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New site: Ansible deployment

This tutorial assumes you already have completed the Openstack configuration of your site.

To join the federated cluster with a new site, its admin should follow the following steps from the Ansible master.

1. Configure hosts

Copy hosts_site_admin_join_template into a new hosts file (e.g. myhosts).

Modify the new hosts file to match the new cluster configuration. An example can be found on hosts_site_admin_join_example. Specifically, modify the following groups:

  • consul_new_master

    Modify the line to match the new Consul master name and its public IP.

    ⚠ There should only be one Consul server.

    Line template:

    <new_master_name> ansible_host=<new_server_public_IP>

    Group example:

    new-server ansible_host=
  • consul_new_servers

    Modify the line to match the new Consul server name and its public IP.

    ⚠ There should only be one Consul server.

    Line template:

    <new_server_name> ansible_host=<new_server_public_IP>

    Group example:

    new-server ansible_host=
  • consul_new_clients

    Modify the lines to match the new Consul client names and its IPs.

    ⚠ The Traefik node must always have public IP. For the rest of the clients, public IPs are optional.

    Line template:

    <new_client_name> ansible_host=<new_client_IP>

    Group example:

    new-cpu-client ansible_host=
    new-gpu-client1 ansible_host=
    new-gpu-client2 ansible_host=
    new-traefik ansible_host=

    ⚠ The Traefik node must be in the last position in the list.

  • traefik_new_master

    Modify the line to match the new Traefik name.

    ⚠ There should only be one Traefik instance.

    Line template:


    Group example:

  • nomad_new_servers

    Modify the line to match the new Nomad server name. Add its Nomad datacenter name.

    ⚠ There should only be one Nomad server.

    Line template:

    <new_server_name> nomad_dc=<new_nomad_dc_name>

    Group example:

    new-server nomad_dc=my_new_nomad_dc
  • nomad_new_cpu_clients

    Modify the lines to match the new Nomad CPU client names. Add its Nomad datacenter name, domain and namespaces.

    • There are two supported namespaces: ai4eoscand imagine. A Nomad client can belong to one or both (if both, separate them with just a comma).
    • The domain is the hostname where the deployments will be accessible. All clients should share the same domain. Eg. if domain=ifca and your site belong to the imagine namespace, your deployments will be accessible under: *.<domain>

    ⚠ CPU clients are Nomad clients without GPU. The Traefik node should also be included in this group at the end of the list. Therefore there should always be at least 1 CPU client: the Traefik node.

    Line template:

    <new_cpu_client_name> nomad_dc=<new_nomad_dc_name> domain=<new_domain> nomad_namespaces=<namespace1,namespace2>

    Group example:

    new-cpu-client nomad_dc=my_new_nomad_dc domain=my_new_domain nomad_namespaces=ai4eosc,imagine
    new-traefik nomad_dc=my_new_nomad_dc domain=my_new_domain nomad_namespaces=ai4eosc,imagine

    ⚠ The Traefik node must be in the last position in the list.

  • nomad_new_gpu_clients

    Modify the lines to match the new Nomad GPU client names. Add its Nomad datacenter name, domain and namespaces.

    ⚠ If there are no GPU clients, leave the group empty (do not delete the group).

    Line template:

    <new_gpu_client_name> nomad_dc=<new_nomad_dc_name> domain=<new_domain> nomad_namespaces=<namespace1,namespace2>

    Group example:

    new-gpu-client1 nomad_dc=my_new_nomad_dc domain=my_new_domain nomad_namespaces=ai4eosc,imagine
    new-gpu-client2 nomad_dc=my_new_nomad_dc domain=my_new_domain nomad_namespaces=imagine
  • nomad_new_volume

    Modify the line to match the names of the new Nomad clients with an attached volume. Add its volume name and the name of its desired partition.

    Line template:

    <new_nomad_client_name> vol_name=<new_vol_name> partition_name=<new_partition_name>

    Group example:

    new-cpu-client vol_name=vdb partition_name=part1
    new-gpu-client1 vol_name=vdb partition_name=part1
  • monitoring

    Modify the line to match the names of the new Nomad server.

