Below are the steps to set up the Sunbird Knowlg Microservices, DBs with seed data and Jobs. It uses a local Kubernetes cluster deploy the required services.
- Java 11
- Maven
- Docker
- Minikube - It implements a local Kubernetes cluster on macOS, Linux, and Windows.
- KubeCtl - The Kubernetes command-line tool
mkdir -p ~/sunbird-dbs/neo4j ~/sunbird-dbs/cassandra ~/sunbird-dbs/redis ~/sunbird-dbs/es ~/sunbird-dbs/kafka
export sunbird_dbs_path=~/sunbird-dbs
Start Docker in your machine and create the Docker Images of below microservices using the shell script.
- taxonomy-service
- content-service
- search-service
sh ./ <TAG> # provide the TAG for the docker image.
Note: Please specify the TAG for the Docker Images and update the configuration in helm chart of respective deployment.
Check the Docker Images
docker image ls -a
❯❯ docker image ls -a
assessment-service R5.0.0 72a9cc1b2cc4 14 seconds ago 479MB
search-service R5.0.0 24b7d8947a4f 23 seconds ago 465MB
content-service R5.0.0 afcbc9c10fa3 33 seconds ago 556MB
taxonomy-service R5.0.0 a8a24a6241f2 47 seconds ago 480MB
Please use the minikube to quickly set up the kubernetes cluster in local machine.
minikube start
minikube image load neo4j:3.3.0
minikube image load taxonomy-service:R5.0.0
Create the namespaces to deploy the API microservices, DBs and Jobs.
- knowlg-api
- knowlg-db
- knowlg-job
kubectl create namespace knowlg-api
kubectl create namespace knowlg-db
kubectl create namespace knowlg-job
Please run the below helm
commands to set up the required databases within the kubernets cluster.
It requires the below DBs for Knowlg.
- Neo4J
- Cassandra
- Elasticsearch
- Kafka
- Redis
cd kubernetes
helm install redis sunbird-dbs/redis -n knowlg-db
minikube mount <LOCAL_SOURCE_DIR>:/var/lib/neo4j/data // LOCAL_SOURCE_DIR is where neo4j dump is extracted Ex: /Users/abc/sunbird-dbs/neo4j/data
helm install neo4j sunbird-dbs/neo4j -n knowlg-db
minikube mount <LOCAL_SOURCE_DIR>:/mnt/backups // LOCAL_SOURCE_DIR is where neo4j dump is extracted Ex: /Users/abc/sunbird-dbs/cassandra/backups
helm install cassandra sunbird-dbs/cassandra -n knowlg-db
ssh to cassandra pod
run => cqlsh
run => source '/mnt/backups/cassandra_backup/db_schema.cql';
- The
charts for Kafka, Elasticsearch will be added soon.
We use the configmap to load the configuration for the microservices.
Use the below commands to load the configmap of taxonomy-service.
- this has the application configuration. Please update the variables with respect to your context and load.taxonomy-xml-config
- this has the logback configuration to handle the logs.
We have to update the below configurations in taxonomy/templates/taxonomy-service_application.conf
specific to your context.
cd kubernetes
kubectl create configmap taxonomy-xml-config --from-file=taxonomy/taxonomy-service_logback.xml -n knowlg-api -o=yaml
kubectl create configmap taxonomy-config --from-file=taxonomy/taxonomy-service_application.conf -n knowlg-api -o=yaml
Use the taxonomy
helm chart to run the taxonomy-service in local kubernetes cluster.
cd kubernetes
helm install taxonomy taxonomy -n knowlg-api
Use Port Forwarding to access the application in the cluster from local.
kubectl port-forward <pod-name> 9000:9000 -n knowlg-api
curl 'localhost:9000/health'
Use the below commands to load the configmap of content-Service.
- this has the application configuration. Please update the variables with respect to your context and load.content-xml-config
- this has the logback configuration to handle the logs.
We have to update the below configurations in content/templates/content-service_application
specific to your context.
cd kubernetes
kubectl create configmap content-xml-config --from-file=content/content-service_logback.xml -n knowlg-api -o=yaml
kubectl create configmap content-config --from-file=content/content-service_application.conf -n knowlg-api -o=yaml
Use the taxonomy
helm chart to run the Content-Service in local kubernetes cluster.
cd kubernetes
helm install content content -n knowlg-api
Use Port Forwarding to access the application in the cluster from local.
kubectl port-forward <pod-name> 9000:9000 -n knowlg-api
curl 'localhost:9000/health'