4.0.0-beta.23 (2017-11-08)
Implemented enhancements:
- Is it possible to reset child stack only? #2317
Closed issues:
- Nested scene + navbar ? #2586
- eval of "Action.key()" not working. #2582
- Performance of exiting modal is not good as official Modal #2581
- Tabs rendering scenes in all Stack #2568
- Lightbox not rendered on top of initial scene (e.g not transparent) #2553
- Maximum call stack exceeded when closing drawer #2542
- How to customize drawer button in routerFlux 4.0 #2538
- Unexpected margin/padding on the top of the page #2536
- Navigate directly to nested scenes while preserving the back button scene hierarchy #2529
- Usage of NON-static onEnter / onExit within component replacing componentDidMount / componentDidUnmount #2528
- [bug/question HOWTO] Transition from TabBar (without NavBar) to scene with NavBar #2527
- No swipe back gesture in V4 #2525
- error on scene with redux #2523
- TypeError: undefined is not a function this._children[typeof Symbol === 'function'? Symbol.iterator: '@@iterator']()') #2520
- Cannot read property 'string' of undefined #2517
- Scene props are not changing when pressing onRight and calling Actions.refresh() #2514
- How can I manipulate 2 different scenes on a single screen? #2513
- [BUG] navigation.setParams stopped working #2509
- Unable to start app - RN v0.49.3 #2507
- Help needed with multiple drawers on each page. #2506
- [NAVBAR] NavBarTitleImage not centred with backButtonImage on Android #2505
- Not able to navigate to same screen from same screen in react-router flux #2504
- the question is how can i let the children scenes will have right-to-left animation on android? #2502
- popTo('Scene Key') does not work on a single page #2501
- success handler not working (v4) #2498
- Navigating just not doing anything #2497
- Overlay navigation doesn't wrap my react-native-drawer anymore #2496
- Minimize android app from initial screen not working #2494
- Missing navigationBarStyle typing on Stack #2493
- Actions transitions cannot be configured #2490
- Super expression must either be null or a function, not undefined #2488
- Going from tab through non-tabs back to different tab #2486
- Drawer :
... #2485 - Bad performance during orientation change with tabs #2483
- Replace scene but use push/pop animation #2476
- map next scenes #2475
- how to leftAlign Left Image button on NavBar #2471
- Keyboard disappears instantly when user taps on input #2442
- How to use wrapBy with Redux Store? #2423
- How to quit Android App?I used BackHandler #2383
- Always show backbutton, and exit app on back. #2366
- How to give new title image in parameter when navigating new scene #2363
Merged pull requests:
- document Tabs animationEnabled property documentation #2602 (wodCZ)
- Update link for open issues in CONTRIBUTING.md #2597 (clucasalcantara)
- Upd deps: react-navigation to beta-15, rm RN-button, upd mobx & mobx-react #2584 (kesha-antonov)
- Fixes #2496 #2578 (raynor85)
- add "wrapBy" to RouterProps #2577 (Deantsui)
- bind early. For faster render #2574 (kesha-antonov)
- Fixed Example: next screen for tab1_1 of Tab #1 #2570 (PhoebePan)
- Update API.md #2569 (pmitche)
- Fix drawerPosition row for Drawer table #2560 (etorsuarezm)
- Fix typo from
to *navigator* #2559 (etorsuarezm) - [V3] Update react-native-experimental-navigation to new version with PropTypes fix #2541 (daviscabral)
- Add PropTypes and update dependencies to work with react 16.0.0 #2532 (daviscabral)
- [Fix] Router - sceneStyle must be View.propTypes.style #2522 (ovr)
- Support ReactNavigation's drawerWidth property #2515 (whitecl)
- Render back button fix #2512 (onrige)
- Back to initial tab scene #2508 (onrige)
- Adding some typings to index.d.ts #2500 (bm-software)
- Remove popAndPush action in Api #2495 (mackenziemance)
- Prevent displaying of BackButton in iOS style on Android when icon is not customized #2491 (davojan)
4.0.0-beta.22 (2017-10-10)
Implemented enhancements:
Closed issues:
- Need to unmount component on leaving a tab #2489
- How to disable animation when I click the tabar to change the scene #2484
- Dynamically show and hide tav and nav bars #2478
- API Documentation is missing a definition for Actions.popTo() #2470
- popAndPush not working #2458
- renderBackButton is not working #2456
- How to set Selected in <Scene> #2455
- Is it possible to set title value of Scene from Actions? Actions.showComponent({ title })? #2454
- Unable to navigate to Scene with Actions.key #2452
- Pressing back button not working as expected #2451
- Can't hide tab icon #2450
- How to create Tabbar with icon&Text #2446
- Action.[KEY] not working #2445
- Action.[SCENE_KEY] not working #2444
- Closing the drawer reloads tabs and switches back to default tab #2443
- There is no route defined for key key0. Must be one of: 'key3','< clone view key >' (nested scenes) #2439
- Dynamically Navigate to a Scene #2436
- Header title rendered wrong #2433
- react-native-tab-view not working on Android when nested in a flux tab #2427
- how to combine with react-native-tabs?I need to display four custo #2419
- How do you get current route or scene? #2418
- Question - How can I call a function from a custom navbar back into my main component #2417
- How to make in the user "tabBarComponent" transitions both in the standard "tabBar"? #2414
- How to block drawer in login page #2411
- warnings on program start for every TabScene in Tabs (but works correctly) #2403
- CardStackStyleInterpolator module not found #2402
- I cont Exit App on Android #2399
- Actions.pop({ popNum: number }) doesnt work anymore #2397
- blank map using router-flux #2395
- Two navbars inside root tabs if using modal #2392
- Migrating RNRF v3 to RNRF v4 #2381
- Lastest version, actions.key gets ReferenceError #2380
- Possible Unhandled Promise Rejection (id: 0): #2379
- One NavBar only for grouped Scenes #2375
- Navigating when changing redux state #2374
- Tabs label / text colour change #2369
- Change tab programmatically #2368
- Android tab bar at the bottom #2365
- Disable back button from inside a scene. #2362
- Call Component function from onEnter/onExit #2361
- Performance issue, taking 4-5 second to pop/push screen #2360
- Android hardware back button does not run onBack function #2359
- Change navBar (navBar option) and toggle (hideNavBar option) dynamically doesn't work (via Actions.refresh) #2357
- how to pass params while using actions.pop() in version RNRF-3.41.0?? #2355
- Can I create scenes/routes during runtime using RNRF? #2354
- Change transition animation on v4 #2353
- Jump to specific scene and refresh it #2352
- componentWillUnmount not firing #2351
- Major issues on Android - "There is no route defined for key key0." #2350
- Dynamic control tabbar display and hide #2349
- Custom navBar component doesn't get custom title for a component #2348
- Two Back Buttons For The Same Scene #2346
- Passing props to every scene #2345
- Current scene pushes over the same scene when drawer is closed on IOs #2342
- "replace" type on Scene does not work when tabs is true #2339
- Two routers, one for Main Application and one for Share application #2338
- Example project error #2337
- Element type is invalid: expected a string. #2336
- Jump to specific scene #2335
- Actions.[key] not working #2334
- flux is not working with react-native swiper #2333
- How to give new scene title in parameter? #2332
- Load content of tab when pressing tab instead load all tabs #2331
- [Tabs] How to setup initial scene as tab scene? #2330
- Actions list is empty #2329
- How to achieve Multi Level Menu inside Control Panel ? #2327
- Best way to update custom Tabbar? #2324
- App closes when pressing hardware back button #2323
- V4 Documentation #2322
- Cannot set tabbar position #2320
- react-native-router-flux #2319
- how to get previous router name? #2318
- undefined is not an object (evaluating '_reactNative.BackHandler.addEventListener') #2316
- Any authentication examples or tutorial(s) out there? #2314
- Tab bar styling #2313
- Reset Stack #2312
- How to access props inside rightTitle/onRight static function? #2308
- Change drawer icon #2307
- Dynamically hide tabbar #2306
- Custom navBar #2304
- How to make a 'navbar' a global component? #2303
- Back button does not disappear when use the 'back' property on Scene. #2302
- Transition between scene with navbar and transparent navbar #2301
- How to make "navBar" not animated, for example as "tabBar". #2300
- direction='vertical' doesn't work? #2299
- Deep linking does not work properly #2297
- Lazy property doesn't work on tab #2296
- Spacing between leftButton and title on navBar #2294
- [Lack of Docs:- Easy Example] Can someone please help me with side-menu (drawer)? #2291
- Where is the documentation for Overlay,Tabs,Modal,Drawer,Stack,Lightbox ??? #2285
- Warning - Redux and RNRF - Cannot update during an existing state transition #2253
Merged pull requests:
- Update API.md #2481 (venits)
- added documentation for backButtonImage #2474 (mvanroon)
- Add
prop to Drawer #2473 (mvanroon) - Update titles of different README's #2463 (mvanroon)
- Update React navigation dependency to 1.0.0-beta13 #2462 (compojoom)
- Update API.md #2453 (jaaberg)
- Initial attempt at project typings #2448 (jatsrt)
- Refresh pan handlers via Actions.refresh #2424 (onrige)
- Fix passing down wrong overlay navigation state in OverlayNavigator #2422 (wsxyeah)
- Lock example's react-navigation version to 1.0.0-beta.11 #2405 (wsxyeah)
- Allow to hide left button via Actions.refresh #2398 (onrige)
- Updated API Documentation & Added fix for replace Tabbed Component #2364 (mcabs3)
- Add a posibility to refresh navBar and toggle it by navBar, renderNavigationBar and hideNavBar properties dynamically #2358 (onrige)
- Added custom navbar to the project Example #2341 (pgonzalez-santiago)
- Updated Example Project #2328 (mcabs3)
- Fix table in docs #2326 (bukerok)
- Updated API Documentation #2325 (mcabs3)
- Minor fix of contributors link to work from any context #2321 (davojan)
- Updated API docs to add missing attributes #2315 (mcabs3)
- Allow changing tabBar visibility dynamically (e.g. via Action.refresh) #2311 (davojan)
- Cleaned up Documentation and added Tabs #2305 (mcabs3)
4.0.0-beta.21 (2017-08-28)
Closed issues:
- Click back button on device, but nothing happens. #2295
4.0.0-beta.20 (2017-08-28)
Fixed bugs:
- In the new version of the 'tabbar' does not work the 'tabBarPosition' property #2288
Closed issues:
- JSON.stringify cannot serialize cyclic structures #2290
- Actions.pop () skips the scene #2289
- How to remove the effect of replacing renderTitle(title) when navigating between scene? #2287
- Tabs on Android are hidden and showing up #2286
- Hardware Back not working when on First Scene #2283
- Main props in navigation options #2282
- Reset stack with transition #2236
4.0.0-beta.19 (2017-08-23)
Implemented enhancements:
- Multiple routers with v4? #2274
- Nested scenes in v4? #2220
- Access to Component's props from NavBar. #2195
- IMPORTANT: v4 beta release is ready (v3 is not supported anymore) #1974
Fixed bugs:
- The onExit method not executes when navigating away from Scene #2279
- navigationBarTitleImage not working in v4 #2272
- hideNavBar issue on tabs scene #2268
- Tabs v4 - Active / Inactive backgroundColor not working #2263
Closed issues:
- Actions state inside Drawer #2280
- Android transitions not working v4-beta branch #2278
- Unexpected header behavior in TabNavigation #2277
- OnEnter not called for componentless scenes #2275
- Custom function on tab press #2271
- Massive slowdown after beta 14 #2270
- How to disable swipe to back #2269
- Can I set onEnter from inside the Component? #2267
- [Error] The sources for assing MUST be an object. #2266
- How to open Drawer using a custom event / action within a screen #2265
- Scene's key on the background of TabIcon #2264
- Top nav bar customization #2262
- There is no route defined for key {route}. #2261
- How to set tab bar activeBackgroundColor #2260
- Please help me how to use "react-native-router-flux" in my scenario #2259
- Issue with back button not unmounting and remount tab scene #2257
- Q:Adding button to navbar #2256
- sceneStyle gets not applied #2255
- Prevent certain scenes in stack from always being mounted? #2254
- Custom navBar is missing in the docs #2252
- titleStyle only sets backgroundcolor for small area #2251
- How do you setup a background image for the entire app that is shared across different scene #2250
- Setting style for Scenes, title, ... #2249
- Creating an Authenticated Scene #2246
- Custom navbar example #2245
- Better way to declare rightTitle/onRight inside component #2244
- How do I override (or disable) hardware back press button for a given scene? #2237
- How do I get into a route and clear all routes other than the first route before then? #2230
- Double-tapping fires Actions twice #2228
- QUESTION: How to disable swipe-back but not disable drawer-swipe #2226
- Tabs with fetch not rerendering on changetab #2225
- Error and warning: "Cannot update during an existing state transition an error", using react-native-router-flux and redux-form Field #2201
- Custom animations for scenes (disabling transition animation) #2042
- Disable gesture back action #2006
Merged pull requests:
- Overlay support #2281 (aksonov)
- Prevent React warning (and potential errors) about refs for stateless function components #2258 (davojan)
4.0.0-beta.18 (2017-08-16)
Implemented enhancements:
- Improve JSX syntax for built-in containers #2210
Fixed bugs:
- Back button on Android always closes app #2196
- "There is no route defined for key "a" in beta.12-15 #2189
- drawerImage does not display Image #2175
Closed issues:
- [Question] How to pass props to previous screen when back button pressed (or any other button)? #2243
- Screen navigation is mixed up / confused. #2242
- npm run build fails #2240
- [Help Wanted] Is it possible to make navigation bar and tabs style like this? #2239
- [react-native-router-flux] key should be defined for [object Object] #2238
- popTo hangs #2234
- Hope to improve the docs for v4 and latest rnrf example #2233
- Cant change background color #2232
- remove bottom shadow not work #2231
- Multiple navigation bars on nested <Scene> #2229
- Can anyone help me with disabling back button on certain scenes? #2227
- HotReload not working as expected #2224
- Title moves to right for iOS #2223
- Props is not properly sent down to children when using tabs #2222
- onPress for "back button" on Android only works sometimes #2221
- How to hide back button Text Label #2219
- Router doesn't render over the parent element #2218
- Discussion: Can a store be initiated before Rendering? #2217
- v4 Tabs - reset stack on changing tab #2215
- Unexpected behaviour when rendering an array of Scenes #2214
- Lazy prop mount other pages which are not selected #2211
prop to Scene is not functioning properly #2209- setParams or Actions.refresh doesn't work #2208
- leftButtonImage is not working #2207
- How can i add gradient in background color of navbar? #2206
- [react-native-router-flux] initialState should not be null #2205
