cache volume is required for good performance and can also be configured in the compose file, this will speed up consequent loads significantly. Make sure to mount a volume with adequate capacity and write permissions. The size of the cache can be controlled with CANTALOUPE_CACHE_SERVER_SOURCE_TTL_SECONDS
docker compose -f docker/cantaloupe/docker-compose.yaml up -d
Setup a postgresql container
docker compose -f docker/postgres/docker-compose.yaml up -d
Prepare the database:
docker exec -it postgres_service bash -c "psql -c \"CREATE ROLE scan_explorer WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'scan_explorer';\""
docker exec -it postgres_service bash -c "psql -c \"CREATE DATABASE scan_explorer_service;\""
docker exec -it postgres_service bash -c "psql -c \"GRANT CREATE ON DATABASE scan_explorer_service TO scan_explorer;\""
Use alembic to setup the tables:
alembic upgrade head
Run tests
python -m unittest scan_explorer_service/tests/test_*.py
Check test coverage
coverage run --omit */site-packages/* -m unittest scan_explorer_service/tests/test_*.py
coverage report
Generate the appmap definitions
APPMAP=true python -m appmap.unittest scan_explorer_service/tests/test_*.py
Generate the OpenAPI documentation based on the appmap definitions
APPMAP=true npx @appland/appmap openapi --openapi-title "ScanExplorerService" -o service-openapi.yaml