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File metadata and controls

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PuppetDB 3.2: Reports endpoint

Puppet agent nodes submit reports after their runs, and the Puppet master forwards these to PuppetDB. Each report includes:

  • Data about the entire run
  • Metadata about the report
  • Many events, describing what happened during the run

Once this information is stored in PuppetDB, it can be queried in various ways.

  • You can query data about the run and report metadata by making an HTTP request to the /reports endpoint.

  • You can query data about individual events by making an HTTP request to the /events endpoint.

  • You can query summaries of event data by making an HTTP request to the /event-counts or aggregate-event-counts endpoints.


URL parameters

  • query: optional. A JSON array of query predicates, in prefix notation (["<OPERATOR>", "<FIELD>", "<VALUE>"]). See the sections below for the supported operators and fields. For general info about queries, see our guide to query structure.

If the query parameter is absent, PuppetDB will return all reports.

Query operators

See the AST query language page.

Query fields

The following fields are allowed as filter criteria and are returned in all responses.

  • certname (string): the name of the node that the report was received from.

  • hash (string): the ID of the report; these IDs can be acquired via event queries (see the /events endpoint).

  • environment (string): the environment assigned to the node that submitted the report.

  • status (string): the status associated to report's node. Possible values for this field come from Puppet's report status, which can be found here.

  • noop (Boolean): a flag indicating whether the report was produced by a noop run.

  • puppet_version (string): the version of Puppet that generated the report.

  • report_format (number): the version number of the report format that Puppet used to generate the original report data.

  • configuration_version (string): an identifier string that Puppet uses to match a specific catalog for a node to a specific Puppet run.

  • start_time (timestamp): the time on the agent at which the Puppet run began. Timestamps are always ISO-8601 compatible date/time strings.

  • end_time (timestamp): the time on the agent at which the Puppet run ended. Timestamps are always ISO-8601 compatible date/time strings.

  • producer_timestamp (timestamp): the time of catalog submission from the Puppet master to PuppetDB, according to the clock on the Puppet master. Timestamps are always ISO-8601 compatible date/time strings.

  • receive_time (timestamp): the time at which PuppetDB received the report. Timestamps are always ISO-8601 compatible date/time strings.

  • transaction_uuid (string): a string used to identify a Puppet run.

  • catalog_uuid (string): a string used to tie a catalog to a report to the catalog used from that Puppet run.

  • code_id (string): a string used to tie a catalog to the Puppet code which generated the catalog.

  • cached_catalog_status (string): a string used to identify whether the Puppet run used a cached catalogs and whether or not the cached catalog was used due to an error or not. Possible values include explicitly_requested, on_failure, not_used or null.

  • latest_report? (Boolean): return only reports associated with the most recent Puppet run for each node. Note: this field does not appear in the response.

Subquery relationships

The following list contains related entities that can be used to constrain the result set using implicit subqueries. For more information, consult the documentation for subqueries.

  • environments: environment from where a report was received.
  • events: events received in a report.
  • nodes: node from where a report was received.

Response format

The response is a JSON array of report summaries for all event reports that matched the input parameters. The array is unsorted. The top-level response is of the form:

  "hash": <sha1 of stored report command payload>,
  "puppet_version": <report puppet version>,
  "receive_time": <time of report reception by PDB>,
  "report_format": <report wireformat version>,
  "start_time": <start of run timestamp>,
  "end_time": <end of run timestamp>,
  "transaction_uuid": <string to identify puppet run>,
  "status": <status of node after report's associated puppet run>,
  "noop": <boolean flag indicating noop run>,
  "environment": <report environment>,
  "configuration_version": <catalog identifier>,
  "certname": <node name>,
  "code_id": <sha1 of Puppet code>,
  "catalog_uuid": <string to identify the corresponding catalog>,
  "cached_catalog_status": <reason a cached catalog was used>,
  "resource_events": <expanded resource events>,
  "resources" : <expanded resources (PE only)>
  "metrics" : <expanded metrics>,
  "logs" : <expanded logs>

Note: The resources field is only offered in Puppet Enterprise (PE)

The response format in PE contains an additional field, resources, which contains all the resource statuses for the Puppet run corresponding to the report, both changed and unchanged resources.

The <expanded resource events> object is of the following form:

  "href": <url>,
  "data": [ {
    "status": <status of event (`success`, `failure`, `noop`, or `skipped`)>,
    "timestamp": <timestamp (from agent) at which event occurred>,
    "resource_type": <type of resource event occurred on>,
    "resource_title": <title of resource event occurred on>,
    "property": <property/parameter of resource on which event occurred>,
    "new_value": <new value for resource property>,
    "old_value": <old value of resource property>,
    "message": <description of what happened during event>,
    "file": <manifest file containing resource definition>,
    "line": <line in manifest file on which resource is defined>,
    "containment_path": <containment heirarchy of resource within catalog>
  } ... ]

The <expanded resources> object is of the following form:

  "href": <url>,
  "data": [ {
    "timestamp": <timestamp (from agent) at which event occurred>,
    "resource_type": <type of resource event occurred on>,
    "resource_title": <title of resource event occurred on>,
    "containment_path": <containment heirarchy of resource within catalog>
    "skipped" : <boolean for whether or not the resource was skipped>, 
    "events" : [<event> ...]
  } ... ]

Where an <event> object is of the form:

        "timestamp": <timestamp (from agent) at which event occurred>,
        "property": <property/parameter of resource on which event occurred>,
        "new_value": <new value for resource property>,
        "old_value": <old value of resource property>,
        "status": <status of event (`success`, `failure`, or `noop`)>,
        "message": <description of what happened during event>

Note: On resources versus resource_events

Unchanged resources are accessed through the resources field. The resource_events field does not contain this information.

