- Change the version in
to a non-SNAPSHOT version based on Major.Minor.Patch naming scheme git commit -am "Prepare for release X.Y.Z."
(where X.Y.Z is the new version)git tag -a X.Y.X -m "Version X.Y.Z"
(where X.Y.Z is the new version)- Add your sonatype login information under gradle properties mavenCentralUsername and mavenCentralPassword in your local user gradle.properties file
- Make sure you have a gpg signing key configured (https://vanniktech.github.io/gradle-maven-publish-plugin/central/#secrets)
- Run
./gradlew publishAllPublicationsToMavenCentral
to build the artifacts and publish them to maven - Update the
to the next SNAPSHOT version. git commit -am "Prepare next development version."
git push && git push --tags
- Merge to master and create a new release through the Github web UI with release notes
To publish an internal release to an Artifactory repository:
- Set credential values for ARTIFACTORY_USERNAME and ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD in your local gradle.properties
- Set values for ARTIFACTORY_RELEASE_URL (and optionally ARTIFACTORY_SNAPSHOT_URL if you are publishing a snapshot)
- /gradlew publishAllPublicationsToAirbnbArtifactoryRepository -PdoNotSignRelease=true
- "-PdoNotSignRelease=true" is optional, but we don't need to sign artifactory releases and this allows everyone to publish without setting up a gpg key
If you need to publish to a different repository, look at the configuration in 'publishing.gradle' to see how to configure additional repositories.
If testing changes locally, you can install to mavenLocal via ./gradlew publishToMavenLocal