Hi everyone! By some weird joke of the universe I’ve made it through all of the Bachelor Courses in one piece. Because I do not follow most lectures, I usually study with outside material. Here is a list of every resource that I found helpful and sometimes fun. I ranked them in order of relevance and quality to the course. They are mostly textbooks. I included links to all the eth library links for all textbooks (we have everything) and outside downloads if available.
- Step by Step Linear Algebra ETH Library Link
- Pavel Grinfeld Linear Algebra 1, Linear Algebra 2, LA 3 and LA 4. Amazing. (4 is kinda too much but so fun)
- No Bullshit Guide Linear Algebra
The Script is actually pretty good.
- How to prove it by Vellmann ETH Library Link
- TrevTutor Youtube
The following a light, intuitive and fun books
- Silverman A friendly Introduction to Number Theory ETH Library Link
- Elementary Number Theory, Burton ETH Library Link
- A book of abstract algebra, Arthur Pinter ETH Link It’s amazing how all of this can be made so fun and intuitive
- Back to back swe the youtube channel not their site. The videos are amazing.
- Abdul Bari Youtube, similar to above, just top class, cut above the rest
- Dasgupta Algorithms ETH Library Link Free online pdf
- Skiena Algorithm Design Manual ETH Library Link
- Sedgewick Algorithms these are actually in Java so good additional resource ETH Library
- Leetcode, Codeforces
- Algorithm Design Tardos, Kleinberg ETH Library Link
- Graph Theory A problem Oriented Approach ETH Library Link I recommend so much, it’s comic book size, super fun and intuitive, can work through it in a few weeks by just spending 30 minutes every other day.
- Khan Academy for Probability and Combinatorics
- Morin Probability for the Enthusiastic Beginner Just for fun ETH Library Link
- As Preparation for W&S, Walpole, Blitzstein, Ross, see W&S 3rd Semester.
- Intro to Graph Theory, compact and fun additional resource, very intuitive. ETH Library Link
The recommended Books are great. Onur is a treasure.
- Liang Intro to Java Programming ETH Library Link
- Joshua Bloch Effective Java ETH Library Link
- Gonzalez Concurrency Java ETH Library Link
- Calculus Lifesaver Most amazing book. ETH Library Link
- Elementary Analysis Ross ETH Library Link
- Spivak Calculus
- Khan Academy for additional Practice
Disclaimer, I really love calculus the additional stuff is probably over the top but I mark it with additional
- Khan Academy MV Calculus (by 3blue1brown Grant Sanderson)
- Michael Corral Vector Calculus Free Book Link from the Author
- Calc II and III from Open Stax
- Calculus Lifesaver (see analysis 1)
- Additional
- Morris Kline an Intuitive Physical Approach ETH Library Link
- Early Transcendentals Basically Open Stax but sometimes with nicer graphics ETH Library Link
- Taylor, Mann Advanced Calculus ETH Library Link
- Apostol Linear Algebra and Calculus 2 ETH Library Link
- Spivak Manifolds ETH Library Link << Super short but quite fun
- Ordinary Differential Equations Intro to fundamentals ETH Library Link
- Differential Equations with Historical Notes (Way too much but amazing insights and lots of fun problems) ETH Library Link
- Nightline
- Numerical Analysis Burden ETH Library Link
- Sipser Intro to theory of computation ETH Library Link
- NLogSpace Amazing (German) Youtube Channel
- Introduction to formal languages and automata ←ETH Library Link Peter Linz
- Harris and Harris Book from Digitech ETH Library Link
- Beginning C ETH Library Link
Additional fun read for simple intuition and some history:
Inside the Machine, Jon Stokes (Ars Technica) ETH Library Link
- Kurose Computer Networking ETH Library Link\
- Sunnys Classroom Youtube Channel
- Introduction to Probability Statistics and Random Processes ETH Library Link Free online link
- Walpole Probability and statistics for scientists and Engineers ETH Library Link
- Alternative to above from ross Same title ETH Library Link
- Introduction to Probability Blitzstein ETH Library Link
These are limited to the courses I’ve taken. If someone has additional resources and lists for other courses please share with me and I’ll update them.
- These are two courses prepare accordingly
- For most topics of the 2nd part: Distributed Systems Youtube Course
- Princeton Bitcoin Textbook (only very few parts, but interesting and has a coursera)
- Szeliski Computer Vision Free online version Also available at ETH Library
- Digital Image Processing Gonzalez ETH Library Link
- First Principles of Computer Vision Youtube Amazing! also has a coursera
- Fun crashcourse: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXlwWbU8l2o&t=560s
- Also maybe sentdex though that's been many years but I found it helpful then
- Fundamentals of Computer Graphics ETH Library Link has everything and is very easy to understand
- Lengyel Mathematics for 3D Game Programming and Computer Graphics ETH Library Link Good additional resources for different viewpoints of math
- Get this alloy book https://alloytools.org/ at ETH Library
- Alloy Tutorials Youtube (check part 1 and part 2) 2 short videos very intuitive
- Aurelien Geron Handson Machine Learning ETH Library Link
- ISLR 7th Edition Free online Link
- Bishop Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning ETH Library Link
- www.kaggle.com