- V4 RenderRightButton not working when passed in Actions.refresh #2204
- direction="vertical" is not support? #2203
- Getting Unhandled JS Exception: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'child.props.clone') #2202
- On hiding child nav bar, parent nav bar gets hidden #2200
- Hardware back button doesn't close drawer menu #2192
- [iOS, v4.0.0-beta.16] TabBar is above the NavBar when using tabBarPosition="top" #2190
- How to set NavBar above Tabs? #2181
- How to hide drawer for specific scenes #2142
Merged pull requests:
- access to screen components via
#2248 (aksonov) - Fix of babel version (#2240) #2247 (davojan)
- Allow 1-deep nested arrays of Scenes to support structured configuration for larger projects #2241 (davojan)
- PopTo “loginModal” was not working in login3 scene #2235 (compojoom)
- Allow special characters in route keys and avoid unintuitive js parsing errors #2216 (davojan)
- Fix 'replace' action (#2189) #2213 (aksonov)
- Install by https is more common #2212 (ilabacheuski)
4.0.0-beta.17 (2017-08-08)
Fixed bugs:
- 'DrawerClose' action pushes new scene instead of just closing drawer #2193
- Press Android back button immediately exit application #2191
- tintColor ignored for custom left and right buttons #2188
- Warning: Failed prop type: Invalid prop
of typefunction
supplied toRouter
, expected a single ReactElement. #2187
Closed issues:
- How can I show tab inside the tab (Nested tabs)? #2199
- How to achieve => headerMode:"screen" #2198
- All tab view of tabs are mounted once. #2197
- back on TAB is not working when using hideTabBar and swipeEnabled={false} a on parent #2186
- ComponentWillUnmount is not called when Action is triggered #2185
- Icon hamburger on each scene #2184
- Modal nested navigation #2183
- Press Android back button immediately exit application #2182
- Redux state change in drawerchild #2180
- how to change android animation direction #2177
- How to use modal #2173
- No option to change default indicator style color of yellow in Tab bar on android #2171
- redux example - side effect warning #2170
- Custom tab bar #2169
- Tab bar not showing in Android #2165
- Tabbed Scene Jumping Back to first tab #2164
- Is it possible to render navBar at the bottom? Also, disabling 'fade with slide' animation when entering a Scene #2161
- (Warning) Multiple mobx instances running #2155
Merged pull requests:
- Fixes #2193, #2188, #2175 and general drawerImage improvement #2194 (aksonov)
- Fixed popTo method #2179 (ulentini)
4.0.0-beta.16 (2017-08-03)
Fixed bugs:
- Actions.popTo not working with beta 15 and above #2163
- [Regression] Jump to the same route pushes new screen (should be ignored) #2152
- onEnter not being executed when using Actions.pop() manually #2147
- DrawerIcons disables DrawerImage #2110
Closed issues:
- react-native-web Unable to be compatible #2178
- how to Dynamically setting the tabbarStyle #2176
- [suggestion] modal independent of navigation #2174
- popTo: Cannot read property 'toString' of undefined. #2167
- Title in navigation bar is not centered in Android (7.0) #2166
- Issues pushing new scene after upgrading from beta8 to beta 15 #2162
- Can't read property 'router' of null #2049 #2158
- Scene Not changing #2157
- Decorators (MobX) not supported by React Native defaut Babel preset #2156
- can i use it with react-redux or it will support redux?? #2151
- Upgrade to v4 broke - almost - everything #2150
- How to make drawer navigation? #2149
- header onBack bug? #2146
- 4.0.0-beta.14 mobx strict-mode is enabled bug #2145
- How to open drawer onPress in v4? #2143
- react-native-drawer example with react-native-router-flux 4 #2133
- navigationBarStyle or navTransparent and also navigationBarStyle={[STYLES.navBar]} is not working while trying to make the custom navigation bar transparent #2132
- Unable to overlay the tabbed navigation view #2112
Merged pull requests:
- Example: Centered title in navigation bar #2172 (mikaello)
- Update swipeEnabled and Etc. #2168 (luco)
- Fixes #2147, onExit handler #2154 (aksonov)
- Addresses #2152 #2153 (aksonov)
4.0.0-beta.15 (2017-07-30)
Implemented enhancements:
- tabicon can't get more props #2129
- Increase hitSlop (tappable area) for navbar #2123
- Support of external navigation state (full redux support) #2115
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
- Hot to focus second tab when push tabBar Scene? #2141
- React-Native-Vector-Icons for React-Native-Router-Flux TabBar #2139
- Animation? #2135
- Scenes inside tabs (switch) getting corrently unmounted and then incorrectly re-mounted #2131
- Support for custom component for NavBar #2128
- Clear history stack without route change? #2127
- How to wait until the scene is refreshed? #2126
- adding a custom navigation bar with a leftbutton and multiple right buttons #2125
- Back props & Android back button ? #2122
- onLeft() or onRight() use compoent function? #2121
- Does any one have an example app using RNRF & Mobx? #2120
- Getting a deadly spinner #2119
- How to get the Routing stack? #2118
- Header not not displayed #2117
- Не отображается хэдэр #2116
- [Question] Share a Scene #2114
- How to use wrapBy #2113
- renderTitle image not shown on all device #2111
- Proper way of using onEnter / success? #2109
- Reset stack on enter Scene? #2104
- Rotation bug. #2088
Merged pull requests:
- Tabicons improvement #2140 (aksonov)
- Fix the React.PropTypes #2138 (trietphan)
- Full redux support #2134 (aksonov)
4.0.0-beta.14 (2017-07-25)
4.0.0-beta.13 (2017-07-25)
Implemented enhancements:
- Tabbar properties not working in V4 #1996
Fixed bugs:
- Drawer with drawerPosition="right" has menu button on the left #2087
Closed issues:
- Cannot open screen in tab scene #2108
- Drawer button and title alignment in Navbar v4 #2107
- Can't wrap Scene or ConnectedRouter in a View #2106
- How to have a global view component like a notification bar #2105
- Drawer w/ Nested Nav and Header Issue #2103
- v4 replace behaves different to v3? #2102
- How to have back button on initial screen also? #2101
- Example with Redux on v4 #2100
- Example with MobX on v4 #2099
- How to reset back stack? #2098
- about example Jump animation #2097
- BackHandler remove on v3.39.1 #2096
- tabBarComponent transparent background hides content #2095
- hideBackImage and renderBackButton not working #2093
- Drawer-Image not shown on android #2092
- Action to the same route #2091
- on reset complete? #2090
- Question about Actions.refresh #2089
- Back button does not render #2086
- tabbar icon cannot class? #2085
- navTransparent Does not work #2084
- Back button prop #2083
- Actions.sceneKey({type: ActionsConst.REPLACE}) isn't working #2082
- Using onEnter/onExit from Component #2081
- Double Line in Navigation Bar for nested StackedNavigation and Title does not center in 4.0.0 #2080
- Call tab nested scene from outer scene #2079
- Pop with props #2078
- Double navBar on nested Scenes #2077
- hideTabBar sometimes doesn't work #2076
- Actions.pop() with data is not working #2075
- v3 to v4 : Route 'myRoute' should declare a screen. #2074
- Actions stopped working #2072
- actions[type] is not a function #2070
- Nested scenes not working in 4.0.0 #2066
- How can I pass parameters to a tabbar's child? #2065
- Cannot update during an existing state transition #2063
- [Question] How to *really* upgrade from V3 to V4? #2060
- Strange behavior for drawerOpen #2058
- Confusion to new comer: what version shall I use? #2041
- Icon not show on Android #2038
- Navigation 'back' button won't render on Android for scenes with 'back' attribute. #2023
- rightTitle / leftTitle #2019
Merged pull requests:
4.0.0-beta.12 (2017-07-19)
Closed issues:
- V4 : How to pass props to custom navBar using Action ? #2069
- How can I get the routing stack #2068
- How can i #2064
- Lightbox not transparent #2061
- popTo freezes #2059
- a reference error? #2057
- How do reset keep the initial page routing? #2056
- How to position tab bar on bottom. v4 #2054
- hideNavBar not working on android #2050
- Can't read property 'router' of null #2049
- Question: How to integrate with Redux on v4? #2048
- scene 1 -> scene 2 -> scene 1 (refresh with new params) how? #2047
- Actions.{route} not defined for nested scenes #2045
- Back navigation won't work on Android #2040
- Can't change backgroundColor of the app. #2039
- The vertical position of navigation bar does changes while popping or pushing #2037
- Custom TabBar Component in v4 #2036
- Tabs mounting all components on start #2034
- Unable to change default background color of gray #2033
- Color of Back Button Arrow #2028
- Tabbar Navigation always goes back to the last screen #2026
Merged pull requests:
- Fix children scene transition props not collected #2071 (wsxyeah)
- remove trailing backtick at git clone link #2067 (buncismamen)
- Add left and right button text style and tabBarComponent #2055 (luco)
- add more navbar dynamic properties #2053 (aksonov)
- Fix for #2019 - rightButton positioning on Android. #2052 (diegocouto)
- Migrate to CircleCI 2.0 #2046 (charpeni)
- license update #2044 (aksonov)
- Fix for #2023 - Navigation 'back' button won't render on Android #2043 (diegocouto)
- More docs #2035 (southerneer)
4.0.0-beta.11 (2017-07-14)
4.0.0-beta.10 (2017-07-14)
Closed issues:
- Transform error with beta 9 #2032
- Scene onPress doesn't work anymore? #2030
- Component renders twice / showing up in nav bar twice #2024
4.0.0-beta.9 (2017-07-14)
Closed issues:
- Swipe back with Vertical threshold #2031
- null is not an object AppNavigator.router #2029
- How to update TabBar icon on V4? #2027
- Cannot close Modal and Scene at once from inside of the Modal #2022
- How can we show component in the TabView? #2021
- Moving to a new scene pushesh navbar to the previous scene #2016
- Failed at the react-native-router-flux@4.0.0-beta.7 postinstall script 'opencollective postinstall'. #2008
Merged pull requests:
4.0.0-beta.8 (2017-07-13)
Implemented enhancements:
- Issue popping down to root StackNavigator #1987
Fixed bugs:
- Navbar properties not working in v4 #1991
Closed issues:
- Using modal properly #2020
- Constant rerendering of scenes in the stack. #2018
- actions[type] is not a function #2017
- Navbar props don't affect on back button style #2014
- TabBarIcon can not call class as a funtion #2013
- Drawer children is not defined #2011
- when i created a WiFi hotspot, and my tabBar was pushed down #2010
- undefined is not an ovject (evaluating '_react.PropTypes.string') #2009
- _reactNativeRouterFlux.Actions.Teams is not a function #2007
- disabling panHandlers #2005
- v4 Actions.popTo() is not function when I run Example #2004
- AppNavigator.router undefined/props should be defined errors in V4 #1999
Merged pull requests:
4.0.0-beta.7 (2017-07-10)
Implemented enhancements:
- this.props.navigationState is undefined #2000
- Build v4 around 'react-navigation' - contributors wanted! #1595
- Missing properties in index.d.ts for SceneProps #1216
- Need to improve the example... #1189
- How can I persist router state using redux-persist? #1180
- Changelog not maintained #1075
- Experimental Native Navigation (iOS) #1061
- Feature suggestion/request: StatusBar changes based on scene/route #834
- [Discussion] v4 roadmap/desired features/etc #817
- [WIP] Migrate to newest React Native master branch API (0.29?) #815
- Tapping a tab should navigate to the default scene for that scene group #717
- Redux replacement with reactive programming #709
- Any plans to support deep linking by having a url scheme? #704
- tab routes does not get params #563
- Pop back to specific scene #419
Fixed bugs:
- Mobx enabled useStrict #1994
- navigationBarTitleImage prop doesn't show image #1687
- Get rid of small line between scenes #1673
- Selecting current screen tab instantiates a new component #1669
- Reset on tabbar not always calling componentDidMount #1630
- Application crashes when using tabbar after upgrade react native 0.41 #1616
- ComponentWillMount and componentWillUnmount not called if time is extremely short between Actions.push and Actions.pop #1612
- POP_TO not working in android #1235
- tab bar bug! #1233
- The default NavBar prevents swipe back on Android #1134
- Long titles are hidden behind the buttons #1087
- Failed to build DependencyGraph: @providesModule naming collision: #960
- The style of navigation bar in the scene which is poping changed to white background #922
- drawerImage size #895
Closed issues:
- undefined is not a function (evaluating '_reactNativeRouterFlux.Actions.create') #2003
- Correct way to setup tabs and drawer, showing two headers #2002
- Warning: Failed prop type: Invalid prop
of typearray
supplied toProvider
, expected a single ReactElement. #1998 - Example error #1997
- How to use DefaultRenderer? #1995
- Is it possible to pass component with props in Scene? #1993
- Unhandled JS Exception: _reactNativeRouterFlux.Actions.create is not a function #1992
- Drawer image and changing scenes #1990
- Parent scene component visible in inherited scenes #1988
- Unable to set animation direction #1986
- TabBar Just Doesn't Show Up #1985
- Trying to render any other type of tab bar leads to layout issues #1984
- TabIcons focused prop #1983
- Install Version 4 #1982
- Global parent component for inherited scenes #1981
- NavBar Title onPress action #1980
- NavBar doesn't render with new scene #1979
- react-native v.45.1 #1977
- How to unmount component switching tab #1976
- _reactNativeRouterFlux.Actions.create is not a function #1975
- Issue with passing props to a tabbed scene #1972
- componentWillUnMount #1971
- Drawer left and right button image change dynamically #1970
- refresh param of children of Drawer. #1969
- react-native-router-flux (undefined is not an object ... viewPropTypes.style) #1968
- Having Issues Properly Hooking Into Scene Change (FLUX_FOCUS) #1967
- renderRightButton #1966
- Actions.pop(refresh: { }) cannot trigger componentWillReceiveProps at children scene #1965
- Multiple buttons on navbar #1964
- Authentication/Unlock on AppState change #1963
- Which version is the latest supporting RN0.43.1? #1962
- Typescript: how to enable icon for tabbar 0.38 #1961
- Command
unrecognized. Make sure that you have runnpm install
and that you are inside a react-native project. #1960 - SyntaxError /node_modules/react-native-router-flux/src/navigationStore: Unexpected token (18:0) #1959
- Dynamic status bar style #1958
- componentWillUnMount be not always get called when back #1957
- How to get tabs to count towards navigation history? #1956
- Tabbar tabs background color #1955
- Overlap of header and tab bar #1954
- componentDidMount not always get called in Tabs #1953
- Styling navBar into component? Is it possible #1952
- v4 proof-of-concept Example (WIP) #1951
- Swipe back is not working #1950
- How to overlay RNRF Header & Footer with a FAB backdrop's props component #1949
- Can I add a button to the navbar? #1948
- unknown blue color bar is appeared below the navbar on changing mobile orientation from Vertical to Horizontal #1947
- UNMET PEER DEPENDENCY when attempting to install with react-native 0.45.1 #1946
- it will refresh when i click the tabbar twice #1945
