PostCSS plugin supports function to use random colors.
--red: randomColor(random, red);
.foo {
border-color: randomColor;
background: randomColor(light);
color: randomColor(dark, blue);
--red: #d65755;
.foo {
border-color: #5dd8b9;
background: #d5c9ff;
color: #090070;
Luminosity of the color
Type: string
-> random
, bright
, light
, dark
Default: random
.foo {
color: randomColor(bright);
Hue of the color
Type: string
-> random
, red
, orange
, yellow
, green
, blue
, purple
, pink
, monochrome
Default: random
.foo {
color: randomColor(random, orange);
postcss([ require('postcss-randomcolor')(options) ])
See PostCSS docs for examples for your environment.
Name of the function that insert random color
Type: string
Default: randomColor
postcss([ require('postcss-randomcolor')({functionName: 'random-color'}) ])
.foo {
color: random-color;
Format of the color
Type: string
-> hex
, hsl
, rgb
Default: hex