These are the active contributors of this project that you may contact if there is anything you need help with or if you have suggestions.
- z3t0 : Active Contributor and currently also the main contributor.
- Email:
- shirriff : An amazing person who worked to create this awesome library and provide unending support
- AnalysIR: Active contributor and is amazing with providing support!
- Informatic : Active contributor
- fmeschia : Active contributor
- PaulStoffregen : Active contributor
- crash7 : Active contributor
- Neco777 : Active contributor
- Lauszus : Active contributor
- csBlueChip : Active contributor, who contributed major and vital changes to the code base.
- Sebazzz: Contributor
- lumbric: Contributor
- ElectricRCAircraftGuy: Active Contributor
- philipphenkel: Active Contributor
- MCUdude: Contributor
- marcmerlin: Contributor (ESP32 port)
Note: This list is being updated constantly so please let z3t0 know if you have been missed.