- How to disable Navigation transition #1944
- How to create custom navigation bar #1943
- Non-geographical maps support #1942
- Navigation bar flashes on start #1941
- How to get title in Custom Header ? #1940
- App crashes with message "Unhandled JS Exception: Native module cannot be null" #1937
- why not provide onDidFocus prop for Scene #1936
- [Android] Custom header is overlaid with statusbar #1934
- Cannot read property style of undefined? #1933
- direction: vertical why only from down to top? #1932
- renderRightButton throw this.function is not a function #1931
- SceneView warning when upgrading to RN 0.45 #1929
- Persist last scene using React Native Router Flux and Tabbar #1928
- Feature Request: Move scene props in routes reducer to a
object #1927 - Cannot read property 'style' of undefined #1926
- how change in tabs tigger event on Component when second Switch? #1925
- Set initial scene dynamically on runtime #1924
- How to refresh a scene that is not currently the active scene #1923
- Is there a way to remove/delete/clear all scenes which added before? #1922
- When using renderRightButton/renderLeftButton the style aren't taken in account #1920
- [Question] Why use this instead of react-community/react-navigation? #1919
- [Question] Before route change event #1917
- navigationBarTitleImage won't display #1916
- Navigation Component re-mounts when app is re-entered on android #1915
- Change back button icon to menu #1914
- Navigation stack is reset when I go to new tab and back again #1913
- How to listen Actions.pop() in the previous scene ? #1912
- Router does not work if not in root #1911
- Fixed element on all screens #1910
- Custom Tabbar Android setting width is cut off #1909
- Customer navbar pop when calling Actions.pop() #1908
- Custom animations ... how to do that ? #1907
- Access tab props #1906
- Change tabbar button behaviour on second press #1905
- No support for latest 16.0.0 alpha version #1904
- Has
Error when build ios #1903 - Menu Icon appears only for Initial Scene #1902
- Naming Collision Issue (solution inside) #1901
- how to get current top route or a route has navigated back? #1899
- Use react-native-elements <Icon /> in header buttons #1898
- The action to change the scene pushes a different scene #1897
- How to insert a newline to Title #1896
- How can I jump the page like this? #1895
- not an object (_reactNative.BackHandler.addEventListener) #1894
- BUG: Actions.pop with popNum failed #1893
- No errors when I forget to specify the component property in <Scene> #1890
- [question] track ending animation of route change #1889
- react-native 0.44.0 update error; no such file or directory: AccessibilityInfo.ios.js #1887
- undefined is not a function (evaluating 'fetch('apiurl')') #1886
- Re-render the old scene and the new scene on push/pop #1884
- Go to root scene ? It is possible to remove all screen from the memory and go the root scene #1883
- how to combine side menu bar?? #1882
- I'm looking for real 'native-looking' iOS transitions, but still unsuccessfully. I hope can Realize it。thank you very much #1881
- React native with redux REPLACE and RESET not working #1880
- Animate Same Scene Transition #1879
- Side menu is visible when changing pages/ going to the previous page on android #1878
- Back button action #1877
- Apple tv compatibility #1876
- A question about Actions.pop({refresh: {...}}) #1875
- Passing props to scenes #1873
- [question] how to change in tabs without reload scene #1872
- Focus not being dispatched when changing scene #1871
- Scenes inside tabs (switch) getting corrently unmounted and then incorrectly re-mounted #1870
- Handling the Android hardware back scene popping in chronological order #1869
- `-- UNMET PEER DEPENDENCY react@15.5.4 #1868
- [Urgent] How to get CurrentScene? #1867
- Removed react-native-router-flux but still getting error #1866
- Modal. Type should not be null. #1865
- Cannot read property 'component' of undefined #1864
- Can't open scene with params, still open without #1863
- Android assemble cannot package #1861
- undefined is not an object _reactNative.NavigationExperimental.CardStack (NavigationExperimental deprecated) #1860
- Can not go to container Scene #1859
- Wrong CurrentRoute (scene) on ActionConst.FOCUS #1858
- Switch shows first item for a while #1857
- RCTConvert CATransform3D warning on transitioning between scenes #1856
- Back to tab Scene not work! #1855
- Navbar is unmounted and mounted with every scene transition #1854
- Where can you detect scene changes to throw up an error before the scene changes if the page is not valid? #1853
- Which component method gets called when pop is called? #1852
- Scene Animation #1851
- _reactNativeRouterFlux.Actions.xxx is not a function in Android #1850
- EventPluginUtils.getLowestCommonAncestor not a function error #1849
- Android back soft button on navigation bar removes tab #1848
- Bundling error #1847
- Navigate to an other page error undefined is not object #1846
- Drawerlayout android, openDrawer #1845
- Is it possible to create dynamic tabbar icon,title which listens redux state? #1844
- Warning: BackAndroid is deprecated. Please use BackHandler instead. #1842
- Using it with React-native-Tab-View (question) #1841
- conflict react-native version with your router-flux dependencies's react-native version 0.41.2 #1839
- Actions.currentRouter.currentRoute throwing 'undefined is not an object' #1836
- Help: Cannot resolve symbol Actions #1835
- How can I use refs to active scene component from Outer Component #1834
- How can I position an overlay layer on top of the navbar? #1833
- No dimension set for key window #1832
- jsc-heap-capture name collision #1830
- Need all {renderBackButton(navProps)} {renderLeftButton(navProps)} {renderRightButton(navProps)} for Nav bar #1829
- RecyclerViewBackedScrollView - unable to resolve module #1828
- My scene is not unmount #1825
- Sometimes iOS statusbar disappears? #1824
- Double touch TabIcon will remount the page #1823
- @providesModule naming collision error after installing react-native-router-flux #1816
- Conditional first scene rendering with redux. #1814
- reactNativeRouterFlux.Actions.xxx is not a function #1813
- ERROR: UNMET PEER DEPENDENCY react@15.5.4 #1811
- Snapshot test error because of react-native-router-flux #1810
- Duplicate module name: react-native-packager #1809
- Accessing PropTypes via the main React package is deprecated. Use the prop-types package from npm instead. #1807
- Can we make a release? #1804
- Duplicate versions of react-native being installed #1803
- [Question] Best way to implement "onLeft()" and "onRight()" logic inside the scene's component #1802
- From Nested Scene To Other Nested Scene Navigate #1801
- Using a custom onBack callback it doesnt called by android back button #1800
- popTo initial scene visibly shows scenes in between as well #1799
- resetTo and immediatelyResetRouteStack action types #1798
- NavigationDrawer wrong behavior on the Example app #1795
- Tabs don't render when passing scenes prop into Router #1793
- Help me plz: navbar render not correct #1792
- Incorrect screens render #1791
- Modal Stuck Open, can't Actions.pop() #1789
- Style property 'left' is not supported by native animated module #1787
- When using Switch, unmountScenes disables child tabs in v3.38.0 #1786
- Actions.pop() doesn't work when pushing same scene over itself with different props #1785
- is it possible to render modal, from the action inside of another modal #1784
- New Screen is presented behind Modal #1783
- react-addons-pure-render-mixin not found #1780
- Make switch selector accept a promise! #1779
- this.props.position.interpolate is not a function #1777
- Router's sceneStyle gets applied to header within a Drawer wrapper #1774
- [HowTo] Dynamic hide/show NavBar #1773
- Nested Navigators #1771
- Multiple screens in a tab #1770
- Action.pop: Refresh only a specific section in render #1768
- hideNavBar on iOS problem #1764
- How can I access state within renderNavigationBar? #1763
- Swipe back gesture #1762
- Error with the latest version of React Native 0.43.0 #1761
- Can Actions.SCENE_NAME({type: replace | reset}) not remove transition animations #1760
- Warning to define onRight method gets raised regardless #1757
- Question: How to detect the "pop"-Action on a pushed scene? #1755
- close modal and a scene by once #1754
- direction and type do not work together #1753
- Scene component and navBar do not work together #1752
- I have Query Can anyone Help me ?? #1751
- Help With Drawer Menu #1750
- Intercept Navigation.pop() #1749
- Is Actions.dismiss() no longer a thing? #1747
- Configuring Initial scene view through router tag #1746
- Back button and fetching data #1745
- Can't Pass Class to renderLeftButton #1743
- Close Modal and redirect to another scene only works once #1741
- [Help me] fixed bottom player like Apple Music all scene #1740
- How to share same component across views without redeclaring it ? #1737
- How can I run example app? #1736
- Shared Element Transitions? #1735
- Android hardware back button not working after Actions.main({type: 'replace'}) #1734
- redirect from sub-scene #1733
- Calling Action.pop and redux change after each other #1732
- Root Component that wrap all routes #1730
- Action.refresh() for Switch in Example does not work #1729
- How to disable Swipe-Down-To-Close at modal or just close when not scrolled #1728
- How to add two Actions to a Button ? #1727
- tabs re-rendering when switching in 3.38.0 #1725
- rightTitle-Attribute on a specific scene renders the right title also on ALL other scenes. #1724
- How to open scene with Drawer? #1723
- How can I retain parent navbar when switching tabs? #1722
- How to automatically display the return title #1721
- How to navigate to specific tab with resetting #1719
- remove animation on back/close transition with duration={1} (NOT working) #1718
- [Topic]Navigator perform slowly and NavigationExperimental will be deprecated in RN0.43 #1717
- pop back and trigger another callback #1716
- Gesture threshold problem #1715
- action.pop() is used at the same time previous page are refreshed #1713
- Tabbar gesture back displaying wrong scene in the background #1711
- Remove
dependency #1710 - How to render initial or RESET/REPLACE scenes with animation? #1709
- When going from tab to tab, how do I get the previous tab? #1707
- Unable to resolve module react-native-router-flux #1706
- Router createReducer and reducer confusion #1704
- Prevent Tab Press from popping to Initial Scene #1703
- How to combine Router and navigation Drawer? #1702
- Cannot read property 'hideTabBar' of undefined #1701
- render is overlapping with previous screen data #1700
- Question: Using React Native Material Icon for Navigation Bar (left, right, and back buttons) #1699
- Can't run Example: Print: Entry, ":CFBundleIdentifier", Does Not Exist #1698
- Nested tab scene causes navigation to break #1697
- Switching between animated scenes eventually grinds Android to a halt #1696
- Can't go back using Swipe left if the actual scene contains an Animated.View. #1693
- Screen disappears after screen orientation rotation and subsequently crashes #1677
- Actions.pop({ key: 'scene' }) should be documented #1676
- Questions about callback #1656
- Add interactive / gif demo and examples #1654
- Crashing on Actions.pop() on android #1636
- [Documentation] Add screenshots of differents Tab/Nav/Drawer #1628
- Swiping a direction="vertical" Scene down only by its header or custom component #1605
- Route pushing not behaving as expected #1602
- [documentation] Give more technical information about the navigation types #1601
- NavBar from previous Scene comes from left to right after closing Modal. #1600
- Incorrect FOCUS actions being dispatched for tabs #1597
- Custom navBar examples and docs #1596
and other pop actions modify the behaviour of subsequent actions #1594- Snapchat like navigation with swipe #1593
- auth #1591
- Objects are not valid as a React child #1589
- Nested navigators in tabbars #1587
- Question: How to add a scene to the stack without actually visiting it? #1583
- Scene.key conflicts with
with Tabbar #1582 - Cannot Style Tabs Text Component #1581
- Pop action difference between Android and iOS #1578
- How can I position a view to be on top of the navbar? #1575
- Showing Spinner view using react-native-router #1574
- Is it possible to use the tabbar like Facebook ? #1573
- Docs Error: Missing Parenthesis? #1572
- [ANDROID] Pop modal doesnt remove itself from screen #1571
- Tabbar sometimes is pushed up by the keyboard. #1569
- Switch does focus first tab and only then jumps to required tab #1568
- iOS Nav Bar fail to refresh on tab change #1567
- master-detail example #1565
- Drawer just in first page #1563
- [question] Reset a tab routes while on another tab #1562
- After that history stack reset in tab bar, other tabs are not visible #1560
- [question] How to layout tab scenes to get animation? #1558
- Dynamic changing title tabbar #1557
- Navigation Bar: Back button NoStyling #1556
- Right text tilte is not center aligned #1555
- hideNavBar does not work #1554
- Please add native animation support (better performance) #1553
- Structure of routers #1550
- Why doesn't navbar left button override back button? #1547
- How to go back to Login again? #1545
- Changing navBars #1544
- Multiple Routers #1541
- how to set transition animation #1540
- display white screen or hold last state when faster interaction which trigger push #1539
- Event triggered when routing #1538
- Painfully slow on iPhone 6, Android, (fast on iPhone 7) #1536
- Ask For Help: how to Switch to another scene with Switch #1533
- How to Action.pop() without animation in a <Scene />, not hold project. I've set duration={0} but it won't work. Many thanks! #1532
- Performance issue #1531
- Scene's Not "connected" to Redux store. Can't mapStateToProps #1530
- Cannot change TabBar's NavBar background color #1529
- Is there a doc about what ActionConst do? #1520
- Use tabbar the tab use the same component I get data in the componentDidmount but entered page is not enter componentDidmount, so it's not re-render page #1518
- Disable backButton from navigationBar on tabs #1517
- How to pass props from navbar to another page? #1516
- Question: Is there a way to show/hide navBar's rightButton through dispatch? #1513
- Force scene re render on back action #1510
- Custom Icon on Drawer NOT working #1507
- Stop iOS accessibility Voiceover to access items that are not rendered #1506
- I want to set the animation when tab to different scene,but the 'duration' and ‘direction’ doesn't work? #1505
- Component Mounting Twice After React Native 0.39 upgrade with IOS 9.2 #1504
- I'm planning to write a doc on dynamic tabs manipulation on TabBar. Shall I start working on this? #1503
- Modal just rendering the half #1502
- Get title from custom navigator #1500
- Shoutem dropdown + RNRF navbar #1499
- Artificial scene stack (history) #1498
- react- native version 0.38, react-native router-flux version 3.37 #1496
- Getting undefined is not a function on Android only #1495
