AiScript is a scripting language that runs on JavaScript. Not altJS.
AiScript is a multi-paradigm programming language that runs on JavaScript, not AltJS (1).
- First-class support for arrays, objects, functions, etc.
- Flexibility, including conditional branches and blocks can be treated as expressions
- Easy to write, no need for semicolons or commas
- Runs in a secure(2) sandbox environment
- Variables and functions can be provided from the host
(1) ... It "runs on" JavaScript, not is "converted" to JavaScript. Therefore, it is not AltJS.
(2) ... Not being able to access the host's information.
This repository contains parsers and processors implemented in JavaScript.
Note: AiScript and Misskey are completely independent projects. AiScript does not prescribe any specific host, but Misskey is the largest user of AiScript (today!)
<: "Hello, world!"
for (#i, 100) {
<: if (i % 15 == 0) "FizzBuzz"
elif (i % 3 == 0) "Fizz"
elif (i % 5 == 0) "Buzz"
else i