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event-generator is a tool designed to generate events for both syscalls and k8s audit. The tool can be used to check if Falco is working properly. It does so by performing a variety of suspects actions which trigger security events. The event-event generator implements a minimalistic framework which makes easy to implement new actions.


This chart helps to deploy the event-generator in a kubernetes cluster in order to test an already deployed Falco instance.

Adding falcosecurity repository

Before installing the chart, add the falcosecurity charts repository:

helm repo add falcosecurity
helm repo update

Installing the Chart

To install the chart with default values and release name event-generator run:

helm install event-generator falcosecurity/event-generator

After a few seconds, event-generator should be running in the default namespace.

In order to install the event-generator in a custom namespace run:

# change the name of the namespace to fit your requirements.
kubectl create ns "ns-event-generator"
helm install event-generator falcosecurity/event-generator --namespace "ns-event-generator"

When the event-generator is installed using the default values in values.yaml file it is deployed using a k8s job, running the run command and, generates activity only for the k8s audit. For more info check the next section.

Tip: List all releases using helm list, a release is a name used to track a specific deployment

Commands, actions and options

The event-generator tool accepts two commands: run and test. The first just generates activity, the later one, which is more sophisticated, also checks that for each generated activity Falco triggers the expected rule. Both of them accepts an argument that determines the actions to be performed:

event-generator run/test [regexp]

Without arguments, all actions are performed; otherwise, only those actions matching the given regular expression. If we want to test just the actions related to k8s the following command does the trick:

event-generator test ^k8saudit

The list of the supported actions can be found here

Before diving in how this helm chart deploys and manages instances of the event-generator in kubernetes there are two more options that we need to talk about:

  • --loop to run actions in a loop
  • --sleep to set the length of time to wait before running an action (default to 1s)

Deployment modes in k8s

Based on commands, actions and options configured the event-generator could be deployed as a k8s job or deployment. If the config.loop value is set a deployment is used since it is long running process, otherwise a job. A configuration like the one below, set in the values.yaml file, will deploy the even-generator using a deployment with the run command passed to it and will will generate activity only for the syscalls:

  # -- The event-generator accepts two commands (run, test):
  # run: runs actions.
  # test: runs and tests actions.
  # For more info see:
  command: run
  # -- Regular expression used to select the actions to be run.
  actions: "^syscall"
  # -- Runs in a loop the actions.
  # If set to "true" the event-generator is deployed using a k8s deployment otherwise a k8s job.
  loop: true
  # -- The length of time to wait before running an action. Non-zero values should contain
  # a corresponding time unit (e.g. 1s, 2m, 3h). A value of zero means no sleep. (default 100ms)
  sleep: ""

    # -- Set it to true if you are deploying in "test" mode.
    enabled: false
    # -- Path to the Falco grpc socket.
    bindAddress: "unix:///var/run/falco/falco.sock"

The following configuration will use a k8s job since we want to perform the k8s activity once and check that Falco reacts properly to those actions:

  # -- The event-generator accepts two commands (run, test):
  # run: runs actions.
  # test: runs and tests actions.
  # For more info see:
  command: test
  # -- Regular expression used to select the actions to be run.
  actions: "^k8saudit"
  # -- Runs in a loop the actions.
  # If set to "true" the event-generator is deployed using a k8s deployment otherwise a k8s job.
  loop: false
  # -- The length of time to wait before running an action. Non-zero values should contain
  # a corresponding time unit (e.g. 1s, 2m, 3h). A value of zero means no sleep. (default 100ms)
  sleep: ""

    # -- Set it to true if you are deploying in "test" mode.
    enabled: true
    # -- Path to the Falco grpc socket.
    bindAddress: "unix:///var/run/falco/falco.sock"

Note that grpc.enabled is set to true when running with the test command. Be sure that Falco exposes the grpc socket and emits output to it.

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall the event-generator release:

helm uninstall event-generator

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.


The following table lists the main configurable parameters of the event-generator chart v0.3.4 and their default values. See values.yaml for full list.


Key Type Default Description
affinity object {} Affinity, like the nodeSelector but with more expressive syntax.
config.actions string "^syscall" Regular expression used to select the actions to be run.
config.command string "run" The event-generator accepts two commands (run, test): run: runs actions. test: runs and tests actions. For more info see:
config.grpc.bindAddress string "unix:///run/falco/falco.sock" Path to the Falco grpc socket.
config.grpc.enabled bool false Set it to true if you are deploying in "test" mode.
config.loop bool true Runs in a loop the actions. If set to "true" the event-generator is deployed using a k8s deployment otherwise a k8s job.
config.sleep string "" The length of time to wait before running an action. Non-zero values should contain a corresponding time unit (e.g. 1s, 2m, 3h). A value of zero means no sleep. (default 100ms)
fullnameOverride string "" Used to override the chart full name.
image object {"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","repository":"falcosecurity/event-generator","tag":"latest"} Number of old history to retain to allow rollback (If not set, default Kubernetes value is set to 10) revisionHistoryLimit: 1
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Pull policy for the event-generator image
image.repository string "falcosecurity/event-generator" Repository from where the image is pulled.
image.tag string "latest" Images' tag to select a development/custom version of event-generator instead of a release. Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
imagePullSecrets list [] Secrets used to pull the image from a private repository.
nameOverride string "" Used to override the chart name.
nodeSelector object {} Selectors to choose a given node where to run the pods.
podAnnotations object {} Annotations to be added to the pod.
podSecurityContext object {} Security context for the pod.
replicasCount int 1 Number of replicas of the event-generator (meaningful when installed as a deployment).
securityContext object {} Security context for the containers.
tolerations list [] Tolerations to allow the pods to be scheduled on nodes whose taints the pod tolerates.