- How to have the navbar with classic iOS style? #1493
- Trigger component logic upon navigating to a different tab #1492
- How to unmount a scene when push to it and pop from it #1491
- Render element between navBar and the route component #1490
- Custom NavBar doesn't appear #1489
- Disable title slide animation while using 'fade' animation #1487
- Native-base content being overlayed by navigation bar #1486
- Scene inside a Scene how to navigate #1484
- How to dynamically set initial scene via state #1483
- OnLeftRoute event #1481
- Scenes are not removed from nav stack when moving between tabs #1480
- how should I custom animation of 3.x version #1478
- Drawer could not work well in the second and later login #1477
- navigation state show correct index? #1475
- Pushing to scene with tabs loses navbar #1473
- Transition when touching the title #1471
- Custom NavBar doesn't move to top position #1470
- Missing assets React Native Windows (UWP) #1468
- Example app transitions are very very slow on iphone 6 sim #1467
- view is not re-rendered when click button too fast #1466
- duplicated StaticContainer on
flow check
#1465 - warning: "'useNativeDriver' is not supported" when "Back" button is pressed #1464
- Can't custom the tab bar icon with title? #1463
- White lines flickering around edges during transitions #1460
- how can refresh parent component when child component is poped #1458
- How to use the drawer with the navigator any example? #1456
- Custom nav bar for individual scene or even different state of scene (new feature #1453
- Nested tabs #1452
- about react native scene tabs, discussion, do we need to fork? #1449
- how to change NavigationDrawer icon #1448
- renderRightButton renders multiple times in Android #1447
- Collapsing drawer when navigating away? #1445
- How to create a global component like message or loading #1443
- How to implement custom scene renderer? #1442
- Scene.type docs #1441
- Feature Request: Nested Components #1440
- How to show a modal with custom NavBar? #1438
- Scenes are unmounted late #1437
- Why don't work scens after auth? #1436
- Back button appearing in root of navbar scenario #1433
- How to: Screen Transition which looks like element of current scene is expanding to full screen #1432
- Inconsistency scene duration and animation #1431
- How to flip back button in RTL Layout #1430
- duration ignored when passed to Action #1428
- Navigating to another route re-renders the current route #1427
- React Native Drawer does not respond to onTouchDrag or: How to make it work #1424
- backandroid jump between tabs #1421
- default custom renderRightButton #1417
- Modal as overlay(transparent bg) not as new screen #1411
- Recommended Way to Transition a Component within a Scene #1409
- backAndroidHandler/onBackAndroid/onExitApp not triggered on Actions.refresh #1405
- Navigator scene config problem #1403
- push new version (3.35.1) to update index.d.ts typings #1402
- animation on reset #1399
- How can I do conditional navigation when user launch app from deepLink or Notifications #1398
- Where is the documentation for DefaultRenderer? #1396
- tab bar Icons wont display #1395
- About tabbar #1394
- No navigation bar is displayed when using Drawer with modal #1393
- Props passed through route remain static #1389
- how to fit/constrain background image into nav bar ? #1387
- Back Button not displayed as expected #1385
- how can i close the drawer in designated page? #1384
- When navigating, why the navigation bar's height is changing? #1382
- Problem about pop and refresh #1381
- how can i get the current scene by redux #1378
- Disable swipe back gesture without disabling all gestures #1376
- hide navbar and bottom tab bar on scroll #1374
- Why doesn't Modal dispatch ActionConst.FOCUS? #1373
- Navbar buttons top offset is not the same #1369
- Render different tabs based on condition (isLogged) #1367
- How to push a scene while resetting the stack **except** the initial scene? #1365
- Not able to access any function after override left or right button at own component level #1364
- About hideNavBar property. #1363
- Typescript Definition problem #1361
- RouterWithRedux maps only initial state mapStateToProps, but never updates changes as actions are dispatched and reducer changed the state. #1359
- Update react-native-experimental-navigation #1358
- ActionConst.PUSH scene data #1357
- Add support for react-native-windows #1356
- Pass function from component to navbar #1355
- Hide drawer/hamburger button in NavBar #1353
- Can not read property '<functionname>' of undefined when using onBack in prerendered scenes #1352
- renderLeftButton not working if navbar placed at bottom #1351
- add passProps to root Scene cause tabs to not working well #1350
- Update state when navigating back to a scene #1349
- navBar contents is not rendered with navigationBarBackgroundImage #1348
- Navigation is not smooth #1343
- Chevron showing even after using NavigationAction.foo({type: "reset"}) #1342
- Pop then push #1341
- RouterWithRedux HotReload not working #1339
- Tab navigation #1337
- rightButtonImage with imagesource not working #1335
- Nested Scenes with 2 successive hideNavBar Scenes causes all other Scenes not to have Nav Bar #1330
- Receiving "synthetic event is reused" warning when navigating between scenes using redux sample code #1328
- Actions.SCENE({type: 'reset'}) #1327
- Problem when showing WebView in drawer (maybe also in tab) #1326
- Trigger Actions.refresh() without rerendering the component??? #1323
- LeftButton was not rendered #1320
- Map dispatch to props not work as expected #1318
- On Tab Selected lifecycle method #1317
- Disable backButton on Modal #1316
- Creating custom parent scene with persistent navigation elements #1315
- Scene Won't Change With Remote Debugger Enabled #1314
- [Drawer (side menu) integration] not working with DrawerLayoutAndroid #1313
- Initial tab will be frozen when change tab #1311
- Navbar documentation #1309
- Transition without reloading image for every page #1302
- Can I put a logo (image file) in the Nav bar? #1301
- how to add an view above navigation bar #1299
- Call onLeft() function #1297
- "Unique key should be defined" exception #1296
- instructions in mini-tutorial result in onPress being called on render when data is passed #1290
- Returning to the core NavigationExperimental Component? #1289
- Unable to run Example - react-native run-android throws an error #1288
- Re-render same scene with updated props #1285
- How to use react-native-router-flux and react-native-scrollable-tab-view? #1283
- Scene mounting bug #1282
- Navigating takes me to the previous scene for a second before going to the desired scene #1281
- Navigation bar height? #1279
- Sub-Scenes Unexpectedly Popping on Tab Change #1275
- How to get back to the first scene of the tab? #1274
- Search field inside navigation? #1273
- Android vs iOS inconsistencies. #1268
- How to hide nav bar based on state? #1267
- Race condition when quickly navigating between scenes #1266
- Displaying compressed sized navigation bar #1265
- How to redirecting new page with routerReducer #1264
- How to disable the navBar animation, especially when from one page with navBar to one page without navBar. #1263
- Modal Dialog Problem #1262
- AutoUpdate router data via server? #1260
- Scene with react-native-maps breaks on router-flux 3.36.0 #1258
- Testing actions called within redux-sagas #1257
- Displaying Image in Header (NavBar) #1255
- Swipe down conflicts / bugs inside modal (direction="vertical") #1253
- Drawer DefaultRenderer failed prop type for children #1252
- PR: Add support for
#1251 - Scenes header don't update based on authenticated props #1250
- panHandlers = { null } raises warning #1249
- navbar hide when action.name to other page with navbar #1248
- how to reset nav history when changing tabs? #1246
- Modal in the tab bar bug #1243
- Can we have a fade animation similar to that on the Navigation component? #1241
- componentWillReceiveProps is getting called on Poped screen on state update. #1239
- arguments callee and caller cannot be accessed in strict mode #1210
- Best Practices for Navigating to a route #1209
- Navigation between scenes and calling render & constructor #1208
- update version #1207
- Get Router name #1206
- Get all children in Drawer Navigation state with tabs={false} #1204
- Unable to change 'scale' transition effect between scenes #1202
- Question, How to execute a function after routing ? #1198
- How to traverse scenes #1197
- Example's Redux implementation doesn't trigger in reducer #1196
- How to have different navbar and transitions for Android and iOS? #1194
- How do i add a right nav bar button? #1192
- NSInternalInconsistencyException #1187
- Bind UIManager.showPopupMenu.Handle to RFlux/TouchableOpacity #1186
- titleWrapper style? #1184
- Animation of appearance of navigation bar? #1182
- How do I make react-native-router-flux work with redux connect? #1181
- Is there any available docs for how to use and customize navbar? #1179
- Remote debugging experience with android device #1177
- Actions.refresh refreshes current scene and tabbar scene when using tabbar #1176
- com.facebook.react.modules.core.JavascriptException: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'e.children[e.index].sceneKey') #1175
- Transitioning out of scene with does not use custom animationStyle #1174
- Cannot set renderLoading or renderError for Relay container #1166
- swipe gesture is hard to trigger #1162
- Navigating with TabBar inside Drawer, navigate out of drawer and come back crash (EDITED) #1160
- "undefined is not an object" for "action.scene.name" inside 'reducerCreate' #1159
- how can I use my user-defined icon in tab bar? Thanks. #1158
- Version 3.35.0 leftButton does not render component #1154
- Question: How pass additional props to getSceneStyle ? #1147
- Question: Scene specific back button behavior [Android] #1146
- navigationState.children[i].key conflicts with another child #1144
- Navigation bar backButtonImage - can we use Icon instead if image #1143
- how to use nested scene? #1142
- Scenes don't recognize multiple children #1136
- Navbar 'title' position in IOS #1131
- Hide leftButtonImage #1130
- How can I reload the Scene Component when router back focus. #1127
- When calling two actions in a row, only the last one works #1125
- scene(same component. different key) quickly changed but data did not changed #1124
- Prevent react-native-router-flux from rendering all components #1123
- Change default burger #1122
- Parent Containers don't work #1121
- Jest test support #1120
- #question# scene key namesapce & compare with react-router #1115
- RN 0.32.0 - "Warning: Component's children should not be mutated. In NavBar..." #1112
- Option to not move original scene when transitioning to a new one #1111
- 'ActionConst.Reset' not working properly after few uses #1110
- Add Features available in Navigator #1103
- Actions.SCENE doing nothing #1102
- RN 0.31 the tab bar gone #1100
- Feature request: support fullscreen pop gesture #1096
- Dropping Frames #1095
- Back button is not shown when tabs scene is pushed #1092
- Actions.get only gets scenes from the current scene stack #1086
- Ghost view during navigation transition #1085
- BackAndroid pops two scenes when navigating back from a subscene #1084
- Switch Scene only recognizes the first child Scene and it's key #1081
- NavBar is not transparent on Android #1079
- Router needs a key in readme? #1077
- NavBar covered by views #1076
- Cannot read property 'applyAnimation' of undefined when using ActionConst.POP_TO #1074
- How to remove view from the view stack #1071
- translucent in tabbar not working #1070
- Nested children Scenes do not display navBar when hideNavBar=false #1069
- Scenes for deep behaviour #1067
- Navigate between 2 different tabbars #1066
- How to use backAndroidHandler onBackAndroid onExitApp in Router? #1065
- Swipe between tabs #1064
- Closing react-native-drawer upon navigation to new scene #1063
- Scene direction control not working #1062
- How can I dynamically go to different initial page by deeplink ? #1060
- Navbar changes upon navigation to tabbed scenes #1056
- How can I access the title property if I use a custom renderTitle function #1053
- Can trigger hide/show of tab-bars/nav-bars programmatically? #1052
- Get the current navigator stack #1045
- how to implements call a function on scene transition end #1044
- Scene with key considered non-existent despite it rendering successfully #1040
- __DEV__ not defined #1039
- Just the transition system #1038
- How can I do multiple actions with a modal ? #1035
- throw err; ^ Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, uv_chdir #1033
- Is that any way to put background image in navigation bar and also image at navigation title? #1031
- JSX-style comments confused for <Scene> inside <Router> #1030
- unknown module fbjs/lib/invariant #1026
- DefaultRenderer dependency on pure-render-mixin #1018
- How can we pass props to previous screen in Action.Pop() operation #1014
- react-native-message-bar usage [Question] #1011
- Change action names #1010
- React Warnings #1009
- Best Way to Navigate to a Scene from Different Parent? #1005
- Tabbar and Modals #1003
- Cannot resolve 'file' or 'directory' ./assets/back-icon.png #1001
- Warnings with react native upgrade #1000
- Custom BackButton component passed props #999
- Can't access props for scenes whitin a tabBar container #997
- Passing data to tabbar scene #995
- renderRightButton displays button on left side of NavBar #994
- Example of a simple TabBar #988
- Overriding vertical transitions not working #987
- props disapear when changing scene using redux store #983
- Interpolators are off #981
- DatePickerIOS triggers back gesture when choosing date. #969
- Redundant UI didn't get cleared by
#965 - Scene leaks through, and props question #950
- Proposal: don't trigger focus events for component-less scenes #943
- How to use switch right way? renderBackButton not show - questions #938
- Modal does not honor duration #937
- General performance question #934
- question about stack(history) #930
- How to detect Scene change/tab change? #925
- Custom Animation for Scene Transition #914
- Missing "Why"-section #908
- Can't put custom left icon on scenes wrapped inside a tabbar #904
- Improve documentation about how to implement modals #893
- Custom NavBar with custom TabBar #885
- Popover style navigation #882
- initial router not rendered in Android(while fine in iOS) #878
- Broken layout when using Drawer & NavBar #877
- Swipe gesture not working to dismiss scene #872
- Pass state/props to onRight or onLeft (navbar) #864
- Component Props are not passed to renderNavigationBar method #853
- Transitions problem #842
- Parent navigation bar is not displayed when child has hideNavBar #841
- How to get length of router? #833
- Actions.pop(): weird transitions between scenes #800
- view is not changing on scene selection #787
- Tab switching changes routes.scene to tab wrapper on the second time you click the tab. #785
- Swipe back moves multiple scenes #784
