- Split generic components to a
directory to later be split into their own npm package - Unify styles with either Sass or Css
- Dark mode
- Download Resume
- Break MarkdownInput into smaller components
- Description (and excerpt?)
- Define authors
- Publish
- Save as draft
- Display Blog list
- Render blog
- Edit blog
- Controls to quickly add markdown templates for Headers, text modifiers, code blocks, tables, images, etc.
- Better compiled markdown styling w/ syntax highlighting
- Word/Character count
- Field Validations
- PublishedAt Date
- Change ids to uuids
- Image Upload
- Prevent overwrite from out-of-date tab
- Autosave blog locally
- Link blogs as a series
- Create new tags
- Use a store for the MarkdownInput values
- Support Gists
- Create Project Cards (image, name, description, stack, link to demo)
- Preview Video of Project
- UX to Add a new project
- Fill it out
- Make it editable from the UI
- Make it editable
- Add links?