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Deploy an Alert Logic Threat Manager VM

This template allows you to deploy an Alert Logic Threat Manager VM, using the latest version.

Getting Started


Create Azure Account

Install Azure CLI 1.0

Azure Storage Account

Azure Storage Access Key

Prepare for deployment

If you do not have a pre-existing Storage Account and Blob Container available, follow the steps below to create them.

  • Install Azure CLI 1.0 from the link in the requirements section
  • Authenticate your session with Azure from CLI:
# azure login
info:    Executing command login
info:    To sign in, use a web browser to open the page Enter the code FAYFT6AS6 to authenticate.
info:    Added subscription Alert Logic
info:    login command OK
  • Click the 'Azure Storage Account' link in the requirements section and follow the steps to create a new storage account.
  • Create a Blob service container within your storage account by clicking Blobs -> + Container
  • Copy your storage account access key:

View and copy storage access keys

In the Azure Portal, navigate to your storage account and click the Keys icon to view, copy, and regenerate your account access keys. The Access Keys blade also includes pre-configured connection strings using your primary and secondary keys that you can copy to use in your applications

Deploy from browser

Required fields
Field Description Example
STORAGEACCOUNTNAME Name of your new or existing storage account mystorageaccount
BLOBCONTAINERNAME Blob container within your storage account myblobcontainer
AVAILABILITYSETNAME "Availability Set name for the VMs" myavailabilityset
NUMBEROFINSTANCES Number of virtual instances to deploy 1
VMNAME Name of the new Threat Manager VM being deployed awesome-new-threat-manager-vm
VIRTUALNETWORKNAME Name of new or existing Virtual Network Name myvnet
VIRTUALNETWORKRESOURCEGROUP Name of an existing resource group containing your virtual network myresourcegroup
SUBNETNAME Existing subnet within your selected virtual network. If you are creating a new Virtual Network, this name can be unique. mysubnet
VMSIZE Size of the new Threat Manager VM being deployed(Defaults to Standard_A3 Standard_A3

Deploy from cli

  • Set azure cli config mode to arm
# azure config mode arm
info:    Executing command config mode
info:    New mode is asm
info:    config mode command OK
  • Find your subscription id
# azure account list
info:    Executing command account list
data:    Name                    Id                                    Current  State  
data:    ----------------------  ------------------------------------  -------  -------
data:    Alert Logic             xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx  false    Enabled
info:    account list command OK
  • Set azure cli to use your subscription
# azure config set subscription
info:    Executing command config set
info:    Setting "subscription" to value "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
info:    Changes saved
info:    config set command OK
  • Get location list
# azure location list
info:    Executing command location list
warn:    The "location list" commands is changed to list subscription's locations. For old information, use "provider list or show" commands.
info:    Getting locations...
data:    Name                Display Name         Latitude  Longitude
data:    ------------------  -------------------  --------  ---------
data:    eastasia            East Asia            22.267    114.188  
data:    southeastasia       Southeast Asia       1.283     103.833  
data:    centralus           Central US           41.5908   -93.6208
data:    eastus              East US              37.3719   -79.8164
data:    eastus2             East US 2            36.6681   -78.3889
data:    westus              West US              37.783    -122.417
data:    northcentralus      North Central US     41.8819   -87.6278
data:    southcentralus      South Central US     29.4167   -98.5    
data:    northeurope         North Europe         53.3478   -6.2597  
data:    westeurope          West Europe          52.3667   4.9      
data:    japanwest           Japan West           34.6939   135.5022
data:    japaneast           Japan East           35.68     139.77   
data:    brazilsouth         Brazil South         -23.55    -46.633  
data:    australiaeast       Australia East       -33.86    151.2094
data:    australiasoutheast  Australia Southeast  -37.8136  144.9631
data:    southindia          South India          12.9822   80.1636  
data:    centralindia        Central India        18.5822   73.9197  
data:    westindia           West India           19.088    72.868   
info:    location list command OK
  • Create a new resource group

azure group create -n "your-group-name" -l "location-of-new-group"

# azure group create -n "myResourceGroup" -l "West US"
info:    Executing command group create
+ Getting resource group myResourceGroup                                       
+ Creating resource group myResourceGroup                                      
info:    Created resource group myResourceGroup
data:    Id:                  /subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/myResourceGroup
data:    Name:                myResourceGroup
data:    Location:            westus
data:    Provisioning State:  Succeeded
data:    Tags: null
info:    group create command OK
  • Create a group deployment

azure group deployment create --template-uri myResourceGroup myDeployment

# azure group deployment create --template-uri myResourceGroup myDeployment
info:    Executing command group deployment create
info:    Supply values for the following parameters
storageAccountName: storageaccountname
blobContainerName: containername
availabilitySetName: myavset
numberOfInstances: 2
vmName: mythreatmanager
virtualNetworkName: myvnet
virtualNetworkResourceGroup: myvnetresourcegroup
virtualNicName: myvirtnic
publicNicName: mypubnic
subnetName: mysubnet
vmSize: Standard_A3
+ Initializing template configurations and parameters                          
+ Creating a deployment                                                        
info:    Created template deployment "myDeployment"
+ Waiting for deployment to complete                                           
data:    DeploymentName     : myDeployment
data:    ResourceGroupName  : myResourceGroup
data:    ProvisioningState  : Succeeded
data:    Timestamp          : 2016-03-01T18:44:41.7279061Z
data:    Mode               : Incremental
data:    Name                         Type          Value                                                              
data:    ---------------------------  ------------  -------------------------------------------------------------------
data:    storageAccountName                   String        storageaccountname                                                          
data:    blobContainerName                    String        containername                                                                
data:    availabilitySetName                  String        myavset                                                        
data:    numberOfInstances                    Int           2
data:    adminUsername                        String        alertlogic                                                         
data:    adminPassword                        SecureString  undefined                                                          
data:    vmName                               String        mythreatmanager                                                          
data:    virtualNetworkName                   String        myvnet                                                          
data:    virtualNetworkResourceGroup          String        myvnetresourcegroup
data:    virtualNicName                       String        myvirtnic                                                      
data:    publicNicName                        String        mypubnic                                                      
data:    subnetName                           String        mysubnet
data:    vmSize                               String        Standard_A3                                                        
info:    group deployment create command OK

Your new deployment should successfully create the 'myNewTMVM' VM

Additional information


Alert Logic Threat Manager for Azure

Deployment Parameters:

storageAccountName: (Storage account where the Threat Manager VM will be deployed)
blobContainerName: (Blob container to deploy Threat Manager)
availabilitySetName: (Name of new Threat Manager Availability Set)
numberOfInstances: (Number of Threat Manager instances to deploy)
vmName: (Name of the newly created virtual machine(s))
virtualNetworkName: (Name of existing Virtual Network)
virtualNetworkResourceGroup: (Name of the resource group containing your existing Virtual Network)
virtualNicName: (Unique name for Virtual Network Interface)
publicNicName: (Unique name for Public Network Interface)
subnetName: (Existing subnet within your selected virtual network. If you are creating a new Virtual Network, this name can be unique.)
vmSize: (Defaults to Standard_A3)