- [NavBar] wrong style #781
- Actions.[SCENE_NAME] is not working. #780
- Dispatching multiple actions within TabBar onSelect #771
- Switching between tabs does not trigger 'focus' action #769
- Hidden TabBar still clickable when hideTabBar={true} #763
- Discussion: the component usage within real apps #558
- IMPORTANT: Please ask questions about usage within Gitter or stackoverflow #515
- Unit testing #326
- Schema support for release 3.0 #307
Merged pull requests:
- Activating Open Collective #1989 (xdamman)
- First stab at docs using Github pages #1978 (southerneer)
- Adding NavBar properties to NavBarProps and SceneProps typings #1973 (encosw)
- Top to bottom scene transition #1939 (wvicioso)
- fix typo #1935 (szhigunov)
- change PropTypes reference from React to prop-types package #1930 (diogoarm)
- should consider style within the state/props #1921 (pbassut)
- Fix: Do Not Clobber Tab Children Stack #1918 (jmcdonald-ut)
- Add
to theRNRFActionConst
interface #1892 (codebymikey) - Updated View.propTypes to ViewPropTypes #1891 (jbreuer95)
- Add onActivePress on TabBar #1888 (Piwaii)
- Fixed Duplicate versions of react-native #1885 (abdurrahmanekr)
- Remove extra backtick in README2.md #1874 (dylanpinn)
- fix "Back button appearing in root of navbar scenario" #1433 #1838 (twksos)
- fix an error in OTHER_INFO.md of the part of Drawer (side menu) integration #1822 (Symous)
- feature: expose position props to allow custom animations #1627 (ahanriat)
- Fix inconsistent navbar button placement #1525 (jakecraige)
- REFACTORING resetHistoryStack #1386 (sarovin)
3.39.1 (2017-05-13)
Fixed bugs:
- Errors when build Example: ':app:compileDebugJavaWithJavac' #1688
- Navigation state is lost when sending the app to background #1657
- The nav bar and the tab bar block my scene #836
Closed issues:
- Actions.pop behavior on Modal is different on Android and iOS #1843
- Question: How can I swipe forward and backward #1840
- Can't push adjacent scene over tabs #1837
- a blank space between Navbar and the page when switching page. #1831
- Animating Custom Navbar #1827
- Prevent scene transition when passing props #1826
- Navigate routes while keeping one component the same #1821
- undefined is not an object (evaluating’el.props.component) #1820
- how to remove or hide the titlebar? #1818
- Can't find variable: React Problem #1817
- After Install react-native-router-flux it's give me error #1815
- Duplicate module name: TouchHistoryMath #1806
- android react-native 0.43.3 error #1805
- Can I hide Tabbar anytime I want? #1796
- auto redirect bug #1794
- back button cut off #1788
- Can't add title under icon image? #1782
- Cannot get to tabs using Actions[tabName]() #1781
- How to save current tab's scene and state? #1778
- Question on making Actions.KEY like tabs? #1776
- [Question] Advice on location to call Google Analytics trackScreenView on scene change? #1772
- How can I create a route to a react-native-scrollable-tab-view that is inside a flux scene? #1769
- Not working on react-native 43.1 #1767
- Navigation drawer: How to know the current selected item? #1766
- Shouldn't define sceneStyle several times? #1765
- How to add onPress not only to change the Scene but background color of Button too ? #1759
- Back button disappears when I switch tabs #1758
- TabBar with Button for DrawerMenu? #1744
- Can't integrate Router with Drawer #1739
- Mount functions not working properly when switching tabs #1731
- Hide navbar for single scene #1726
- Passing params into Actions.route appears to fail silently #1720
- Need example using title image #1712
- Strange tab/navbar behavior when pulling from github? #1708
- Change the
of thedrawerImage
sent to theRouter
. #1689 - Tabs losing state #1686
- How to redirect to sub-scenes? #1685
- renderBackButton() not working anymore #1683
- How to apply conditional Tabbar style? #1680
- Jest testing problem: Invariant Violation: Native module cannot be null. #1679
- Close current scene and move to another #1678
- rightToLeftDirection, possible PR to submit ? #1674
- Components are not receiving the scene props #1672
- Closed #1667
- A scene takes time to close #1664
- Navigation Bar: Back button No changing color #1662
- How to disable fade out animation for previous scene? #1646
- Unknown white background #1639
- Actions.[key] not work in custom nav bar #1632
- Example of custom scene transition #1631
- How "Native" Is This Router? #1623
- Dynamically changing tab bar title #1620
- is it possible no animation without replace ? #1619
- Back action does not clear the states of the unmounted component #1613
- How to access right navbar button inside component #1609
- Component property is not set error #1604
- Navbar custom wrapper proposal #1462
- How to properly wrap Router inside other component? #1446
- Navigation retains previous view on top of another (Map) #989
Merged pull requests:
- Fix RN 0.44 compatibility #1819 (kesha-antonov)
- Maintain tab parentIndex when jumping tabs #1775 (OhaiBBQ)
- Add selection view to show below navigationBarTitleImage #1756 (filipemonteiroth)
- update documentation for nested routing #1742 (cosmos-sajal)
- add 'fade' to direction type in TypeScript types #1705 (yuche)
- fixed issue #1688 (in accordance with https://github.com/facebook/rea… #1691 (drgrey87)
- Fix checkPropertiesEqual #1682 (barakcoh)
- Add navBarTitleImage prop #1663 (filipemonteiroth)
- Change back button direction in RTL mode #1661 (MaxToyberman)
- Revert "pass props" #1660 (aksonov)
- Fix for panGestures and Animation #1618 (Jlexyc)
- add
prop #1611 (soulwu) - Added backAndroidHandler to routerProps typings #1586 (andwaal)
- Changes drawer button side according with drawer.props.side #1584 (lucianomlima)
- pass props #1549 (indatawetrust)
- Adding sizes NavBar for Windows #1548 (jmarrot)
- Added icon to SceneProps type #1546 (iyegoroff)
3.38.0 (2017-03-01)
Implemented enhancements:
Closed issues:
- tabs not work #1651
- Blank view during transition #1647
- How to have global footer in every scene in 3.x? #1645
- native router flux custom back button #1644
- React Native with Redux dispatching action #1643
- oops #1642
- Use RNRF with redux-sagas #1641
- Hot reloading does work with TabView while it works with other Scene #1625
- Issue Purge #1624
- Refresh parent page only if something is changed in child page #1617
- How to directly go to the non-first scene of the sibling scene. #1615
- How to use Back Action while unmounting Current Component? #1608
- Drawer image not showing up #1599
- How to navigate based on a condition in RNRF react native #1598
- Reusing scene to push to for different tabs #1592
- Implement onLeft, onRight right way????? #1590
- Support: How to set portrait only Scene , Thanks #1588
- 2 x Drawers (left and right) #1585
- how to use react-native-router-flux with react-native-scrollable-tab-view? #1579
- I have Seen This error Can you Solve this #1577
- Pop modals and show modals #1570
- Toolbar color changes when using Switch component #1566
- Back transition faster with remote debugging on #1564
- Arguments to Actions ignored #1559
- Change back transition animation #1551
- Getting white screen while redux action is performing #1543
- Question: Is there a way to disable the sliding animation of the title? #1537
- Would like to be able to use icon as title in navBar #1535
- conflicts with another child #1534
- Pavel, do you do freelance work? #1528
- Splitting Scenes does not work #1527
- Scene Conflict When Using Modal From Tab Button #1526
- Custom Reducer Using combineReducer Does Not Intercept RNRF Actions #1523
- hideBackImage hides but NOT disable #1515
- navigationState.children[2].key "scene_profileTab_profileToFollow_1_profileToFollow" conflicts withanother child! #1514
- undefined is not a function ('evaluating '_reactNativeRouterFlux…) #1511
- Remove back button from navbar #1509
- Native module cannot be null #1508
- Action.<key> Not Routing to Siblings? #1494
- How can I show a Google AdMobBanner with RNRF? #1482
- Increase back swipe gesture grab range #1474
- Error: "Attempted to assign to readonly property" when using back-button in a RouterWithRedux #1469
- Console "Key foo is already defined!" when Android device is rotated #1461
- drawer #1457
- Navigation Top Bar has no height in App Store releases #1455
- Question : How can i get Component data from Navigation Scene #1454
- How can i get NavBar's onRight fun? #1450
- Disable zoom animation #1444
- What is the best way to do something "onTabClicked"? #1439
- How to use the drawer in more complex router with flux? #1435
- Props not passed from tab scene to sibling scene #1434
- Tab bar not showing on Android #1429
- How can I keep panHandlers on iOS but not on Android #1426
- [Navigation Bar] Title animation direction #1420
- Help to understand sub-scene and modals #1419
- Set Dynamic tabBarStyle #1412
- Tab onSelection function #1408
- Navigate to the same component #1407
- Why are view components with flex: 1 stay under the navigation and tab bars? #1401
- Modal dispatch actions but not showing other scene #1400
- back_chevron.png goes missing in Release build #1391
- Not able to pass prop through Actions after upgrade to 3.37.0 #1390
- Background Image across multiple scenes #1388
- How to change color of menu burger icon #1380
- Scenes inside Modal don't have navigationState and onNavigate props. #1379
- Set initial route on split scenes #1377
- Actions.xx({type:ActionConst.PUSH}) doesn't work #1372
- tions #1371
- Show badge number on Tab at Tabbar #1362
- onPress button don't open my drawer #1360
- Navigation bar not visible when using drawer menu #1354
- Customize NavBar #1346
- Get Current Scene Key #1345
- Cannot find route with key=xx for parent =0_xx (sidemenu) #1344
- Example not working on XCode 8 #1340
- Use tab to open drawer #1338
- Is there a TouchableOpacity wrapper for my tabbar icon? #1336
- Navbar / Initital Scene rendering issue #1334
- How to position tab bar on top? #1333
- react-native-navigation with react-native-router-flux #1332
- Push Scene from within A Tab Scene #1331
- Scenes inside tabs getting unmounted and then re-mounted #1329
- Pop without animation #1325
- NavBar won't display if split(nested) scenes wrapped in Drawer #1324
- Save/cancel changes to component from navbar buttons #1322
- how to open parents router scene when in child router. #1319
- navigationBarBackgroundImage usage #1310
- Returning to previous Activity when orientation changes #1308
- Scene title is not updated while title={title} value was changed #1307
- Can react-native-router-flux suport time travel with redux-devtools? And how? #1306
- Send props to tabicons? #1304
- does it support plain javascript object #1303
- Is there a method called on a component when it is navigated to? #1300
- Initial Component in TabBar Mounted Twice #1293
- Example build breaks on XCode 8 #1291
- Unexpected back button target #1286
- Expected onPress listener to be a function, instead got type boolean #1280
- Cant return a initial Scene from Drawer #1278
- Not Working on Release Build? #1277
- [Android] Release APK crashes with <Router> #1276
- 找不到符号 BuildConfig.DEBUG; #1272
- The initial tab with scrollable views witch can not be scrolled when tap between tabs and back to the initial tab #1270
- Can't test with tape due to unbuilt version #1269
- Example on how to create two drawers? Left & Right? #1256
- Same component used, when pushed componentDidMount not called #1254
- Is it possible to hide a particular tab in TabBar from inside a scene? #1247
- Question: Using clone={true} #1245
- Error using redux and Switch #1242
- onPress working without pressing it. #1240
- Can't retrieve the selected status of a tab to change icon color #1234
- Testing in appium #1229
- NavigationAnimatedView has been replaced by NavigationTransitioner #1228
- Drawer is showing #1213
- Tab bar with sectioned views #1203
- Can i add component to left or right side, and not just text? #1201
- left or right button text not show #1200
- Same component mounted 2 times when nested. using tabs and clone #1195
- Scene stops responding on pop or pushing scene back into view #1188
- Setting status bar component for all scenes #1183
- Action.pop() in drawer side menu is not working #1178
- Remove Back Button For Android #1173
- Scene not unmounting using Switch #1170
- Button unpressable #1169
- Can't install the Example on Android #1167
- You are already in the root scene (on back / pop) #1165
- mponent #1164
- BackAndroid not working with react-native-router-flux #1163
- Change TabIcon from the scene #1161
- Documentation for customizing nav bar #1157
- Dropdown overlay issue in Android #1152
- navigationState doesn't include all tab children #1151
- Component from the previous scene when i push a new scene #1149
- Actions.SCENE on navbar not working #1145
- Modal outside/on top of drawer height #1141
- How to change route within reducer? #1139
- Rerendering a tab when clicking to it? #1138
- ignore #1126
- MapView swipe down issue in scene with direction="vertical" #1116
- Is navigator object available as props in component #1113
- [Error]: react-native-router-flux] component property is not set for key=root #1108
- Initial scene not shown #1091
- What do the ActionConst do? #1072
- Problem when showing WebView in drawer (maybe also in tab) #1068
- How to set custom drawer button that is not an image? #1051
- Can't create dropdown button in navbar #1042
- How should I put some common components into every scene? #1034
- Put Image at the navBar #1027
- how can i reset 'switch' and pop some pages? #1023
- Unmounted scenes after reset #1019
- navbar can not transparent #1017
- UNMET PEER DEPENDENCY react@^15.3.0 #991
- How to use switch when we use Drawer Component #990
- Weird background color #948
- Tabbed Scenes to hide/show tabbar on listview scroll down/up? #898
- Drawer swipe on replace #889
Merged pull requests:
- Documentation for drawer (side menu) integration #1614 (jeongmincha)
- #1216 - Add
prop to TS declaration #1576 (BrendanBerkley) - Code Climate config #1542 (larkinscott)
- Add Travis CI config file #1522 (Swordsman-Inaction)
- Fix eslint errors #1521 (Swordsman-Inaction)
- Added BusDue app to README #1501 (ywongweb)
- Update API_CONFIGURATION.md #1488 (javiercr)
- Pass props down to child components #1472 (DonnieWest)
- Fix android back error #1451 (Swordsman-Inaction)
- Update Eslint and Airbnb rules #1425 (MechanicKim)
- Fix ci #1422 (charpeni)
- clarify prop types #1416 (johnstonmatt)
- Temporarily disable jest testing on Example project #1415 (charpeni)
- Revert "fixing issue #1167" #1413 (charpeni)
- add type support for panHandlers={null} in Scene #1404 (wcandillon)
- Fix not available navigationState and onNavigate in Modal #1392 (inferusvv)
- Update API_CONFIGURATION.md #1375 (ximenean)
- DEL width for the button in NavBar #1368 (sarovin)
- fix imports in redux example for current RN version #1321 (Simek)
- Restore 0.35 JUMP handling #1312 (wrozka)
- Add NodeICO badge. #1295 (dragfire)
- Add production app - Buddify #1292 (ecoinomist)
- Add more detail information on TabBar #1287 (dragfire)
