This cheatsheed contains some commands which we found useful during development. Some of the problems here are specific to our environment, the solutions might therefore not be generalisable and working in other environments.
To create the image of our package:
pipenv lock -r > requirements.txt
docker build -t occrp-document-classifier:0.1.0 .
Locking the requirements can be skipped, if the dependencies were not changed.
If error no space left on device
export TMPDIR=/data/dssg/occrp/data/docker
To access the container when it's running:
docker exec -it occrp-document-classifier:0.1.0 bash
To run a command (example here train-document-classifier) using the container and deleting the container after the run:
docker run -it --rm occrp-document-classifier:0.1.0 bash -c "python train-document-classifier"
Using docker with a volume connected to it:
docker run -v /data/dssg/occrp/data/:/data/dssg/occrp/data/ -it --rm occrp-document-classifier:0.1.0 bash -c "python convert-all-to-jpg /data/dssg/occrp/data/temp /data/dssg/occrp/data/temp"
Start the MLflow UI
mflow ui
The standard port for this is 5000. If it is run in Visual Studio Code, the IDE will by default forward the port. The UI will therefore be inspectable on
Start the MLflow UI on a different port, e.g. 5001
mlflow ui --port 5001
Start the MLflow UI from the mlruns directory on our VM.
mlflow ui --backend-store-uri "/data/dssg/occrp/data/mlruns/"
Start MLflow in a tmux terminal to leave running in the background:
tmux new -s "MLflowUI"
mlflow ui --backend-store-uri "/data/dssg/occrp/data/mlruns/"
To exit without killing the tmux terminal press <Ctrl>-b, d
list all current tmux sessions
tmux ls
enter session named "MLflowUI"
tmux attach-session -t MLflowUI
Count how often a certain file exension is found in a directory and its subdirectories (also lists directories, confusingly)
ls -R | awk -F . '{print $NF}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n -r | more
Save the results to a txt file:
ls -R | awk -F . '{print $NF}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n -r | more > file_extensions.txt
The same in Windows PowerShell:
Get-Childitem -Recurse | WHERE { -NOT $_.PSIsContainer } | Group Extension -NoElement | Sort Count -Desc > FileExtensions.txt
Delete recursively all 1.jpg from current directory and subfolders
find . -name \*1.jpg -exec rm {} \;
Forward a port (useful if you don't use VS Code and want to inspect the MLflow UI running on the server), run this from your local machine:
ssh -L 5000: username@
If error
/bin/sh: error while loading shared libraries: cannot change memory protections
restorecon -R -v $HOME/.local/share/containers
If error
no space left on device
export TMPDIR=/data/dssg/occrp/data/docker
Convert all pdf and tifs from our input folder to the output folder (execute from root folder of the project):
pipenv run python src/preprocessing/ convert-all-to-jpg /data/dssg/occrp/data/input/document_classification_data/ /data/dssg/occrp/data/processed/
Running pytest:
Without warnings
pytest --disable-pytest-warnings
To check the coverage of pytest:
pytest --cov=src tests
Increase width for columns when debugging data frames (not tested):
pd.options.display.max_colwidth = 400
Start the portainer:
Example credentials:
User: admin
PW: admin123admin123
Run a command (example here train-document-classifier) via GPU:
./ train-document-classifier