The <expanded metrics> object is as follows:

  "href": <url>,
  "data": [ {
    "category" : <category of metric ("resources", "time", "changes", or "events")>,
    "name" : <name of the metric>,
    "value" : <value of the metric (double precision)>
  } ... ]

The <expanded logs> object returns a single log line per data entry as follows:

  "href": <url>,
  "data": [ {
    "file" : <file of resource declaration>,
    "line" : <line of resource declaration>,
    "level" : <log level>,
    "message" : <log message>,
    "source" : <log source>,
    "tags" : [<resource tag>],
    "time" : <log line timestamp>
 } ... ]


File and line may each be null if the log does not concern a resource.

Note: Fields that allow NULL values

In the resource_event schema above, containment_path, new_value, old_value, property, file, line, status, and message may all be null.

Note: On querying resource events, metrics, and logs

The reports endpoint does not support querying on the value of resource_events, logs, or metrics. For resource_events, the same information can be accessed by querying the events endpoint for events with field report equal to a given report's hash. Making metrics and logs queryable may be the target of future work.


You can use curl to query information about reports:

Query for all reports:

curl -G http://localhost:8080/pdb/query/v4/reports

[ {
  "receive_time" : "2015-02-19T16:23:11.034Z",
  "hash" : "32c821673e647b0650717db467abc51d9949fd9a",
  "transaction_uuid" : "9a7070e9-840f-446d-b756-6f19bf2e2efc",
  "puppet_version" : "3.7.4",
  "noop" : false,
  "report_format" : 4,
  "start_time" : "2015-02-19T16:23:09.810Z",
  "end_time" : "2015-02-19T16:23:10.287Z",
  "resource_events" : {
    "href": "/pdb/query/v4/reports/32c821673e647b0650717db467abc51d9949fd9a/events",
    "data": [ {
      "new_value" : "hi world",
      "property" : "message",
      "file" : "/home/wyatt/.puppet/manifests/site.pp",
      "old_value" : "absent",
      "line" : 7,
      "resource_type" : "Notify",
      "status" : "success",
      "resource_title" : "hiloo",
      "timestamp" : "2015-02-19T16:23:10.768Z",
      "containment_path" : [ "Stage[main]", "Main", "Notify[hiloo]" ],
      "message" : "defined 'message' as 'hi world'"
    }, {
      "new_value" : "hi world",
      "property" : "message",
      "file" : "/home/wyatt/.puppet/manifests/site.pp",
      "old_value" : "absent",
      "line" : 3,
      "resource_type" : "Notify",
      "status" : "success",
      "resource_title" : "hi",
      "timestamp" : "2015-02-19T16:23:10.767Z",
      "containment_path" : [ "Stage[main]", "Main", "Notify[hi]" ],
      "message" : "defined 'message' as 'hi world'"
    } ]
  "status" : "changed",
  "configuration_version" : "1424362990",
  "environment" : "production",
  "certname" : "desktop.localdomain",
  "metrics" : {
    "href": "/pdb/query/v4/reports/32c821673e647b0650717db467abc51d9949fd9a/metrics",
    "data": [ {
      "category" : "resources",
      "name" : "changed",
      "value" : 2
    }, {
      "category" : "resources",
      "name" : "failed",
      "value" : 0
      "category" : "events",
      "name" : "success",
      "value" : 2
    }, {
      "category" : "events",
      "name" : "total",
      "value" : 2
    } ]
  "logs" : {
    "href": "/pdb/query/v4/reports/32c821673e647b0650717db467abc51d9949fd9a/logs",
    "data": [ {
      "file" : null,
      "line" : null,
      "level" : "info",
      "message" : "Caching catalog for mbp.local",
      "source" : "//mbp.local/Puppet",
      "tags" : [ "info" ],
      "time" : "2015-02-26T16:27:48.416642000-08:00"
      "file" : null,
      "line" : null,
      "level" : "notice",
      "message" : "Finished catalog run in 0.01 seconds",
      "source" : "//mbp.local/Puppet",
      "tags" : [ "notice" ],
      "time" : "2015-02-26T16:27:48.483317000-08:00"
    } ]
} ]

You can retrieve the resources field as part of the data from the reports endpoint or using the child data endpoint.

For example, the following query finds for all resources (changed and unchanged) for a report with hash 32c821673e647b0650717db467abc51d9949fd9a:

Note: The following is for PE only curl -G http://localhost:8080/pdb/query/v4/reports/32c821673e647b0650717db467abc51d9949fd9a/resources

      "message":"defined 'message' as 'hi world'",
            "new_value":"hi world",

Get counts of reports grouped by status:

curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/pdb/query/v4/reports \
  -d 'query=["extract",[["function","count"], "status"],
                        ["group_by", "status"]]'

[ {
  "status" : "failed",
  "count" : 10
}, {
  "status" : "changed",
  "count" : 72
}, {
  "status" : "unchanged",
  "count" : 20
} ]


Returns all events for a particular report, designated by its unique hash.

This is a shortcut to the /events endpoint. It behaves the same as a call to /events with a query string of ["=", "report", "<HASH>"].


Returns all metrics for a particular report, designated by its unique hash. This endpoint does not currently support querying or paging.


Returns all logs for a particular report, designated by its unique hash. This endpoint does not currently support querying or paging.

URL parameters / query operators / query fields / response format

This route is an extension of the events endpoint. It uses the exact same parameters, operators, fields, and response format.

If you provide a query parameter, it will specify additional criteria, which will be used to return a subset of the information normally returned by this route.


This query endpoint supports paged results via the common PuppetDB paging URL parameters. For more information, please see the documentation on paging.