- Update REDUX_FLUX.md #1271 (moaxaca)
- Improved RNRFActions interface definition #1244 (jankalfus)
- correction to #1057 #1236 (alexicum)
- Provide routes to scene's context #1232 (peteychuk)
- Add a production app - Look Lock #1225 (7kfpun)
- Change license to MIT #1212 (charpeni)
- Update OTHER_INFO.md #1205 (roura356a)
- titleWrapperStyle from props #1185 (stereodenis)
- Allow the passing of props via the popTo Action #1172 (rseemann)
- Update OTHER_INFO.md #1171 (sadika9)
- fixing issue #1167 #1168 (compojoom)
- adding snappatizer to readme #1153 (erdostom)
- Fix syntax error in example #1140 (RafalWilinski)
- fix routes not initialized on parent componentDidMount #1137 (atlanteh)
- Fix Jest Snapshot and add CircleCi badge #1135 (charpeni)
- Revert "Revert "Support passing props to tab routes"" #1133 (aksonov)
- export TabbedView #1132 (n7olkachev)
- Revert "Support passing props to tab routes" #1129 (aksonov)
- Add action const POP_AND_REPLACE #1119 (bifrost)
- update note to prevent
Key is already defined
#1098 (zxcpoiu) - add ActionConst and Scene.type explaination #1097 (zxcpoiu)
- Allow to force parent tabs to hide when child tabs is added #1094 (fkoester)
- Fix for back button not displayed when pushing tabs scene. #1093 (fkoester)
- [Fixed 1087] Long titles display with a dots at the end, not hidden behind the buttons #1088 (lesniakania)
- Make possible to specify background image for the Tabs #1083 (januswel)
- Make possible to specify background image for the NavBar #1082 (januswel)
- pass direction to getPanHandlers #1059 (vonovak)
- Support passing props to tab routes #1057 (benstepp)
v3.35.0 (2016-08-25)
Closed issues:
- How to disable title bar on certain scenes? #1107
- Defining custom buttons on root scene #1080
- How to customize drawer button #1078
- How to call a function in scene component when scene left or right button is clicked? #1073
- panHandlers not honored with nested scenes #1055
- navBar and Expected a component class, got [object, Object] #1041
- [Help wanted] Keep routing state on simulator reload #1025
- Unable to resolve module fbjs/lib/emptyFunction #1024
- Unable to resolve module react-addons-pure-render-mixin #1022
- Unknown plugin "syntax-flow" #1020
- NavigationExperimental.js: __DEV__ is not defined #1015
- support BackAndroid hardwareBackPress #1012
- How can I pass variables to previouse scene in Actions.pop() operation #1008
- Push Scene from a tab #1007
- How to navigate to a new scene with onRight #993
- Best way to dispatch a redux action from within the toolbar actions? #984
- initialRoute doesn't set initial route #971
- How is the header implemented in the Example app #967
- Tab bar transition #966
- Can't run examples #963
- TabBar is not showing #959
- Unmounting Scenes #955
- RN 0.30 Incompatibility #954
- Switch component don't work #952
- Issue #951
- Is it possible to fire action when clicking on the title of the navbar #949
- We get 'Import libraries to android "rnpm link"' screen on app launch and the app stops #946
- React Native Tabs version in RNRF #935
- Tab Transitions #929
- Event Listener for Route Change? or something similar #928
- Background image #927
- react-native-scrollable-tab-view is slow when put inside a scene #924
- borderTopWidth for tabBarStyle does not work well if it is set to decimal fraction on iPhone 6/6s Plus #921
- 0.29 support? #910
- Can I Actions with programmatically? #907
- peerDependencies issue with react 15.2.0 #905
- Possibility to use icons in navbar #902
- Question: is there any easy way to set a navigation title based on a component or a redux state? #897
- Components lifecycle #896
- Scene {type:'reset'} or type="reset" is not working in 3.30.4 version. #894
- flowtype report so many error #892
- How can i add gradient in background color of navbar? #890
- Example Launch.js action cannot go to tabbar specific tab page #884
- Tabbar gone, but tabIcons are still there #883
- Drawer seems to break everything? #881
- Right button Icon sizes not working? Where to override styling for navigation icons. #880
- A bug in Example's TabBar page #879
- Actions.KEY_NAME doesn't do anything. #876
- Run two actions on Sidebar onPress function #869
- Fade from one scene to another? #867
- 'RCTTextField not a descendant of RCTShadowView' crash when TextInput is focused #865
- Image instead of string for scene title... #863
- assemble cannot package backicon.png. Looks like file name is wrong, missing delimiters. #859
- Switch without replacing #858
- pushing additional modals onto the navigation stack #856
- APK building fails with 3.30.0 on windows #852
- Duplicate module name: AutoFocusUtils #849
- Can't implement react-native-drawer : 'unique key should be defined' #845
- Possible to define Navigator Stack 'type' in Action call? #844
- Back button color #840
- leftButtonImage does not render #837
- set Icons in tabbar #832
- typescript definitions broken? #830
- document action types (pop,jump,refresh etc) #829
- Unmet Peer Dependency from latest version of this library #822
- Version 3.30.0 on npm causes errors with npm start #814
- BackAction not dispatched when I swipe a Schene. #807
- Disable "swipe to go back" for modal #796
- Routing from inside a tab scene to outside it breaks the navbar #773
Merged pull requests:
- Add "chozun" production app #1104 (eulo)
- Update DefaultRenderer.js #1058 (vonovak)
- Add default style to renderLeftButton and renderRightButton #1054 (moschan)
- Feat(BackAndroid): Add handler for Back Key in Android #1049 (Swordsman-Inaction)
- added getRightTitle and getLeftTitle #1043 (wtfil)
- Add documentation for left to right option added on PR#1032 #1036 (stephy)
- Add 'leftToRight' direction support #1032 (stephy)
- Add Jest Snapshot and configure CircleCi parallelism #1029 (charpeni)
- ADD react-addons-pure-render-mixin dependency #1021 (sarovin)
- Allow POP and similar actions to refresh the previous scene #1016 (doomsower)
- Restore statem #1013 (aksonov)
- ADD shouldComponentUpdate for DefaultRenderer #1006 (sarovin)
- refactor #996 #1002 (sarovin)
- fix(NavBar): don't render custom BackButton if root nav state #998 (blackxored)
- Fix minor typo in docs #986 (eronisko)
- feat(navBar): add optional titleProps to NavBar #968 (sondremare)
- Add ActionsConst to index.d.ts #964 (stephenlaughton)
- Scene - implemented getPanHandlers prop #961 (philipshurpik)
- Actions get #957 (aksonov)
- Feat(TabBar): add pressOpacity for TabBar #956 (Swordsman-Inaction)
- Add pushOrPop action - it will pop if scene exists in the stack, push… #947 (aksonov)
- Add "Junk Free" production app #941 (Olliepop)
- Update tabs version #940 (andrispraulitis)
- fix(navigationState): avoid undefined key for root scenes #936 (blackxored)
- added new switch feature - unmountScenes #932 (ms88privat)
- added Modal example usage to OTHER_INFO.md for issue number #893 #923 (brien-crean)
- Document PopNum #916 (K-Leon)
- Fix typo error. #912 (LittleLin)
- [RFC] add parent and key as prefix to new key #911 (joenoon)
- Revert "refactor #870" #901 (aksonov)
- normalize action name with prefix and expose it from module #900 (zxcpoiu)
- Revert "Prefix action strings to namespace them." #899 (aksonov)
- refactor #870 #886 (joenoon)
- Added optional tabBarIconContainerStyle property to override the style of the icon container view. #875 (SudoPlz)
- Removed fontWeight style from NavBar title #873 (andrispraulitis)
- add latest statem support #871 (aksonov)
- Allow for one scene to fade into the next in addition to horizontal/vertical #868 (andyschwob)
- Cleanup babel dependencies #866 (charpeni)
- Fix missing brackets in docs #861 (dustin-H)
- Use ./components/TabIcon #851 (sarovin)
- Add eslint import/no-unresolved config #847 (charpeni)
- Replace
in Switch.js with customassert
#846 (Kerumen) - Prefix action strings to namespace them. #843 (ThaJay)
- remove extra rnrf tab styling #839 (joenoon)
- Render leftButtonImage #838 (rowellx68)
- Revert "Feature Hand Back Key for Android" #835 (aksonov)
- Fix typescript definition #831 (xirc)
- tabs show onPress item #828 (phproot)
- Fix NavBar backButtonImage propType #826 (asokol)
- use js instead of jsx in readme code block #825 (chentsulin)
- Default left button size unless size is overwritten #824 (codyhazelwood)
- Fix in Typescript definitions #823 (dalcib)
- [actions]: (fix): fix the case when there's no array defined to map sub-views #821 (alextkd)
- Feature Hand Back Key for Android #820 (Swordsman-Inaction)
- Alignment the elements for the navbar #818 (sarovin)
3.30.1 (2016-06-15)
Fixed bugs:
- Element type is invalid #728
is undefined on RN 0.26.1 #727- tabs scene not rendering anymore => hideTabBar not working #722
- [v3.26.1] Drawer Button don't display #710
- Adding styles to a tab bar causes poor performance #687
- Scenes seems to be recreated on every dispatched redux action #685
- Nav image flicker between scene transitions. #442
Closed issues:
- Inner Scenes render position left -3 #819
- Custom Tab Bar #816
- what's the difference between reset and replace? #813
- Scene dynamic initial #812
- Back button #810
- Go back to any scene before current one? #804
- Cannot pop twice #803
- If you are passing component={Drawer} to show your DrawerLayout, how are you opening/closing it using the navbar burger button? #799
- [New Feature] Modifiers for refresh action #797
- Prop for drawerImage placement on
of navigationBar #794 - Avoid
warning when set tonull
#790 - onLeft and leftTitle do not work using Example on tab2_2 #789
- React native 27 is out 3 hours ago. Any plans for 3.27.0? #786
- Search field in navbar loses focus after animation #783
- Actions error and navigationState.children conflicts with another child! #782
- Passing parameters via Action does not work #778
- [Question] Best way to Synch state across scenes using Default Reducer. #777
- Actions.callback is not defined #775
- Example is not working #772
- Key <keyname> is already defined! #768
- Jump action is no longer called when Switch route changes. #766
- Error: RCTUIManager.dispatchViewManagerCommand must not be null #762
- Switch is not rendering the right scene correctly #760
- routing using keys in props #757
- How could I make custom navBar fixed on the top ? #755
- How to replace drawer icon and back icon #754
- Dispatch redux action before Switch's selector picks a scene? #753
- custom navBar being rendered twice and to the bottom of the scene #752
- Assistance with custom navbar #751
- nested routes with same scene #750
- Navbar buttons need to access scene component methods #747
- hideNavBar does not work on scene #746
- unable to use type="push" #741
- After upgrade version to 3.22, renderRightButton is not correctly displayed. #738
- Re-implement hidden tabs from tabbar behavior #736
- navigationState and onNavigate property should be not null #735
- expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: undefined. Check the render method of
. #725 - How to intercept loading scene to check authentication first ? #719
- on a Scene, componentDidMount only gets called once and componentWillReceiveProps never gets called #718
- Remove default style #716
- RNRF v3.26.1 / RN 0.26.1 Error: "navigationState and onNavigate property should be not null" #715
- Show the navbar from within Scene programmatically #714
- Drawer icon size is much bigger than it should be #713
- Duplicate navbar when using drawer and nested scenes #711
- [Update to RN 0.26] Warning: Failed propType: SceneView: prop type
is invalid #708 - Implementing Actions.xxx in function #707
- Warning due to a upgrade react-native to 0.26 [using key props] #705
- Unable to resolve module buffer #697
- 404 looking for image icons #671
- 0.25 Support #636
- sub-scene example is invalid #615
- Key is already defined! #607
- Discussion: RN NavigationExperimental API bugs/breaking changes, future direction of the project #557
- Please STOP creating new and new issues regarding 0.23 version, component requires 0.22 now #525
- Redux integration #517
Merged pull requests:
- UPDATE Docs with titleOpacity property #811 (sarovin)
- ADD Opacity Property for the Title of NavBar #808 (sarovin)
- Feature(multiple pop): now we can pop multipe scenes with Actions.pop #806 (Swordsman-Inaction)
- Update README.md #805 (vonovak)
- add a more custom drawer menu icon to open side navigation #802 (alextkd)
- [tabs]: add custom selected item tab style #801 (alextkd)
- [Feature/Action] Enable the popping of multiple scenes #798 (rseemann)
- [actions]: add support when dealing Scenes defined using array map #793 (alextkd)
- 790: Avoid rightButtonImage or rightTitle warnings when set to null #791 (vpasquier)
- Update main README.md - Include RN 27 Compatibility notes #788 (rturk)
- remove unneeded dependency #779 (vonovak)
- add typings #774 (bang88)
- Fix incorrect vertical animation #767 (colinyoung)
- Update README.md #761 (wootwoot1234)
- fix Example/package, to install React 15.0.2, instead of a new version #748 (sibelius)
- WIP old tab bar #743 (joenoon)
- Update README.md - Include RN Compatibility table #742 (rturk)
- Remove Example folder from eslint #740 (charpeni)
- Add prop to override the tabBar shadow style #739 (laurentnguyen42)
- Fix Typo in Switch referring to this.props #737 (SirensOfTitan)
- Bug with sidemenu as is in RN 0.26 #734 (jeroenbourgois)
- Update test dependencies #730 (charpeni)
Epic Fail Videos
as a production app using the plugin #712 (donnguyen) - Fixed style proptypes in NavBar.js #706 (cornedor)
3.26.0 (2016-05-20)
Closed issues:
- Error with menu_burger.png #703
- "replace" and "reset" not working? #695
- Unable to run tests with Mocha #694
- Issue Causing ReactNative.createElement #693
- RCTRootView.h' file not found #691
- Use tabbar,Click the tab item,the page will render again. #690
- Actions aren't fired within react-native-side-menu based components #676
- Image Flickering when navigating to another View #675
- scenes Actions.create is broken ? #674
- Process 'command 'node'' finished with non-zero exit value 1 #666
- current master branch navigationState conflict on RN 0.24.1 #664
- From within a scene, put an icon in the navbar #663
- Why does it create new instances of component every tab switch? #660
- Setting Action.x({type: 'replace'}) does nothing #659
- Remove shadow on DefaultRenderer #658
- Memory leak and there are alot of setState warning when rotate screen after calling screen transition #657
- Change props of previous view #656
- NavBar Title not updated when navigate to a different scene #652
- Ability to provide the left/right navbar buttons from the rendered component #647
- The best way to change Title in the tabbar. #646
- how to jump into a child page? #645
- Example Application error #640
- Requiring React API in React Native version >= 25.1 is being deprecated. #638
- Action.reset() #633
- How to update Tabbar ? #630
- Direction attribute no longer working #629
- tests failing due to non transpiled code in node_modules #628
- Having component on root Scene stops transition animations on underlying transitions #627
- Possibility to turn of gestures #619
- Huge memory leak when layout changes #616