    Line template:


    Group example:


2. Ask for certificates

To join the federated cluster, new site certificates are needed for the new nodes. For this:

  • Send the already configured hosts file to the IFCA admin.
  • Wait for the IFCA admin to provide the ZIP file with those certificates.

In addition, SSL certificates are needed for the new Traefik node. For this:

  • Remember the domain name you selected in the previous step, when configuring CPU/GPU clients.
  • Send an email to the provided contact person asking for certificates covering:
    • <domain> (for AI4EOSC sites)
    • *.<domain> (for AI4EOSC sites)
    • <domain> (for iMagine sites)
    • *.<domain> (for iMagine sites)
  • You will receive a reply with a .key file.
  • You will receive an email with several .pem files. Download the one stating Certificate (w/ issuer after), PEM encoded.
  • Rename both .key and .pem files to domain.key and domain.pem.
  • Put both files domain.key and domain.pem in a new folder and zip it (to create <new_traefik_certs>.zip).
  • Go to nsupdate and log with your EGI credentials. You should be able to see you new domains in Overview. Go to each host and use Set new IPv4 address to set the IP address to the public IP of your Traefik node.

Once having obtained both ZIP files, place them in the Ansible master. By default they should go under /home/ubuntu/:

  • /home/ubuntu/<new_site_certs>.zip.
  • /home/ubuntu/<new_traefik_certs>.zip.

3. Modify group_vars

Modify group_vars/all.ym file. Specifically, modify the following variables:

  • ansible_master

    Set the name and IP of the ansible master on section Ansible.

    Line template:

    ansible_master: { name: <ansible_master_name>, ip: <ansible_master_ip }

    Line example:

    ansible_master: { name: ansible1, ip: }
  • path

    This should be the folder where you placed the Nomad/Traefik ZIP file certs from the previous step.

    Line template:

    path: <cert_folder_path>

    Line example:

    path: /home/ubuntu/
  • consul_public_ip

    Set the Consul public IP of your consul server on section Common.

    Line template:

    consul_public_ip: "<consul_public_ip>"

    Line example:

    consul_public_ip: ""
  • consul_servers_ip

    Set the Consul public IPs of the cluster consul servers on section Common.

    Line template:

    consul_servers_ip: "<consul_public_ip>"

    Line example:

    consul_servers_ip: ["", "", "", ""]
  • new_certs

    Set this variable on section Common to the name of the ZIP file with the cluster certificates which will be extracted on the Ansible master.

    ⓘ It should just be the name of the ZIP file (without the .zip extension).

    Line template:

    new_certs: "<new_certs_dir>"

    Line example:

    new_certs: "new_site_name"
  • traefik_certs

    Set this variable on section Traefik to the name of the the ZIP file with the Traefik certificates which will be extracted on the Ansible master.

    ⓘ It should just be the name of the ZIP file (without the .zip extension).

    Line template:

    traefik_certs: <new_traefik_certs>

    Line example:

  • consul_dc_name

    Set this variable on section Consul to the name of your local datacenter.

    ⓘ In all data centers we are putting ai4os or imagine as the prefix.

    Line template:

    consul_dc_name: <consul_dc_name>

    Line example:

    traefik_certs: ifca-ai4os

4. Install role dependencies

  • Install grycap.docker role needed in the nomad join recipe.

    ansible-galaxy install grycap.docker

5. Execute playbooks

5. Common errors

Nomad does not recognize the graphics card

The node volume may not be mounted correctly. Check within the file /etc/nomad.d/nomad.hcl where the nomad plugin is being searched. Check that the referenced volume is mounted correctly.

# data_dir points to /mnt/data if mounted volume (noamd_volume or nomad_new_volume) and /opt/nomad otherwise
data_dir = "/mnt/data"

Can't enable nvidia persistence service

The error shown in the Ansible run indicates a file that is problematic. If you analyze the file you will see that it is a symbolic reference to /dev/null.

It is necessary to delete said file and try the execution again.

Driver version mismatch

If this error occurs, it is necessary to run the nomad playbook again.

Docker cannot access files on mounted volume

Docker Daemon needs to be restarted if this error appears.