Some notebooks I have created as I have been learning how to do various things in Python. Some need additional datasets which are referenced as links in the notebook. These are work in progress as I learn more and add more to this repo.
Need to add some sort of requirements.txt file. The required libraries can be found from the imports in the notebooks.
This includes notebooks for generating regular geometries (hexgrids and square grids) and transforming quantities from one geometry to another:
Cleaning US postal addresses
Some notes that I've made to remind me how to do things that I regularly use like groupby operations and working with time variables:
Some notes I have been making while reluctantly learning PySpark, including instructions on setup and avoiding some errors with the Java SDK
From my blog post on Introduction to Webscraping
Re-creating results from papers to understand some techniques for data labelling, large language models and genAI.
Worked examples of things like positive predictive values, linear regression, stats tests: