I will fill out the template once it is created for ODC-lite
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Proposed By
Assigned to Release: None
- this is standalone companion software outside of core.
This proposal is for a simple odc-lite repository
Under Discussion
--> In Progress
ODC has tremendous application potential.
However; ODC is difficult to install and has a huge dependency tree. Xarray concepts and jupyter notebooks may be foreign to most new ODC onlookers.
This package makes it so simple even a cave-man can run an ODC-lite ODC like notebook. Then once hooked more sophisticated applications can be acheived by using ODC.
This will be a separate repo - its documented here to fit into the bigger picture of ODC sponsored events and as part of the training package - titled "A gentle introduction to Open Data Cube; Your Data on Display"
- Andrew Cherry (Chair)
- Alex Leith (FrontierSI)
- David Gavin (GA)
- Damien Ayers (GA)
- Luigi Di Fraia (Catapult)
- Peter Wang (Data61)
- Syed Rizvi (AMA)
- Randall Sunne (USGS): +1
- Tony Butzer (USGS): +1
- George Dyke (Symbios)