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I create a different template for React with React Router 4. The idea is:
- Code flexible able to manage many layouts.
- Possibility to choose a different layout for any component or a layout for a group of components.
- If a user is not logged in the URL’s that required a login, then show the public layout with a login form.
- If the user is logged and their wants see the public page (like about-us), the layout must be the public layout with the possibility to see the private web page if click in a private URL.
You can create the routes in this way. You can create many files that you want:
// src/routes/private.tsx
const routes: IRoute[] = [
component: Profile,
exact: true,
path: '/admin/profile',
There are three route types defined in the project.
// src/routes/routeTypes.tsx
export enum routeTypes {
private = 'private',
public = 'public',
session= 'session',
private: private pages like profile, edit-profile, etc. If the user isn’t logged then must to show the login page.
public: public pages like about-us, contact, etc.
session: session pages like login and sign-up. If the user is logged then must to redirect to the private dashboard.
In this file you can define the routes, the template and the rights (public, private, session).
// src/routes/index.tsx
const routesTemplate: IRouteTemplate[] = [
routes: privateRoutes,
template: GlobalLayout,
type: routeTypes.private,
It define the route and call the Auth.
// src/start/Routes.tsx => {
const { routes: appRoutes, template: Template , type} = routesTemplate;
return (appRoute) => {
return (
render={(route) =>
Verify the rights and redirection.
// src/start/Auth.tsx
if (isPrivate(type) && !global.logged) {
return <GlobalLayout Component={Error403} route={route} />;
if (isSession(type) && global.logged) {
return <Redirect to="/" />
const Layout = appRoute.template ? appRoute.template : Template;
return <Layout