- Version 3.22.23 on npm in broken #613
- Expected corresponding JSX closing tag for <RouterWithRedux> #611
- Force component to render before switching to it. #599
- Per state view - Sample #593
- multiple import for one files to scene, not working! #592
- Please help figure out how create new "secured" stack of scenes inside root scene. Is it possible? #591
- hideNavBar is not working on the last version #590
- Can not route back to a scene which type is 'reset' or 'replace' #588
- undefined is not an object (evaluating 'child.type.prototype') #587
- NavBar's height should not be 64pt in Android #586
- "direction" no long works #584
- Android hardware back button, and styling #581
- Tab Bar #580
- Cannot find scene with key=xxxx and Switch #579
- Toggle burger button for V3 #578
- Inactive tabs are not unmounted #577
- Customize <Tab> #576
- Navbar Icon to trigger method on scene? #575
- Replace Scenes with custom components not working. #573
- Implied Routes #571
- Component property is not set for key=Main #569
- Version for Redux integration ?? #568
- Code style linter and CI #567
- While using Actions.pop(), which stack we are dealing with? How can I get that stack? #565
- how the table was added in modal? #562
- How to get the navigation bar Dimensions from within a Schene? #561
- "Cannot find scene with key = drawer" error with Switch #560
- Suggest new feature for this plugin. Can add the protype 'onPress' to scene #556
- Problem with redux state and Switch after upgrading RN to v0.24 #555
- Disable horizontal swipe to go back #554
- undefined is not an object NavigationCardStackStyleInterpolator.forHorizontal #552
- Actions.xxx({type: 'reset'}) not work #551
- Changing tab re-mounts the tab item Scene component #549
- Actions.xxx no response #548
- Back button Style #546
- How to get navigator object inside component? #544
- Is there a way to hide navbar when orientation changes? #541
- Unable to use openDrawer() in component js file #540
- Adding Promise compatibility to selector function for Switch component #532
- How do I get the current screen? #528
- Correct Way to Implement Drawer #524
- Adding custom animations #523
- Crash when Back button is tapped during animation #520
- Click back button ON DEFAULT SCENE #511
- tracking React Native 0.24 compatibility/issues #489
- No animations after upgrade react-native to 0.23 #481
- Seeking Guidance on Notification Icon Implementation #478
- Tab click returns to initial scene #477
- Navbar appears at bottom in RNv0.23 #476
- Type 'replace' not replacing view #474
- getState warning causes app to not render properly when opening the App #472
- Custom/Dynamic screen title in NavBar #468
- Injected props are not passed to renderNavigationBar #466
- Force re-render scene after pop #465
- How to change back button ? Any examples ? #460
- use pop action in initial scene will show error #455
- How to move scene in from left? #453
- sceneStyle ignored. #452
- renderBackButton does not take you back to previous route. #446
- Cannot find element for parent=SCENE_NAME within current state #370
- Forbid swiping back #359
Merged pull requests:
- 0.26 stable #701 (joenoon)
- remove dependency on assert #698 (joenoon)
- replaced root readme #678 (adrianmcli)
- New Documentation Structure #673 (adrianmcli)
- was literal 'position' a typo? #667 (joenoon)
- Fix eslint src/Navbar.js #655 (charpeni)
- Fix circle.yml #654 (charpeni)
- Send all props through to renderNavigationBar and renderTitle through props #653 (mat2maa)
- Fix eslint issues and add circle.yml #650 (charpeni)
- Fix eslint Example/components/NavigationDrawer.js #648 (charpeni)
- Fix eslint Example/components/Register.js #644 (charpeni)
- Fix eslint Example/components/TabIcon.js #643 (charpeni)
- Fix Eslint Example/components/TabView.js #642 (charpeni)
- Fix AppRegistry and TabView render of Example #641 (charpeni)
- Nicer readme #639 (r0b1n)
- FIX Deprecation in RN 0.25 #637 (sarovin)
- Fix ESLint NavBar.js #625 (sarovin)
- Fix NavBar height for Android #624 (sarovin)
- Revert "fix word" #622 (charpeni)
- fix word #621 (cuitianze)
- fix word #620 (cuitianze)
- Fix Reset and Replace #618 (Zidail)
- Nicer readme. #610 (r0b1n)
- Fix eslint errors in State.js #609 (charpeni)
- Fix for navigation Actions not returning true or false. #608 (bburnham)
- Fix index.js #606 (charpeni)
- Fix eslint errors in DefaultRenderer.js #605 (mikefowler)
- Cleanup Modal.js #604 (mikefowler)
- FIX ESlint TabBar.js #603 (sarovin)
- Cleanup Router.js #602 (mikefowler)
- Fix eslint errors in Switch.js #601 (mikefowler)
- Fix NavBar height for Android #598 (Kerumen)
- Added tests for Reducer, small fixes and comments. #597 (r0b1n)
- app bar height #596 (jeroenbourgois)
- Actions code styles and tests fixed. #595 (r0b1n)
- ADD .editorconfig #594 (sarovin)
- Revert "Fix some eslint errors" #589 (aksonov)
- Fix some eslint errors #585 (charpeni)
- Adding an option to compute title for each screen #583 (jondot)
- Add eslint with eslint-config-airbnb #574 (charpeni)
- hideNavBar hide scene only for current scene (3.24) #572 (philipshurpik)
- Add Section for Companies/Production apps using react-native-router-flux #559 (JamesWatling)
- fixes #552 #553 (lynndylanhurley)
- add render title callback #547 (timzaak)
- renderRightButton and renderLeftButton takes selected component as argument #545 (jondot)
- improve redux setup README #543 (lynndylanhurley)
- Update redux instructions in README #542 (lynndylanhurley)
- Revert "Revert "[WIP] Get Example app working with React 0.24+ "" #539 (aksonov)
- Improve README #535 (Kerumen)
3.22.0 (2016-04-18)
Implemented enhancements:
- New 3.0 version is released with breaking API changes, check README.md #324
Fixed bugs:
- navigationState props breaks pure shouldComponentUpdate #392
Closed issues:
- How to refresh after Actions.pop()? #529
- Tabbar loads all scenes at mount, is lazy load possible? #521
- Push Navigation animation doesn't work in 3.2.10, 3.2.12 #519
- Multiple routers in an application #513
- How to reset history ? #512
- Switch from one scene in a tabbar to another scene in a other tabbar #510
- Actions.refresh({key: SCENE_KEY, props}) throws assertion error #506
- What is the right way for navigate in the signin view? #502
- How to show a Modal with just a Progress ? #501
- Android Requiring unknown module "assert" #500
- direction="vertical" not working #499
- setState warning when calling a new route with type reset from componentDidMount #498
- tabbar doesn't work in react-native 0.24.0-rc3 #495
- Back button Warning #494
- Cannot interact with NavigationCard rendered scenes #493
- Passing state to Scene through props #492
- Actions.login() doesn't work if login Scene has type='replace' #491
- Does not route to scenes with "type" #488
- NavBar on Top of Tabs #487
- otherProps in Scene does not update at all #485
- Discuss - Replace Actions.destination({..data}); with Actions.go('destination',{...data}); #484
- Dependency Issue: "Unmet peer dependency react-native@0.23.1" #483
- Error route.children.forEach is not a function in getInitialState() #482
- Menu icon only works if navigation drawer component is the root element #480
- android 4.4.4 navbar height is higher system nav bar height #475
- Implementing tabs in subcomponent #473
- Unsure what I am doing wrong, the component is throwing a undefined error on Android #471
- How to use type='reset'? #467
- Add nav buttons (and handlers) from inside component #463
- Nested schenes no longer working? #462
- How to use components' this.state and functions while customising the Navigation Bar? #459
- Switch demo #458
- Global Data #457
- NavBar takes up space in nested routers #456
- Keyboard pushes Navigation Bar off the screen #454
- component property not set when using Router in Clojurescript through Reagent #451
- renderRightButton and renderLeftButton are not working #449
- RCTView has a shadow set but cannot calculate shadow efficiently #448
- NavBar covers part of the View #447
- Change Statusbar Color? #445
- NavigationBar has white borderBottom #444
- Android transitions crash #443
- Performance in android #441
- Question: Passing parameters with the navBar onRight #440
- Is there a way to force truncating the text in the nav bar? #438
- Is Relay supported? #437
- Inner routes in Tabs broken since 3.2.2 #431
- Weird slide animation #430
- Actions.pop() broken in v3.2.4 #428
- I think there are Example Errors #425
- How to forbid swipe back gesture in 3.x? #422
- Example project tabbar title and rightButton now showing up #421
- NavBar Title #417
- Unable to resolve module AssetRegistry #416
- Programmatically unmount previous components? #415
- Help with nested routing #412
- All TabBar views mounted on initial render #409
- Upgrading to V3.1.3 has broken replace type #408
- Add "tabBarStyle" to documentation #397
- Inner routes are not working if required as component #180
Merged pull requests:
- Revert "[WIP] Get Example app working with React 0.24+ " #538 (aksonov)
- Implement FOCUS_ACTION using createReducer approach #537 (lynndylanhurley)
- [WIP] Get Example app working with React 0.24+ #536 (cridenour)
- Set the example to use the supported version of React Native #534 (jamespearson)
- add more details about tabbar #533 (timzaak)
- Fix animation bug #526 (angeloashmore)
- Remove unused import #522 (sylvainbaronnet)
- Bug fix: childContextTypes not defined when DefaultRenderer is exported #518 (Olliepop)
- Allow getInitialState to be passed into Router as well as Scene #516 (lelandrichardson)
- Use current navigation state's button render functions during render #514 (Lida)
- Add getInitialState API to Scene and Router #509 (lelandrichardson)
- Add getSceneStyle api to Scene and Router #508 (lelandrichardson)
- Provide navigationState to scene's context #507 (lelandrichardson)
- Add
prop to navigation state for better pop animations #505 (lelandrichardson) - Fix npm test #504 (lelandrichardson)
- Upgrade example project to use RN 0.23.1 #497 (bosung90)
- change TabBar renderScene per RN 0.24 signature change #490 (joenoon)
- Removed transparent background to remove warning #448 #486 (giacomorebonato)
- Remove peerDependencies #479 (Mokto)
- Make
work without having to apply styles manually #470 (domchristie) - Warn if you tried to render right(left) title but not specified all params. #469 (ugputu18)
- Small typos #464 (jeroenbourgois)
- fixed backbutton text width #439 (philipshurpik)
- Back button title #436 (philipshurpik)
- Update README.md #434 (Mokto)
- Issues template #433 (Mokto)
- Check properties sended in route are equal to prevent pushing new routes #432 (Mokto)
- make refresh by key modify the child data and not scene data. #429 (joenoon)
- Implementing 'reset' type for Scene #427 (nitsujri)
- Revert "change DefaultRenderer to correspond new API" #424 (aksonov)
- change DefaultRenderer to correspond new API #423 (philipshurpik)
- chore(navbar): Renamed variable #420 (RWOverdijk)
- fix to show correctly show navbar in tabs component #418 (philipshurpik)
- added possibility to use zero duration while navigating #414 (philipshurpik)
- Added tabBarStyle documentation #413 (Froelund)
- Feature/override images #411 (RWOverdijk)
- Add closing brackets #410 (RWOverdijk)
3.2.3 (2016-03-27)
Closed issues:
- getting an error from the chevron, any ideas to resolve? #405
- router bar crash and no show title #404
- Render all tabbar sub-scenes on any tab's click #403
- JS frame rate goes to -2.0 on Android deployed from Windows #401
- renderRightButton gets hidden by the nav bar on 3.2.2 #398
- Navigating to a Schene if you know the schenes key as a string. #396
- Calling Same Route with different props mounts it idefinitely #395
- New method
static renderNavigationBar
can`t keep front in transition animation #393 - Animation when nesting in a DefaultRenderer #387
- Persisting the state of a tab #386
- v3 After connecting Switch to Scene gettings infinite loops #385
- Double tapping on link creates a double view #384
- Converting circular structure to JSON warning #383
- Open Drawer from the navigation bar #382
- Transitions between scenes in tabs scenes are slow regardless of duration #381
- Back icon does not show title #380
- Key login is already defined - HMR 0.22 #376
- Jammed page can not respond #374
- Tab scenes are set to type="push" even tho type="jump" was initially declared #373
- Each tab component is rendered even when not selected #372
- Pass previous route details like title as props #371
- backButtonTitle doesn't appear #368
- How to config StatusBar? #367
- Only launch scene has sceneStyle of props #366
- Access component method in <Scene> #365
- props not passed when switching tabs #364
- Issue with assert in Actions.js #363
- Props should be defined for stack #362
- this.props.sceneStyle of Example can't passed #361
- GetState #357
- pass Router props to all Scenes #356
- Very poor performance during transitions on Android (3.0.9) #355
- renderRightButton doesn't work #354
- Why could only React Native 0.22-rc is supported? #333
- How to push routes into tab from outside the tab router #209
Merged pull requests:
- Added DrawerExample #406 (Froelund)
- also need to retain parent during refresh. maybe other properties also? #402 (joenoon)
- clone option on Scene to dynamically push to current parent #400 (joenoon)
- use key from state.key to avoid losing the index_ prefix during refresh #399 (joenoon)
- pass current state to nav button handlers as argument #394 (philipshurpik)
- add back recording the new
. #391 (joenoon) - dont change anything other than the index on 'jump' #390 (joenoon)
- Fix navigationBarStyle for nested scenes #388 (chrissloey)
- Update README.md #379 (brettpappas)
- Update README.md #378 (jeroenbourgois)
- Update README.md #377 (jeroenbourgois)
- Fixed README #375 (amsdamsgram)
- Update README.md #369 (jeroenbourgois)
3.1.3 (2016-03-21)
Closed issues:
- Create scenes within a scene #353
- Custom NavBar has no ability to pass props #351
- Navigating to tab's child routes #350
- scenes transitions' animation about 3.0.11 is slower then 2.x #349
- tab don't work #348
- Changing transition animations in v3 #347
- Component will Unmount #345
- renderNavigationBar #344
- Pop listener #343
- Left back button not showing #342
- Custom back button #341
- How to have a transparent background? #340
- Unable to refresh badge count on tab icon #338
- Post working example of Switch? #337
- Back Button Styling #336
- componentWillMount called more than once, componentWillUnmount not called on scene change #335
- Actions.{destination-component} not working when located inside a method #334
- Navigation Bar #332
- this.props.data is undefine #331
- RCTRootView.h file not found #330
- Defined styles #329
- Action should be defined #328
- How to call nested scenes multiple times (Child keys must be unique) #327
- v3.0.7 - action should be defined #325
Merged pull requests:
- Support deeply nested scenes setting TabBar properties #360 (aksonov)
- Changes default transition duration to 300ms #352 (jerzxu)
- Fixed issue with NavBar #346 (ylquankai)
