Releases: aeternity/dex-ui
Releases · aeternity/dex-ui
dex-ui v1.4.0
- add WAE to the AddLiquidity view (ce44b15)
- select-token-modals: add ability to see selected tokens (aa9f4f3)
Bug Fixes
- confirm-swap-modal: set correct provider fee (8b18127)
- liquidity is not stored based on owner's address (b76844d)
- modal should close on route change #267 (21f78ef)
- prevent error modal from close when resolve is null (c701ba9)
- select-token-modal: set a uniq key (9c7b808)
- show to the user if there is no pair (3152a8a)
- show unsupported networks error on network change (fbbbf80)
dex-ui v1.3.0
- add-liquidity: approval state depending on fetched allowance (ccf5b30)
- added connect wallet modal #215 (07e0775)
- keep (swap,add-liquidity) selection state on navigation #151 (dcc88e2)
- remove-liquidity: approval state depending on fetched allowance (d2ae22f)
- removed unnecessary close buttons on modals #219 (b83498c)
- swap: approval state depending on fetched allowance (7f58187)
- upgrade node and dependencies #225 (105501c)
- view wallet actions #216 (9cb7da6)
- wallet disconnect (d91cece)
Bug Fixes
- account-info: correct typo in wording (a686303)
- AeBalance: initial balance for tokens is not BigNumber (94d0e67)
- aeternity-module: approving twice needed allowance amount (3a3d7af)
- connect-wallet: do not start another wallet scan while already scanning (ce230c4)
- connet-wallet: remove window reload on wallet disconnect (84bbf0c)
- disable sentry on localhost #246 (47a3a3f)
- index: disconnect wallet on connect/subscribe error (74c028a)
- index: force sending close connection message (18b8719)
- keep (swap,add-liquidity) selection state on navigation #151 (cf71119)
- show animated spinner svg correctly (b08b5cf)
- show custom token image correctly (49a0d4a)
- view transaction for the ae/wae swaps (e654c81)
- view transaction in the explorer for each submitted transaction (ec5e005)
- vue-config: enable default loading svgs (20fa4e7)
- create license (64c2d39)
dex-ui v1.2.0
- add confirmation and loading modals (29c3a04)
- added header menu items #157 (3921c32)
- added inline svg loader #46 (2575136)
- added sentry #202 (db053d3)
- adjust network support message #214 (950d785)
- change contract vresion with newer ones (a2345c9)
- on fetching pair show loading indicators & disable action buttons #148 (d17a1ef)
- only allow numbers on amount fields #218 (bc0adcc)
- remove-liquidity: add error modal (7a39e7b)
- swap: disable approve button on process #149 (c58e5fd)
- swap: disable swap when amounts are invalid #220 (e087909)
- swap: view transaction link #169 (36e2307)
- update dark background color #212 (049d57e)
Bug Fixes
- add-liquidity: disable buttons on invalid amount (45d8cfb)
- add-liquidity: disable supply if not approved (9d3b75a)
- adding liquidity on new pairs (2ec59b8)
- aeternity: call correct wae methods once (5c65210)
- aeternity: call wae withdraw with a proper param (64bc436)
- call getPairInfo when factory is ready (af10e7f)
- migrate svg icons import to inline component #46 (006a10c)
- only allow number when input type is number #218 (d78555e)
- remove-liquidity: show only loaded pool info (c3cbd35)
- unfinished-features: load flag for unfinished features properly (9018830)
- liquidity-details: hide not working link #156 (23a8138)
- make SubmitTransactionModal more general (7fde63f)
dex-ui v1.1.0
- add ability to set deadline (dad500c)
- add ability to set slippage (918b68a)
- add flag UNFINISHED_FEATURES (c1b9e02)
- add proper states for remove liquidity (39540ac)
- add showError action for error handling (de23558)
- ae-vs-wae: input tokens addition and other special cases in swap and liquidity (f599e67)
- aeternity: allow to sign transactions via deeplinks (2e18b38)
- button-default: add second-dark calss (0c5f936)
- implement import liquidity & some cleaning (fde48a2)
- import-pool: replace old message with LiquidityDetails (66a9b66)
- login with deeplink (351c473)
- make "connect wallet" a manual step (efcad68)
- pool: added loading & error indicators for liquidity pool #150 (7344004)
- provided liquidity (f155cd1)
- remove liquidity (cf0a730)
- remove liquidity view route (1d813fa)
- remove-liquidity: hide detailed view on production (c416e9d)
- swap: ae vs wae (a1a6cc1)
Bug Fixes
- add-liquidity: fix MIN_LIQUIDITY usage in addLiqudity entrypoint call (ba70396)
- create allowance not being called anymore (68314bc)
- disable button on zero amount (14537fc)
- do not close active connection with iframe wallet (279fd7c)
- expandDecimals doesn't work for big numbers anymore (9c695ba)
- index: actually persist network and slippage (a178d44)
- input: ae balance for input-token (#107) (e5a25ad)
- liquidity: general ui feedback fixes (0b65074)
- pools-view: remove unwanted back button #143 (e298f13)
- show proper prices information (aca15ee)
- SubmitTransactionModal infinite loading on error (0116d41)
- swap tokens rate shown as null when wallet is not connected (5ffa95a)
- swap-view: disable swap button on not enought balance (e14ea1e)
- swap-view: show propper message if no token selected (17a43c7)
