Description: CODE CHALLENGE updated for fullstack (more backend)
First part:
- Write a program to play rounds of Rock, Paper, Scissors (
- There will be 2 kinds of players, one should always choose randomly, the other should always choose rock.
- The program will be a web, using a java Rest API and a frontend view using javascript
- “Play Round” button that will play an automatic round
- Field showing the number of rounds played by that user so far.
- Table showing the rounds played, with 3 columns: what 1st player chose, what second chose, and the result of the round (that could be player 1 wins, player 2 wins or draw)
- There will be a button: “Restart game” that will set round count for that user to 0 and also clean the table.
- Many users accessing the url in their own browsers should be able to play the game independently, with their own counters and rounds info tables.
Second part:
- Add a second simple view with the next information:
- total rounds played
- total Wins for first players
- total Wins for second players
- total draws
- These totals should consider all the rounds of all the games played by all users. (even if we clicked in “Restart button”, these games should be considered as well)
- Don’t use database, just keep the information you need in memory.
Technical requirements:
- JVM 7 or higher
- Use a rest api built in Java, and u should use javascript for the front end (and any framework/library u like, as jquery, react..).
- The code should have high test coverage.
- The use of maven, git, java8, etc will be evaluable.
- Keep it simple - remember: we’re not looking for the perfect “correct” solution, but a basis for discussion and development.
- Approach: ideally “test-driven”
Please use local git (initially a “git init” in the project directory), so that we see a little of your working methods.
We look forward to seeing your solution!