This is a Tcl extension to effortlessly to call bidirectionally between Tcl and Python, targeting Tcl >= 8.5 and Python 3.6+
The extension is available under the 3-clause BSD license (see "LICENSE").
Tcl users may also want to consider using pyman, a Tcl package that provides a higher level of abstraction on top of tclpy.
You can import the libtclpy in either a Tcl or Python parent interpreter. Doing so will initialise an interpreter for the other language and insert all libtclpy methods. This means you can call backwards and forwards between interpreters.
General notes:
- Unless otherwise noted, 'interpreter' refers to the python interpreter.
- All commands are run in the context of a single interpreter session. Imports, function definitions and variables persist.
- Exceptions in the python interpreter will return a stack trace of the python code that was executing. If the exception continues up the stack, the tcl stack trace will be appended to it. They may be masked (as per tcl stack traces) with catch.
py call ?obj.?func ?arg ...?
takes: name of a python function
returns: return value of function with the first appropriate conversion applied from the list below:
None is converted to an empty string
True is converted to 1
False is converted to 0
Python 'str' objects are considered to be byte arrays
Python 'unicode' objects are considered to be unicode strings
Python 'number' objects are converted to base 10 if necessary
Python mapping objects (supporting key-val mapping, e.g. python dicts) are converted to tcl dicts
Python sequence objects (supporting indexing, e.g. python lists) are converted to tcl lists
Otherwise, the str function is applied to the python object
side effects: executes function
may be a dot qualified name (i.e. object or module method)
py eval evalString
takes: string of valid python code
returns: nothing
side effects: executes code in the python interpreter
- Do not use with substituted input
may be any valid python code, including semicolons for single line statements or (non-indented) multiline blocks- errors reaching the python interpreter top level are printed to stderr
py import module
takes: name of a python module
returns: nothing
side effects: imports named module into globals of the python interpreter
- the name of the module may be of the form module.submodule
example tclsh session:
% load ./
% py eval {def mk(dir): os.mkdir(dir)}
% py eval {def rm(dir): os.rmdir(dir); return 15}
% py import os
% set a [py eval {print "creating 'testdir'"; mk('testdir')}]
creating 'testdir'
% set b [py call rm testdir]
% py import StringIO
% py eval {sio = StringIO.StringIO()}
% py call sio.write someinput
% set c [py call sio.getvalue]
% py eval {divide = lambda x: 1.0/int(x)}
% set d [py call divide 16]
% list [catch {py call divide 0} err] $err
1 {ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero
File "<string>", line 1, in <lambda>
----- tcl -> python interface -----}
% py import json
% py eval {
def jobj(*args):
d = {}
for i in range(len(args)/2):
d[args[2*i]] = args[2*i+1]
return json.dumps(d)
% set e [dict create]
% dict set e {t"est} "11{24"
t\"est 11\{24
% dict set e 6 5
t\"est 11\{24 6 5
% set e [py call jobj {*}$e]
{"t\"est": "11{24", "6": "5"}
% py import sqlite3
% py eval {b = sqlite3.connect(":memory:").cursor()}
% py eval {def exe(sql, *args): b.execute(sql, args)}
% py call exe "create table x(y integer, z integer)"
% py call exe "insert into x values (?,?)" 1 5
% py call exe "insert into x values (?,?)" 7 9
% py call exe "select avg(y), min(z) from x"
% py call b.fetchone
4.0 5
% py call exe "select * from x"
% set f [py call b.fetchall]
{1 5} {7 9}
% puts "a: $a, b: $b, c: $c, d: $d, e: $e, f: $f"
a: , b: 15, c: someinput, d: 0.0625, e: {"t\"est": "11{24", "6": "5"}, f: {1 5} {7 9}
takes: string of valid Tcl code
returns: the final return value
side effects: executes code in the Tcl interpreter
- Do not use with substituted input
may be any valid Tcl code, including semicolons for single line statements or multiline blocks- errors reaching the Tcl interpreter top level are raised as an exception
example python session:
>>> import tclpy
>>> a = tclpy.eval('list 1 [list 2 4 5] 3')
>>> print a
1 {2 4 5} 3
It is assumed that you
- have got the repo (either by
git clone
or a tar.gz from the releases page). - have updated your package lists.
The build process fairly simple:
- make sure
are installed. - make sure you can run
and have the Python headers available (usually installed by the Python development package for your distro). - locate the file and make sure you have the Tcl headers available (usually installed by the Tcl development package for your distro).
- run
- specifying the path if not
). - disabling tcl stubs if you wish to use Python as the parent interpreter
). Note this then requires compilation per Tcl interpreter.
- specifying the path if not
On Ubuntu the default path is correct:
$ sudo apt-get install -y python-dev tcl-dev
$ cd libtclpy
$ make
For other distros you may need give the path of E.g. CentOS 6.5:
$ sudo yum install -y python-devel tcl-devel make gcc
$ cd libtclpy
$ make TCLCONFIG=/usr/lib64/
Now try it out:
$ TCLLIBPATH=. tclsh
% package require tclpy
% py import random
% py call random.random
Run the tests with
$ make test
- Be very careful when putting unicode characters into a inside a
py eval
call - they are decoded by the tcl parser and passed as literal bytes to the python interpreter. So if we directly have the character "ಠ", it is decoded to a utf-8 byte sequence and becomes u"\xe0\xb2\xa0" (where the \xXY are literal bytes) as seen by the Python interpreter. - Escape sequences (e.g.
) inside py eval may be interpreted by tcl - use {} quoting to avoid this.
In order of priority:
- allow python to call back into tcl
- allow compiling on Windows
py call -types [list t1 ...] func ?arg ...? : ?t1 ...? -> multi
(polymorphic args, polymorphic return)- unicode handling (exception messages, fn param, returns from calls...AS_STRING is bad)
- allow statically compiling python into tclpy
- allow statically compiling
- check threading compatibility
- let
py eval
work with indented multiline blocks py import ?-from module? module : -> nil
- return the short error line in the catch err variable and put the full stack trace in errorInfo
- py call of non-existing function says raises attribute err, should be a NameError
- make
py call
look in the builtins module - - all TODOs