- swap: bind confirmation modal info values (c5b27eb)
- ui: text typo & style #140 (7d1eb52)
- wallet auto reconnect (fe76d57)
- github: fix app name in prod pipeline (#110) (10e4d01)
- github: fix staging undeploy events/trigger (0593af8)
- github: make gh action to use new version of composite actions and pr sync (4dd5056)
- add-liquidity: remove useless try catch (2ff850d)
- confirm-swap-modal: simplify mapState usage (9dce772)
- consistent usage of data variables (5156ad3)
- eliminate type-unsafe equality operators (67aee65)
- extract constants in additional file (f382025)
- extract getAePair (f36908c)
- extract getPairInfo (93f4d01)
- liquidity-item: move liquidity details into a separate component (5e8e07f)
- liquidity-item: remove unnecessary method (3946717)
- minimum/maximum received/spend and output/input label (95eea8e)
- remove unnecessarily extra condition for getAePair (a8b0791)
- remove-liquidity: improve css style (e093076)
- removing empty contract interface (40e71dc)
- simplify expandDecimals and reduceDecimals (db69ace)
- swap-view: extract callSwapAction (ab73798)
- swap-view: fix code style issues (b9612d3)
- use undestandable abbreviation for an error (aa463c2)
- add hasEnoughAllowance action (98cdb91)
- add stylelint config (18fa4bb)
- add stylelint into dev dependencies (be5076b)
- check if mobile as global property (2d6142e)
- create deeplink function (84a9a50)
- lint: add same line braces rule (b4f9347)
- lint: adding space infix-operator rule (21f502b)
- modify providedLiquidity list and persist it (6050c85)
- module/aeternity: add create pair allowance (cf93d09)
- module/aeternity: add ignore option for unknown events exception (b8e3f0a)
- move token list into utils (a3fee4b)
- package: add lint:style script ([14b25ee](https:/...
dex-ui v1.0.0
- add ability to connect wallet with iframe (0eff69f)
- add ActionsMenu component (ffcc9e7)
- add AddLiquidity view (057a457)
- add aeternity module (74bc087)
- add ConfirmAddModal (1bd6513)
- add ConfirmSwapModal (5640acd)
- add error modal component (#65) (a10807d)
- add functional Header to the App (9c265d3)
- add ImportPool view (0912552)
- add InputToken component (99ecb3a)
- add liquidity flow (699c50a)
- add MainWrapper component (7c6743c)
- add NavigationMenu component (e78b162)
- add on changes on extract scss commons (fad92c2)
- add PoolView (db9d46d)
- add SelectTokenModal component (5ea5446)
- add some margin to create_allowance (ac62280)
- add SubmitTransactionModal (1eb80d1)
- add SwapView (1d2acb9)
- add TooltipModal component (de468ce)
- adjust ActionMenu component (827be7d)
- adjustments based on review and minimize colors (8f6b368)
- ae: fetches tokens based on network (a1c7190)
- ae: fixes token balance getter (b3abfa4)
- ae: polls ae balance based on network (11d85e5)
- ae: stores network in state (8988672)
- App: set font-family for each element (09830aa)
- contract bindings (#43) (e1e8c05)
- contract errors - identifier/description mapping (d74ab5f)
- create a general Header component (ad86db4)
- enforces testnet and shows error message (17e3ca9)
- extract ButtonPlain and ButtonDefault components (e813329)
- extract ButtonTooltip component (b4507e8)
- Extract common colors, font-patterns etc. in the variables.scss, typography.scss (d81330b)
- finishing add liquidity flow (c479347)
- getter endpoints (#75) (e355233)
- import-pool: add ability to set selected token (b37cbc5)
- initializes wallet scan automatically on rehydration (20b999d)
- main-wrapper: add working back button (d7fa289)
- modification to complete all swap combinations (5cc2a2b)
- navigation-menu: make router-links active on nested routes (964a974)
- remove liquidity component (d02bfb2)
- store: persists balance, network and address (a7be1fd)
- typography: import font-weight 400, 600 (419b56a)
Bug Fixes
- adjusts typo leftover from refactoring (701f37a)
- App: remove duplicate styles (5b57853)
- balance: defaults to 0 when no balance is available (61e3649)
- balance: handling 0 balance on network (b557e0b)
- input-amount: allow only numbers (292cebb)
- liquidity token received modal info for first liquidity added into a dex-pair (9354a2b)
- network: initializes with correct network (e9484c8)
- propagate update event to InputToken's parent (dbf1f33)
- adds release please (18e7466)
- docker: add app input variable (ca0ff1d)
- docker: change node version in Dockerfile (8250412)
- docker: change prod checkout fetch depth (6762eef)
- docker: change prod checkout settings (b394249)
- docker: fix events in each workflow (9e4cecb)
- docker: gh actions workflows and templates (9ff7d77)
- docker: move prod deploy to separate workflow (e969cc8)
- docker: remove argocd file input (f831cb8)
- docker: remove develop branch from staging deployments and make master - main (de08ab1)
- docker: remove stale yml for now (0414843)
- docker: switches node version to 14 (1a0e093)
- don't fix linter error (037dd22)
- github: actions fixes (#37) (735f67a)
- github: change branch to stg (c1ef40a)
- github: fixe pr sync events (6b6dddb)
- github: pr on synchronize (3d0bfe0)
- github: revert test pr on synchronize ([53b4398]...