- LINE 46: : Replace
with Linux compatible package. - LINE 795: : check if variable does not exist and quit if it doesn't?
- LINE 1857: : make mesh tis own class with preperties
- LINE 1980: : create Wirebond class
- LINE 2012: : Add option to modify these
- LINE 2376: : Add a rotated rectangle object.
- LINE 2425: : points = collection of points
- LINE 2428: : find the plane of the polyline for now, assume Z
- LINE 2453:
- LINE 2503: : find the plane of the polyline for now, assume Z
- LINE 46: : Replace
- LINE 46: : Replace
with Linux compatible package. - LINE 795: : check if variable does not exist and quit if it doesn't?
- LINE 1857: : make mesh tis own class with preperties
- LINE 1980: : create Wirebond class
- LINE 2012: : Add option to modify these
- LINE 2376: : Add a rotated rectangle object.
- LINE 2425: : points = collection of points
- LINE 2428: : find the plane of the polyline for now, assume Z
- LINE 2453:
- LINE 2503: : find the plane of the polyline for now, assume Z
- LINE 46: : Replace
- LINE 149: : turn into base class shared with analysis!
- LINE 253: : replace this method with the one below, here because osme funcs use it still
- LINE 339: : maybe sort column and index? # todo: maybe generalize
- LINE 488: : change to integer?
- LINE 548: : These should be common function to the analysis and here!
- LINE 849: : Update make p saved sep. and get Q for diff materials, indep. specify in pinfo
- LINE 1046: : maybe load from data_file
- LINE 1064:
- LINE 1139: : Move inside of loop to funciton calle self.analyze_variation
- LINE 1247: : this should really be passed as argument to the functions rather than a
- LINE 1340: : THis need to be changed, wont work in the future with updating result etc.
- LINE 1513: : Move to class for reporter ?
- LINE 130: : remove all copies of same data
- LINE 574: : superseed by Convert.ZPF_from_EPR
- LINE 607: : avoide analyzing a previously analyzed variation
- LINE 741: : actually make into dataframe with mode labela and junction labels
- LINE 782: : ?
- LINE 825: : shouldmove these kwargs to the config
- LINE 134: : introduce modal labels