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💎 CleverClient

Library that makes it easy to use the Java HttpClient to perform http operations through interfaces.

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Table of Contents

💡 Description

CleverClient is a Java 11+ library that makes it easy to use the standard HttpClient component to call http services by using annotated interfaces.

For example, if we want to use the public API JsonPlaceHolder and call its endpoint /posts, we just have to create an entity Post, an interface PostService with special annotatons, and call the API through CleverClient:

// Entity
public class Post {
  private Integer id;
  private String title;
  private String body;
  private Integer userId;

  // Constructors , getters, setters, etc.

// Interface
public interface PostService {

  List<Post> readPosts(@Query("_page") Integer page, @Query("_limit") Integer limit);

  Post readPost(@Path("postId") Integer postId);

  Post createPost(@Body Post post);


// Use CleverClient to call the API
var cleverClient = CleverClient.builder()

var postService = cleverClient.create(PostService.class);

var page = 1;
var limit = 5;
var postId = 17;
var userId = 3;

// Example Read Posts
var postsList = postService.readPosts(page, limit);

// Example Read Post
var onePost = postService.readPost(postId);

// Example Create Post
var newPost = postService.createPost(new Post(
    "Hello word, you are very welcome!",

⚙ Installation

You can install CleverClient by adding the following dependency to your Maven project:

    <version>[latest version]</version>

Or alternatively using Gradle:

dependencies {
    implementation 'io.github.sashirestela:cleverclient:[latest version]'

Take in account that you need to use Java 11 or greater.

📕 Features

CleverClient Builder

We have the following attributes to create a CleverClient object:

Attribute Description Required
baseUrl Api's url mandatory
headers Map of headers (name/value) optional
header Single header as a name and a value optional
httpClient Java HttpClient object optional
requestInterceptor Function to modify the request once is built optional
bodyInspector Function to inspect the @Body request parameter optional
endsOfStream List of texts used to mark the end of streams optional
endOfStream Text used to mark the end of streams optional

The attribute end(s)OfStream is required when you have endpoints sending back streams of data (Server Sent Events - SSE).


final var BASE_URL = "";
final var HEADER_NAME = "Authorization";
final var HEADER_VALUE = "Bearer qwertyasdfghzxcvb";
final var END_OF_STREAM = "[DONE]";

var httpClient = HttpClient.newBuilder()
    .proxy(ProxySelector.of(new InetSocketAddress("", 80)))

var cleverClient = CleverClient.builder()
    .requestInterceptor(request -> {
        var url = request.getUrl();
        url + (url.contains("?") ? "&" : "?") + "env=testing";
        return request;

Interface Annotations

Annotation Target Attributes Required Attrs Mult
Resource Interface Resource's url optional One
Header Interface Header's name and value mandatory both Many
Header Method Header's name and value mandatory both Many
GET Method GET endpoint's url optional One
POST Method POST endpoint's url optional One
PUT Method PUT endpoint's url optional One
DELETE Method DELETE endpoint's url optional One
PATCH Method PATCH endpoint's url optional One
Multipart Method (None) none One
StreamType Method Class type and events array mandatory both Many
StreamType Annotation Class type and events array mandatory both Many
Path Parameter Path parameter name in url mandatory One
Query Parameter Query parameter name in url mandatory One
Query Parameter (None for Pojos) none One
Body Parameter (None) none One
  • Resource could be used to separate the repeated part of the endpoints' url in an interface.
  • Header Used to include more headers (pairs of name and value) at interface or method level. It is possible to have multiple Header annotations for the same target.
  • GET, POST, PUT, DELETE are used to mark the typical http methods (endpoints).
  • Multipart is used to mark an endpoint with a multipart/form-data request. This is required when you need to upload files.
  • StreamType is used with methods whose return type is Stream of Event. Tipically you will use more than one of this annotation to indicate what classes (types) are related to what events (array of Strings). You can also use them for custom annotations in case you want to reuse them for many methods, so you just apply the custom composite annotation.
  • Path is used to replace the path parameter name in url with the matched method parameter's value.
  • Query is used to add a query parameter to the url in the way: [?]queryValue=parameterValue[&...] for scalar parameters. Also it can be used for POJOs using its properties and values.
  • Body is used to mark a method parameter as the endpoint's payload request, so the request will be application/json at least the endpoint is annotated with Multipart.
  • Check the above Description's example or the Test folder to see more of these interface annotations in action.

Supported Response Types

The reponse types are determined from the method's return types. We have six response types: Stream of elements, List of elements, Generic type, Custom type, Binary type, String type and Stream of Event, and all of them can be asynchronous or synchronous. For async responses you have to use the Java class CompletableFuture.

Response Type Sync/Async Description
CompletableFuture<Stream<T>> Async SSE (*) as Stream of type T
Stream<T> Sync SSE (*) as Stream of type T
CompletableFuture<List<T>> Async List of type T
List<T> Sync List of type T
CompletableFuture<Generic<T>> Async Generic class of type T
Generic<T> Sync Generic class of type T
CompletableFuture<T> Async Custom class T
T Sync Custom class T
CompletableFuture<InputStream> Async Binary type
InputStream Sync Binary type
CompletableFuture<String> Async String type
String Sync String type
CompletableFuture<Stream<Event>> Async SSE (*) as Stream of Event
Stream<Event> Sync SSE (*) as Stream of Event

(*) SSE: Server Sent Events

  • CompletableFuture<Stream<T>> and Stream<T> are used for handling SSE without events and data of the class T only.
  • CompletableFuture<Stream<Event>> and Stream<Event> are used for handling SSE with multiple events and data of different classes.
  • The Event class will bring for each event: the event name and the data object.

Interface Default Methods

You can create interface default methods to execute special requirements such as pre/post processing before/after calling annotated regular methods. For example in the following interface definition, we have two regular methods with POST annotation which are called from another two default methods. In those defaults methods we are making some pre processing (in this case, modifying the request object) before calling the annotated methods:

interface Completions {

    Stream<ChatResponse> createSyncStreamBasic(@Body ChatRequest chatRequest);

    CompletableFuture<Stream<ChatResponse>> createAsyncStreamBasic(@Body ChatRequest chatRequest);

    default Stream<ChatResponse> createSyncStream(ChatRequest chatRequest) {
        var request = chatRequest.withStream(true);
        return createSyncStreamBasic(request);

    default CompletableFuture<Stream<ChatResponse>> createAsyncStream(ChatRequest chatRequest) {
        var request = chatRequest.withStream(true);
        return createAsyncStreamBasic(request);


Note that we have named the annotated methods with the suffix "Basic" just to indicate that we should not call them directly but should call the default ones (those without the suffix).

✳ Examples

Some examples have been created in the folder example and you can follow the next steps to execute them:

  • Clone this respository:

    git clone
    cd cleverclient
  • Build the project:

    mvn clean install
  • Run example:

    mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=io.github.sashirestela.cleverclient.example.<className> [logOptions]


    • <className> is mandatory and must be one of the values:

      • BasicExample
      • FileDownloadExample
      • HeaderExample
      • MultiServiceExample
      • StreamExample (This requires you have an OpenAI account and set the env variable OPENAI_API_TOKEN)
    • [logOptions] are optional and you can you use them to set:

      • Logger lever: -Dorg.slf4j.simpleLogger.defaultLogLevel=<logLevel>
      • Logger file: -Dorg.slf4j.simpleLogger.logFile=<logFile>
    • For example, to run the BasicExample with all the log options:

      • mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=io.github.sashirestela.cleverclient.example.BasicExample -Dorg.slf4j.simpleLogger.defaultLogLevel=debug -Dorg.slf4j.simpleLogger.logFile=example.log

💼 Contributing

Please read our Contributing guide to learn and understand how to contribute to this project.

📄 License

CleverClient is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.