TransPPI propose two types of deep transfer learning methods based on convolutional neural network (CNN) layers with pairwise position specific scoring matrix (PSSM) feature inputs to predict target human-virus protein-protein interactions (PPIs).
cat ./x* > pssm.tar.gz tar -zxvf pssm.tar.gz
a. Import and frozen the parameters of CNN layers of source domain, then train the DNN model (PSSM+CNN+MLP) on target dataset. ./
b. Import the parameters of CNN layers of source domain, then fine-tune parameters on target dataset. ./
c. Train the DNN model (PSSM+CNN+MLP) on a human-virus system and test the model on another human-virus system. ./
a. Run_result.txt - performance of various methods b. xx.h5 - deep learning models c. xx.txt - prediction result files containing label, pairwise protein ids and prediction score.
The human-virus systems and related parameters can be changed in the above shell scripts.
Eight human-virus PPI systems. The ratio of positive-to-negative is 1:10. PSSM of human and viral proteins are deposited in 'script/pssm/'. 9880 human-HIV PPIs, 98800 non-human-HIV PPIs. 5966 human-Herpes PPIs, 59660 non-human-Herpes PPIs. 5099 human-Papilloma PPIs, 50990 non-human-Papilloma PPIs. 3044 human-Influenza PPIs, 30440 non-human-Influenza PPIs. 1300 human-Hepatitis PPIs, 13000 non-human-Hepatitis PPIs. 927 human-DENV PPIs, 9270 non-human-DENV PPIs. 709 human-ZIKV PPIs, 7090 non-human-ZIKV PPIs. 568 human-SARS-CoV-2 PPIs, 5680 non-human-SARS-CoV-2 PPIs.
- Tensorflow (==1.7.0)
- Keras (==2.2.4)
- scikit-learn (==0.22.1)
- numpy (==1.16.6)
pip install requirements.txt
Part of the code was modified from and the corresponding reference is: Chen,M. et al. (2019) Multifaceted protein-protein interaction prediction based on Siamese residual RCNN. Bioinformatics, 35, i305–i314.
Please kindly cite the paper if you use refers to the paper, code or datasets. @article{Yang2021Transfer, title={Transfer learning via multi-scale convolutional neural layers for human-virus PPI prediction}, author={Yang, Xiaodi and Yang, Shiping and Lian, Xianyi and Wuchty, Stefan and Zhang, Ziding}, journal={xx} }