- Fixed issue with selected Tab #339 (jerzxu)
3.0.9 (2016-03-16)
Implemented enhancements:
- How to implement react-native-scrollable-tab-view? #257
- How to use react-native-custom-navigation module in this router ? #232
Closed issues:
- Example on how to use actionSheet #322
- Dynamic navigationBarStyle / sceneStyle #321
- Cannot read property 'dispatch' of undefined #320
- No animation when switching between routes #319
- Check auth onEnter #318
- NavBar Title #317
- Container offsets #316
- Multiple navigationBar buttons with renderRightButton #315
- improve docs for right navbar item, including onRight #314
- Navigation Titile on Android is in additional View instead of just being Text #312
- NPM Installation installs v3.0.2-alpha which doesn't have "Route" #311
- Getting "props should be defined for stack" #310
- Event when route changed? #309
- navigation bar apperas when swipe back to a non-navigation-bar scene #308
- Issues with unit testing components that import RNRF #306
- Problem with running the Example #305
- Navbar not updating #304
- Calling a child route from ListView #303
- Would this work with TabBarIOS? #302
- [help wanted] How to auto jump new route. #300
- Feature request - A method for printing header beneath navigation bar #299
- Calling the same modal component twice throws error on .dismiss() #298
- header option doesn't work #297
- Pop nested Router off main Router #296
- TabBar styling / overlays content #295
- How to get props from Actions.pop() #294
- DeviceEventEmitters getting lost on Action.pop() #292
- Actions.pop() on mounted but not visible component #291
- [Closed] hideTabBar do not work #289
- Segmented Control #288
- Title not being shown on Tab selection #287
- Custom styling of Back Button #286
- Title after pop with (custom title) #285
- Changing background colour that appears during animation #283
- Different navBars #281
- ExRouter Add onTransitionToTop method, have a best idear? #279
- TypeError: Cannot read property 'delegate' of null at ExRouter.componentWillUnmount #277
- Left Back button color #276
- navigationBarStyle in Route doesn't work #274
- Any recommendations for rendering badges on tabbar icons? #272
- Example has no Navigation Bar Buttons #269
- TabBar: inst.render is not a function #268
- Back button #267
- How to change scene outside of onPress() #266
- Navigation bar overlaps the content below #265
- componentDidMount not trigger on Actions.pop #264
- V2.3.6 "Current Router = undefined" when navigating from a child tab route to a parent tab route #263
- priority about showNavigationBar={false} and hideNavBar={true} #262
- NavBar is behind by one view in nested Router #261
- Clear example with top-level Redux
#260 - Doing 'reset' as route type produces error #258
- Putting buttons in renderTitle? #256
- Navigation bar disappeared #255
- npm install fails #254
- Session to Login Screen Redirect #253
- Router overrides component's default name prop #252
- Cannot read property 'dispatch' of undefined on componentDidMount #251
- Accessing Route outside of Router looses Navigation bar (with Drawer) #250
- Ability to set background color #243
- Unable to set selected default tab #238
- Right Button call function from Component #236
- BEFORE_ROUTE action doesn't return the right route. #233
- Setting initial route on router? #230
- Dynamic Title #226
- Cannot read property "onWillFocus" of undefined #225
- How to render screen-specific navbar buttons? #224
- Module AppRegistry is not a registered callable module #217
- rerender navigator bar #215
- calling same route with different data #207
- Extremely slow on android #199
- Swipe gestures break navigation #197
- Animating modals #187
- Experimental Navigator API #186
- Screen goes blank when switching between tabs #174
- Check if router's stack is null before pop() #170
- How to style the Nav Bar ? #160
- How does the Actions pop(n)? #149
- componentWillUnmount is not triggered when a new route is pushed #131
- Scene transition not animated for type='replace' and type='switch' even when SceneConfig is supplied #125
- onEnter #78
- initial={true} on tab page doesn't work. #62
- Documentation example on how to integrate with a redux/flux architecture #56
- Hide TabBar #52
Merged pull requests:
- Make pop work on invisible component #313 (lrettig)
- fix unable to customize leftButton style #301 (plrthink)
- Added renderBackButton to ExRouter constructor #293 (jarredwitt)
- upgrade examples to React Native 0.21.0 #290 (peterp)
- Use route props first when determining route title #284 (jopecko)
- Added missing defaultRoute action to tabbar #282 (Nikamura)
- ExRouter add onTransitionToTop , like ExNavigator transitionToTop , … #280 (virtoolswebplayer)
- Check if current router exists #278 (jasonals)
- NoTransition scene config causes blank scenes #275 (keeth)
- typo in README #273 (Emilios1995)
- use hideNavBar in README example #271 (zxcpoiu)
- use hideNavBar in example. close #262 #270 (zxcpoiu)
- Pass updated props to an existing route #259 (lrettig)
- Fix pop handling for multi-pop situations #249 (JackWink)
- Set style on parent view of router #248 (dan-lee)
- Adding an example link for react-native-drawer #246 (efkan)
2.3.1 (2016-02-23)
Closed issues:
- I cannot use together with 'react-native-drawer' #242
- Unable to set selected default tab #241
- how can I select default tab in tabbar? #240
- Can't run example -- npm start fails with a Naming Collision #227
- Bug when Router appears, disappears, then appears again #221
2.3.0 (2016-02-23)
Closed issues:
- Any example on how to modify navbar to add custom button? #239
No current Router is set
issue #223- Redux Integration #220
- Swipe broken in example #206
- Move ExRouter and RouterIOS to 'plugins' folder #191
- Confusing nomenclature with the term router #188
- Change route dynamically #182
- Combining Router and navigation Drawer #92
Merged pull requests:
2.2.6 (2016-02-18)
Closed issues:
- internal server error: @exponent/react-native-action-sheet #219
- Dismiss not removing modal #216
- Swipe actions getting caught by react-native-router-flux #214
- renderRightButton with save button. #213
- Image Background #205
Merged pull requests:
- BaseRouter bug fix, add route data when dispatch BEFORE_FOCUS, AFTER_FOCUS #222 (jungsoo108)
- Add examples for animating modals #218 (sbycrosz)
2.2.5 (2016-02-16)
2.2.4 (2016-02-16)
Closed issues:
- Build breaking due to ExNavigator #208
2.2.3 (2016-02-16)
Closed issues:
- Navigation doesn't work when using Chrome debugging #210
- Adding buttons to Nav Bar #203
- Please how can i implement Router in react-native-scrollable-tab-view #198
- Router issues when popping from a modal presented from the root #192
- How to use the NavBar in teh Example/components folder? #189
- Router should pass its own props to Route's on subsequent renders #184
- Actions.currentRouter.currentRoute is not updated #183
- NPM and Github releases out of sync #178
- Swipe back is flaky #176
- "Cannot read property 'push' of undefined" when mounting router for the second time #172
- Passing data back to parent with Actions.pop? #171
- Tabbed Nested Router Re-use Question #169
- Passing props through Route #167
- Can't set Tab Screen to initial screen #166
- Non-fullscreen route #165
- Navigate To child route #164
- Can't get the navigationContext for didfocus and willfocus events #161
- Repetitive Infinite Tab appearing over itself #159
- How do I get the current route? #158
- Logging previous and next state incorrect #152
- Looking for help with customized navigation bar style #151
- Version 2.x breaks navbar styling, text is not justified vertically #147
- Resetting routers on tabs already selected #130
- when press back button in nested tab router, it will pop out #110
Merged pull requests:
- docs: update props list of Route object #212 (oureta)
- docs: update props list of Route object #211 (oureta)
- Add BEFORE_FOCUS and AFTER_FOCUS for swipe gesture handling. #204 (lynndylanhurley)
- Update info on Redux/Flux support #202 (mmazzarolo)
- Update info on Redux/Flux support #201 (mmazzarolo)
- Fixes passing route props again #200 (danielweinmann)
- Renames Router to BaseRouter and ReactRouter to Router and router prop on Router to plugin #196 (danielweinmann)
- Added Sidebar/Drawer support #195 (mmazzarolo)
- update react native version in gradle file #194 (peterlazar1993)
- upgraded generated react-native files to 0.19.0 #193 (philipshurpik)
- Passes Router props to Route's on subsequent renders #185 (danielweinmann)
- Documents Route's hideNavBar prop #181 (danielweinmann)
- remove duplicate lines #179 (iZaL)
- Get rid off white flickering line that appears underneath router header #175 (lananelson)
- Clears Actions.currentRouter when unmounting ExRouter if this is the … #173 (danielweinmann)
- Updated package.json to include GitHub URL #168 (ffxsam)
2.1.4 (2016-02-01)
Closed issues:
- Get current route onPop #156
- Pass type to Actions.route() #155
- NavBar button are below the title area. How can i fixed? #153
- Can't set Tab Screen to initial screen in v2.1.3 #148
- barButtonIconStyle, titleStyle, navigationBarStyle, sceneStyle ignored in Route that is inside nested Router #146
- Demo seems to be broken #145
- Push component from a function #144
- TabBar directly under NavBar #143
- Custom title not working #141
- Anyone else get Invalid name: "@exponent/react-native-navigator" during install? #140
- Add support for customizing right/left buttons #137
- Question: What is the proper way to style and use icons w TabBar? #136
- Getting currentRoute inside of Tab Route returns parent Route #133
- Router can't go
on tabs not first selected. #132 - Emergency: #129
- Can you explain what wrapRouter does ? #128
- [FR] Allow to explicitly specify backButtonText in Route #127
- With the master version,there can be double headers #126
- Hiding navbar with route type = switch #124
- Nested Schemas does not work #123
- [Android] Back Button closes/crashes app #122
- Question: Redux/Flux support #121
- Cannot read property 'parent' of undefined when tapping on tab bar item #120
- Get current route stack #117
- How to display navigation bar only on specific screens? #116
- Route is not defined #115
- How do I pop back to another router? #114
- Display image in navbar #113
- Header works only for the first Router level #112
- Route issue in mode dev=true #111
- Searchbox in NavigationBar? #109
- 2.x - Unable to display footer only on specific routes #107
- Setting initial props gives me an route is not defined #105
- ExNavigator (Styles) undefined #104
- NavBar overlays content #103
- Get current route stack/stack size #101
- renderRightButton example? #100
- Navigation Titile on Android is in additional View instead of just being Text #98
- Possible To Use Existing Routes & Components? #96
- How to only show Navbar Title? #95
- Add styles to Tabbar #94
- componentWillUnmount not called when I go to new route #91
- routeReducer not working properly #87
- TabBar may select two tab in Example #84
- Redirecting actions based on if/else generates error #82
- NavBars won't "easily show/hide" (iOS 9.2) #80
- Possible to go to specific tabbar tab using Actions? #75
- Selectively hide navigation bar #72
- Passing data to nested routers #71
- Setting up authentication to check if user is logged in #66
- onPop being called? #53
- Schema=popup in 1.x ? #51
- Styling the NavBar #47
Merged pull requests:
- Tap on tab to go to home #163 (zebulgar)
- Support passing type to Actions.route, fixes #155 #157 (adrienbrault)
- Stop popping if there is nowhere to go #154 (zebulgar)
- navigationStyles breaks on Android #150 (eranbes)
- Patch 2: fix a bug in Actions.pop #142 (lrettig)
- Update to README to reflect reset type routes #139 (rgoldiez)
- Allow tabBar custom style #138 (rturk)
- Update Component Name #135 (phoenixbox)
- Add onLeft, leftTitle, etc. route props #119 (lrettig)
- Allow for icon style and text style to be passed #118 (zebulgar)
- Add navigationStyles to ExNavigationBar. #108 (delta1)
- add reset action #106 (daemonchen)
2.0.2 (2016-01-04)
Closed issues:
- Passing the Navigation title in Action #99
- 2.0 (alpha) version branch #97
- TabBar speed... #90
- Is this how hidenavbar should work? #89
- How to push to new route within function? #88
- Jump to an existing route? #85
- Overlaying the nav bar #83
- BACK button on Android exits the app #81
- ExNavigator – Unexpected token? #76
- android launching error #68
- Animated Replace #67
- Back button doesn't work if not on tab 1 when implementing tabs in a subcomponent #64
- Schema doesn't work when implementing tabs in a subcomponent #63
- renderBackButton or renderLeftButton? #61
- add onEnter and onLeave hooks for Routes #60
- Issues implementing tabs in subcomponent #59
- Ignore
directory for better readability? #54 - How to hide navbar? #50
- Tabs NavBar doesn't show on first reroute #49
- It doesn't work with react-native@0.16.0 #43
- Routes inside of a tab container? #42
- Navbar is hidden in pages even if hideNavBar is false #41
- why the animation is forbidden in Container.js #40
- Example broken with latest react-native-navbar #33
- Testing with jest breaked #32
- Intercept transitions #29
- Is it able to create multiple router instances? #26
- PopUp View can't call programatically.... #25
Merged pull requests:
- 2.0 #102 (aksonov)
- Improved documentation #86 (emrosenf)
- Comment out console.log in push #79 (ghost)
- Add a Gitter chat badge to README.md #74 (gitter-badger)
- Use
instead ofinitialRoute
#73 (liuyaodong) - Allow for renderTitle to be passed through #70 (zebulgar)
- clear 'npm install' artifacts from package.json #58 (ghost)
1.0.1 (2015-12-10)
Closed issues:
- New demo #46
Merged pull requests:
1.0.0 (2015-12-09)
Closed issues:
- Go back twice? #39
- replace does not call componentWillUnmount for replaced component #36
- Can it use with react-redux/native ??? #34
- Changeing Tab in Container #28
- [Android] transition effects stopped working after RN 0.13 update #27
- Getting state from Route at NavBar #24
- How do I use Actions.reset() method? #23
- Unable to Launch TabBar on Android #22
- Unable to Launch TabBar on Android #21
- Example of calling Action from a fucntion? #20
- Android Support #19
- Swipe to go back #17
- Notification Count with TabBar #16
- Get current route in parent element #15
- Drawer layout on some routes #14
- Warning when calling an Action #13
- How to trigger "Replace" from Router Actions? (instead of push,pop) #12
Merged pull requests:
- 1.0 release #45 (aksonov)
- Use javascript syntax highlighting in examples #38 (danscan)
- Update package.json #35 (Mokto)
- fix iOS demo[bundle url & packager failed with npm start] #30 (qbig)
0.3.0 (2015-10-05)
0.2.2 (2015-09-29)
0.2.0 (2015-09-29)
Closed issues:
- Changing the FlatFloatFromRight shadow color #10
- Cannot find module buildStyleInterpolator #9
- God it would be nice if... #8
v0.1.10 (2015-09-25)
Closed issues:
- Nitpicking #7
Merged pull requests:
v0.1.1 (2015-09-07)
Closed issues:
- Breaks when minified #4
v0.1.0 (2015-09-07)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests: