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Development Tools

Valeria Rogatchevskikh edited this page Dec 8, 2016 · 5 revisions

Tools for development on Mac OS X:

  1. Install Xcode from the Mac App Store
  2. Open Xcode and
    • Allow any further system library updates to be completed
    • Go to Preferences > Downloads > Components and ensure the Command Line Tools are installed
      • this will install compilation tools like gcc and system level development libraries such as libxml2, libxslt, etc.
  3. Setup an Android mobile phone emulator (to test the FLOW app against Android versions and screen sizes you don't have access to)

Tools for development on Linux:

  1. If running on a virtual machine, make sure it has at least 4GB of RAM.
  2. Install a Java 7 runtime, such as OpenJDK or Oracle
  3. Download Eclipse Luna, "Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers" from and install it. Later versions should work but has not been tested.
  4. Run Eclipse to install the Google Plugin and GAE SDK:
    1. Help->Install software...
    2. Add the repository ""
    3. Select "Google Plugin for Eclipse 4.4/4.5" and "Google App Engine Java SDK" (1.9.34 or later)
    4. Press finish
  5. Download Google Web Toolkit SDK version 2.5.1 (not 2.7) from
  6. Install bundler
  7. Download and run the leiningen install script as described here: (version 2.6.1 or later)

Git configuration

  1. Whitespace detection


For using intelliJ instead of eclipse, please follow these instructions.

Next: 2. Setup a local development repository

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