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3D Very Deep VAE

This workflow containerises the 3D Very Deep VAE package. That project involved training variational autoencoder models to generate three-dimensional images. Specifically, models have been trained on neuroimaging data and used to generate synthetic, volumetric brain images.

The container image defined here can be used to generate a synthetic data set, train a model and assess that model.

The container image supports CUDA version 11.3 on the host.


To build the singularity container use the build script in this directory.


This script will try to use singularity's fakeroot support if you run as a non-root user. If this is not supported on your system you can run the script as root.

When the script is finished you will find the container (pytorch_GAN_zoo.sif) in your current working directory.


The scripts from the 3D Very Deep VAE repository scripts directory can be called with singularity exec 3d_very_deep_vae.sif <script_name> for example

singularity exec 3d_very_deep_vae.sif

Any flags or command line arguments can be declared after the script name.

For training, you will need to supply the --nv flag to singularity so that the host GPU may be used.

Generating Synthetic Data

The code in this example is intended to be trained on neuroimaging data. As this is personal, sensitive, medical data it is not always practical to work with. The project therefore includes a script to generate a synthetic dataset of volumetric images of ellipsoids with noise.

To generate a synthetic dataset use the script

singularity exec 3d_very_deep_vae.sif --voxels_per_axis <resolution> --number_of_files <number_of_files> --output_directory <data_directory>

<resolution> is an integer that that specifies the resolution of input images. Each input image has <resolution> voxels in each spatial dimension. <number_of_files> images will be created. Images are stored in <data_directory>. For example, to create 10,000 volumetric images with a resolution of 32x32x32 run

singularity exec 3d_very_deep_vae.sif --voxels_per_axis 32 --number_of_files 10000 --output_directory ./data

The dataset will be placed in the data directory.


A configuration file is required in order to train a model. The examples included in the repository can be written to the current directory using the get_configs script

singularity exec 3d_very_deep_vae.sif get_configs

This will write three files VeryDeepVAE_32x32x32.json, VeryDeepVAE_64x64x64.json and VeryDeepVAE_128x128x128.json. Each file targets a different resolution for generated images.

All three example should fit within 32GiB of device memory. For GPUs with less memory, the batch_size variable in the configuration files can be decreased.

Use the script to train a model

singularity exec --nv 3d_very_deep_vae.sif --json_config_file <config_file>  --nifti_dir <data_directory> --output_dir <output_directory>

For example, with the example configuration and synthetic data set above

singularity exec --nv 3d_very_deep_vae.sif --json_config_file VeryDeepVAE_32x32x32.json --nifti_dir ./data --output_dir ./output

Running on HPC

The batch_scripts directory contains template Slurm batch scripts for running the script. These examples use a synthetic dataset as produced above. There is one example for each of the three configurations (output resolutions) created above.

These templates assume that data directories and configuration files are named as those created above. They demonstrate the advice for running on HPC explained here. This includes using scratch space, parametrising output file names and supporting job arrays.

To submit a job, complete a template filling in placeholders (beginning with %) with values appropriate for the platform you are using. Use sbatch to submit a job. For example


Or as a job array

sbatch --array=1-5%2