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RichardHightower edited this page Apr 11, 2016 · 5 revisions

Result is the result of an async operation. This was modeled after Vert.x AsyncResult and after the types of results one would deal with in JavaScript.

Example usage using then and catchError

        employeeService.lookupEmployee(33, result -> {
            result.then(e -> saveEmployee(e))
                  .catchError(error -> {
                    logger.error("Unable to lookup", error);

Example usage using Expected from thenExpected and catchError

        employeeService.lookupEmployee(33, result -> {
            result.thenExpect(Expected -> ref.ifPresent(e -> saveEmployee(e)))
                  .catchError(error -> {
                    logger.error("Unable to lookup", error);


package io.advantageous.reakt;

import io.advantageous.reakt.impl.ResultImpl;

import java.util.function.Consumer;

 * The result of an async operation.
 * <p>
 * This was modeled after Vert.x AsyncResult and after the types of results one would deal with in JavaScript.
 * @param <T> type of value expected in the result.
public interface Result<T> {

     * Create a result
     * @param value value
     * @param <T>   T
     * @return result
    static <T> Result<T> result(T value) {
        return new ResultImpl<>(value);

     * Create a result
     * @param error error
     * @param <T>   T
     * @return result
    static <T> Result<T> error(Throwable error) {
        return new ResultImpl<>(error);

     * If a result is sent, and there was no error, then handle the result.
     * @param consumer executed if result has no error.
     * @throws NullPointerException if result is present and {@code consumer} is
     *                              null
    Result<T> then(Consumer<T> consumer);

     * If a result is sent, and there was no error, then handle the result as a value which could be null.
     * @param consumer executed if result has no error.
     * @throws NullPointerException if result is present and {@code consumer} is
     *                              null
    Result<T> thenRef(Consumer<Ref<T>> consumer);

     * If a result is sent, and there is an error, then handle handle the error.
     * @param consumer executed if result has error.
     * @throws NullPointerException if result is present and {@code consumer} is
     *                              null
    Result<T> catchError(Consumer<Throwable> consumer);

     * @return true if result is sent successfully.
    boolean success();

     * @return true if result is sent and this is the last result.
    boolean complete();

     * If failure is true then cause will not be null.
     * @return true if result is sent and result outcome is a failure.
    boolean failure();

     * If failure is true, the cause will not be null.
     * @return cause of error associated with the result
    Throwable cause();

     * If the value of the result can be null, it is better to use Expected which is like Optional.
     * @return value associated with a successful result.
    Ref<T> expect();

     * Raw value of the result.
     * You should not use this if the result could be null, use getExpected instead.
     * @return raw value associated with the result.
    T get();